Preserved Sheet Noel Levarie

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Queen of Sharks
Jun 23, 2016
Reaction score
Sacramento, California.
Basic Information

  • Full Name: Noel Michelle Levarie

  • Age: 33

  • Gender: Female

  • Race: Ailor- Ithanian - Citoye

  • Main Ambition: Stable wealth for the family name, and happiness for her family.

Visual Information

  • Eye Color: Baby Blue

  • Hair Color: Honey Blonde

  • Hair Style: Long wavy hair going to her waist. The hair getting more wavy the further down. A piece of her hair is tied up and braided to fall onto her back. The front section of the hair tied and laid on the right of her center.

  • Skin Color: Slightly tan

  • Clothing: A long Green gown with Black accents. She also wears a pair of black glasses on her face. Noel typically wears boots that raise about halfway up her thigh and has a dagger concealed in her boot, the hilt showing if she was to raise her gown up enough.

  • Height: 5 feet, 10 inches.

  • Weight: 145 lbs.
  • Body Build: Average.

  • Weapon of Choice: A 6 inch dagger.

Personality and Abilities

Personality Traits

  • Family orientated (+)
When it comes to Noel, family always comes first. Being the oldest sibling Noel has learned to grow close to her family, and has learned that one of the most important things in life is always having family by your side. When it comes down to it, if she had to chose between a high ranking official or her family, she'd always choose her family because to Noel family is the only truly important thing in life, and the only thing worth protecting. This makes Noel loved among her family, and they enjoy having her around for this reason.

  • Just (+)
No matter what the situation, or who it involves Noel believes everyone should be treated equally, fairly, and just. Whether it's an outsider like a Klein trying to kill a first class being an Altalar, Noel feels the Klein should be held at the same level as the first class in punishment, and in the judicial system, as there is no true reason to differentiate the two of them. This makes Noelle likable, due to most classes favoring her as she's all about equality, and just punishments.

  • Responsible (+)
As head of the family, the eldest family member, and being the older sister of three sisters. Noel has learned to be responsible, as she's spent significant amount of her life taking care of the younger members of the family, this includes but of course is not limited to cooking, cleaning, settling arguments, ETC. This makes her a desired person to be around from both her family, and other people. She's liked because she's so responsible, often meaning the surrounding people can slack off, which they usually enjoy.

  • Greedy (-)
Greed, one of the main problems with Noel is her copious amount of greed. A good majority of Noel's mind is centered on the simple idea of self profit and Regals. Noel usually stores her Regals in different locations within her living quarters, wishing to keep the prized treasure of coins hidden from the sight of others. The money is then stored for long increments of time, by which are sisters casually ask for said money. Commonly, Noel doesn't agree with the stance of having her money be borrowed and denies the option to them. The issue then arises even worse when her money is taken with her knowledge, then resulting in bickering and arguing due to the lost money over even the most trivial of problems.

  • Self-preservative (-)
When it's anything from a battle, to an argument Noel is always about self preservation. Always making sure that she makes it out of a situation, she's likely to sacrifice friends to ensure her own continuation with life as she knows it. Though the only exception is when with her family, but even that is a risk, as in extreme cases she'd likely leave them, saving herself. This often makes her an undesired travel companion, as the person with her constantly needs to be careful in dire situations, as Noel would be willing to even impair the person with her if it's in the means to save herself.

  • Bossy (-)
As the oldest sibling throughout most of her life and now as the recent head of the family, it is no doubt that Noel can become rather bossy. If she wants something done, she will order it to be taken care of without hesitation. This can cause her to end up coming off as rather rude, as when she thinks she is right about something without a doubt in her mind, Noel doesn't mind trampling over a sensitive feeling or opinion to direct what she feels must be done. Although, unmet demands can lead to frustration, yet she will deal with it calmly, with at least some aggression, if her demands are not met. Yet of course, at the end of the day she just wants what she deems as best.


Strengths and Weaknesses.


  • Medical Knowledge
One thing that Noel has always prided herself with, and gives her the upper hand with her mind set of self-preservation is her impressive skill with medicine, being knowledgeable in treatment and nurturing of others and herself, more specifically herbal remedies. This gives Noel the upper hand, as she's in a position to tend to her more minor wounds she receives in a fight, or just everyday life including, falling and scraping her knee. She's also in a position to assist her family if they're injured, and it helps quite a bit with her family's trade.

  • Diplomatic
As the head of her family, Noel's learned to become extremely diplomatic when it comes to issues. Being able to solve most confrontations with mere words, this certain skill of hers proves to be efficient when she's trying to avoid both physical acts of aggression, also it's useful for ending arguments with much ease. Additionally, as head of her family it's her job to represent her family's image, this being maintained at a professional level, due to this skill set.

  • Determined
Oh, Noel, how determined you are. No matter what it is, whether it's a meaningless task like folding laundry, or as intense as fighting in a war, Noel never gives up, always determined to finish everything she's started, that's exactly what she does. Though she isn't the best built for persistence this doesn't stop her, no matter what obstacles and challenges stand in her way she will never give up, until the task is completed.


  • Physically Inferior
Compared to most people, Noel is rather frail. As both a female noble, meaning she hasn't had much experience with fighting, or even getting her hands dirty. Being only educated from her own instructor about Regalia, finance, and business, the small muscle mass she did have has deteriorated, leaving her rather defenseless. Besides the small dagger that she carries, which in all honesty, she doesn't even know how to use. This weakness is rather troublesome as a noble, since she is sometimes a victim to muggings, in which she is unable to defend herself.

  • Lessened Vision
This weakness of Noel's is most certainly the one that is the biggest issue in her everyday life. Her lessened vision requires her to wear glasses in near every aspect of her life. As without her glasses on her, she is near blind, only being able to see just a few feet in front of her without them, this becomes a big problem when working, as without her glasses she likely wouldn't even be in a position to read the documentation required of her to fill out.

  • Over Analytic
Noel's biggest mental weakness must be how obsessive she is when it comes to analyzing and breaking down situations. Always feeling the need to overthink things, and constantly urging to think about how every little situation, or change in her life will affect her future, and her family's life. This is a problem in everyday situations as she tends to draw things out, and overwork herself with thoughts.



  • Renesmee Levarie @Heaven_of_ash - The first born sister of Noel, the two of them grew a rather strong bond from the teachings that transpired between them. They shared letters going to and fro during Renesmee time at Military school along with being with her along with the rest of the family over the passing of their father and grandfather along with the rest of the sisters and family.

  • Valentina Jade Levarie @JellyTwinOne - The second born sister of Noel, though they don't share the similar connection as with her sister, Renesmee. Noel gave the same teachings to Valentina as with the rest of the sisters. Noel tries to be there for Valentina for any event, whether it's conflicts with Valentina's friends or familial disputes which would commonly be a result of Claire.

  • Claire Marietta Levarie @skullpanda90 - The youngest sister of Noel, however that the two are close due to the familial bond this doesn't eliminate some issues resulting with the two. Noel and Claire tend to clash on certain issues upon their views on manners and behavioral aspects resulting in some ugly arguments and fights within them. Though the two still love each other they share moments that they'd share a dislike for one another.

  • Laurence Vinelle @The_DarkKnight_ - Close Cousin of the family. Laurence and Noel held a unique relationship of chatting about family and life events. Although the chats was split almost evenly with the rest of the sisters, Laurence kept a strong tie within the family on top of this.

  • Alain Aloys @Spooky_Evan - Primary Guard for Noel along with the Levarie family. Noel being a person nearly incapable of fighting, she hired a guard for the family, but more importantly for her own well being. Although, Noel is trying to continue being social with the servants and workers about different conflicts along with events. Noel doesn't deeply know anything about Alain, expect for a few of his quirks as well as his ideas of combat upon acceptance of him into the household.

  • Dwight Pendav @UrnackOfIrtath - Old friend of Noel, although the two knew of one another at a rather young age, due to their status of nobility, the two didn't begin socializing with one another till later in their lives. However, the two began to handle their familial situations which resulted in another insufficient amount of communication. The two chatted and continued to communicate until Noel dropped off to handle and attempt to balance the issue within the family's finance.

Life Story

Child - Noel Levarie was born a healthy child to a rich family, and grew up well treated with luxuries. Noel was mostly raised by her grandparents, as her mother and father were typically occupied with the family business. Therefore, Noel grew up with a rather traditional, olden way of thinking as it was passed down from her elders. When she came of age, the family hired a private tutor for her to be educated on finances and business like her father, Marthis. The reasoning was because she was a potential heir of the family name due to Noel's mom not sharing the same pride as the previous leaders of the Levarie name. This is also when she developed the need for glasses, as she was interested in learning, and would read books after midnight in the dark, giving her faulty eyesight over time. Then, a time came along when Renesmee was born into the family, and suddenly she felt a feeling she wasn't accustomed to… siblings.

Teen - No longer being the only child to the family this made Noel feel unusual, but oddly enough, she took to it with ease. As Renesmee grew, Noel would be the one looking after her sibling; from making sure she was dressed to feeding her, and Noel was happy to take charge. As Noel got older she quickly grew a natural sense of leadership, and additionally became attached to her younger sister. Noel also began to take it upon herself to help educate Renesmee about different topics, she began to take pieces of knowledge from her instructors lectures and recited them to Renesmee before she was of age to properly be taught by a mentor. As time went by once again, her mother and father was to have another child, which after nine months turned out to be another girl, going by the name of Valentina. Following another couple of months, her mother once again got pregnant and had their last child, Claire.

Early Adulthood - The family rejoiced as another healthy family member was brought into the world, and Noel was even more excited to help raise the youthful sister as she did with Renesme. This was then followed by the birth of another sister, which rose her excitement even more than before. Noel then tried to balance her teachings of her sisters along with the communication with the local noble family, the Pendav family. During this time she talked with Dwight Pendav about the ideas of combining their trade along for more income for the two of them, while communicating about their daily struggles of life. Although, these good times didn't last for long as the family took a financial hit, and lead their finances into a depression. Upon these times they even had to resort to selling their things to stay afloat, and hit rather harsh times. These were also the hardest times for Noel, and the urge to look after her sister's fully kicked in. She became hard headed, and determined to not let anything bad happen to them, or even negative feelings cross their minds, and would selflessly act for them, even sell her items before any of her siblings would have to do so before her. This sometimes made her try to take valuable items from others in attempt to keep a stable supply of food for them and little treats if needed. Noel, her sisters, their mother, and the rest of the family strengthened through this, still they tried their best to focus on the insufficient amount of income. That is until their beloved father, Marthis Levarie, took ill to a disease. Although the family could afford the highly expensive cure, they found they'd lose all of the treasures they owned. The sisters decided for the illness to slowly take him and spend time together with their father till eventually he'd pass away. However, this took a great toll on Sabine due to her slowly watching the man she loved die by sickness. Then, upon his death, Noel was placed as the head of the family due to her mother no longer wishing to run the family name. Whilst she was stressed to receive the position, she stayed strong, and took to it like she was raised to do.

Late Adult to Now - After the issue with one of her family members health and the drop in their profits. Noel was now in charge with fixing the issue herself due to her mother's now shattered well being due to the tragedy caused by them. Noel had the thought of expanding the brand from Ithania to Regalia, due to the circumstances and different issues she explained to the family they finally agreed. The plan was to expand the families trade to a larger location to reduce the probability of another crash in income. Noel was put in a large amount of stress in this time, and ended up becoming rather greedy, stressing to not let another crash happen again as the idea seemed to work, and the family had all agreed. And in turn, they went to Regalia after talks with the family along with bringing a sum of their saved money to get started. Realizing the benefits of nobility, she tried making the family become known and well received to reach the title and wealth they desired.

Thank you for reading! ^-^
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@Cirenety Review complete!
  • I'm curious. How does he "Just" Personality Trait conflict with her greed? Does she have any moral regrets or second thoughts about stealing Regals? Or anything similar, really.
Aside from the points above, I cannot find any further lore inconsistencies or other mistakes. Please highlight your changes in blue, and tag me in a reply when you're finished. Pending.
@Cirenety Review complete!
  • I'm curious. How does he "Just" Personality Trait conflict with her greed? Does she have any moral regrets or second thoughts about stealing Regals? Or anything similar, really.
Aside from the points above, I cannot find any further lore inconsistencies or other mistakes. Please highlight your changes in blue, and tag me in a reply when you're finished. Pending.
Alright! I changed the writing in the Greedy portion @TyrolleanEagle. It should hopefully no longer clash with the Just personality trait.