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Noble Assembly Voting Proclamation 14th January 306ac




From the desk of the Secretary of the Noble Assembly, Rodderick Howlester, the following occured as a result of the voting procedure on the 13th of January, 306 AC presided over by Consuls Dietrich Drache and Hengest Harhold. It should be noted that the total voting power numbered 82 with a grand Quorum of 42. The Secretary of the Noble Assembly also wishes to offer cordial and due thanks to Lord Jared Kade for fulfilling the secretarial duty in the appointed Secretary's absence.
1. Christopher Black proposed that the Open Ocean Merchant Guild gain the right to legally impose tariffs on trade routes established overseen and or maintained by the guild and also, that the Open Ocean Merchant Guild's mooring and departure rights are restored. This motion was passed by quorum. The following families saw fit to vote in favor.
  • Palace Regent, Jared Kade - 6 votes
  • House d'Vaud - 2 votes
  • House Howlester - 4 votes
  • Merchant Lobby - 10 votes
  • The Western League Party - 15 votes
  • House Wodenstaff - 8 votes
  • House Von Duerr - 3 votes.
  • House Reinard - 1 vote
  • House d'Ortonnaise - 5 votes
  • House Peirgarten - 2 votes
  • House Haagenvig - 1 vote
  • House Norwood - 1 vote
2. Hamelin d'Vaud proposed an increase in funding for the Alchemia Order. This proposal was vetoed by Drache Consular Vote. It was also noted that his Imperial Holiness was displeased with General d'Vaud's handling of confidential information during the Assembly debate.
3. Jared Kade proposed that the Chevalier Order be dissolved. This motion was defeated and changed by Imperial Decree at the hands of our gracious Emperor and instead altered so that the Order of Regalian Chevaliers will hence forth adopt the Emperor's Code of Chivalry in the handling of their affairs. It should also be noted that there was a great out pour of votes in favor of stripping the order of their charter rights before the Emperor's involvement.
4. Benedictus d'Vaud proposed the abolition and replacement of the Grand Commissioner office and position. This motion was vetoed by Imperial Decree from his Imperial Holiness, who went on to add in his divine wisdom that the assembly should 'Fight the Dragon, you upkicked skirt sniffers'.
5. Consul Dietrich Drache proposed that the baronies currently without rulers be given to Dragenthal regents. This Motion was changed and passed by Authority of his Imperial Holiness to instead grant Viscounty Lands to loyal, red-blooded servants of the great way. One such individual is the now titled Viscount Wulfram Kehlen.

The rulings of this proclamation hereby take the full effect of State Law
Officiated by the Offices of Consuls Harhold and Drache
