No Sorrow



It was late, darkness swept over the cyan coated estate that night. The windows on the second floor only Illuminated by a crackling fire. A dark figure leaned against the mantle of the fireplace, a piece of paper in hand. A grim line formed the debating womans mouth, her instincts begging with her mind. Her fingers bent at the corner of the page as her foot tapped the same motion onto her estates floor. She prepared herself as she gave a brief flushed out breath and a tight squeeze of her dull blue eyes. Her thinly lined lines opened in a call for a servant, the lasting one rushing up the stairs to her mistresses calls. The echoing of the foot steps made the calm woman into a nervous tick of her foot, and increasing pace of the tapping. The servant arrived and stopped with a short nod of her head to the owner of the estate. Avynn held a pained face as she shared the news of the thing she had been spending the last few weeks thinking of.
"He is dead…"
Her gaze drifted down to the paper that she had at hand, one could see it was a scribbled letter. The servants face filled with one of sympathy and despair, she stepped forward to comfort the young woman, who waved her away. She didn't need the comfort of her.
"Spread the word. Tell them he is dead and has left me..It was..It was a military incident..that is what they say..I'm traveling to the North for the funeral..Go..tell them."
The servant turned and darted off with her orders, swift on her feet to spread the news of the death of the North woman's husband. The woman who remained turned her now once more normal and un-sorrowful gaze to the fire. She threw the letter into the fire, burning up the lie she had only created as a cover. Her hand then in turn placed itself onto her stomach. Her eyes remained on the burning embers of the fire as it ate away at the letter. She gathered up her wits removing her other hand from the mantle to run through her blonde hair.
"I guess females can be as much deceivers as males can be.".
Her eyes drifted away once more looking to the fire, the letter fully gone now. The hand on her stomach drifting to clasp onto her other hand. They both fell in front of her as she just watch the fire burn. She didn't mourn the death of what did not exist. There was no sorrow for the woman tonight. Only the plans for Tomorrow.


OOC Notes:
  • Avynn's "Husband" Is dead
  • Avynn has gone to Opper Calem to be with her grandparents for the "Funeral"
  • Avynn is pregnant for those who missed the indication


It was late, darkness swept over the cyan coated estate that night. The windows on the second floor only Illuminated by a crackling fire. A dark figure leaned against the mantle of the fireplace, a piece of paper in hand. A grim line formed the debating womans mouth, her instincts begging with her mind. Her fingers bent at the corner of the page as her foot tapped the same motion onto her estates floor. She prepared herself as she gave a brief flushed out breath and a tight squeeze of her dull blue eyes. Her thinly lined lines opened in a call for a servant, the lasting one rushing up the stairs to her mistresses calls. The echoing of the foot steps made the calm woman into a nervous tick of her foot, and increasing pace of the tapping. The servant arrived and stopped with a short nod of her head to the owner of the estate. Avynn held a pained face as she shared the news of the thing she had been spending the last few weeks thinking of.
"He is dead…"
Her gaze drifted down to the paper that she had at hand, one could see it was a scribbled letter. The servants face filled with one of sympathy and despair, she stepped forward to comfort the young woman, who waved her away. She didn't need the comfort of her.
"Spread the word. Tell them he is dead and has left me..It was..It was a military incident..that is what they say..I'm traveling to the North for the funeral..Go..tell them."
The servant turned and darted off with her orders, swift on her feet to spread the news of the death of the North woman's husband. The woman who remained turned her now once more normal and un-sorrowful gaze to the fire. She threw the letter into the fire, burning up the lie she had only created as a cover. Her hand then in turn placed itself onto her stomach. Her eyes remained on the burning embers of the fire as it ate away at the letter. She gathered up her wits removing her other hand from the mantle to run through her blonde hair.
"I guess females can be as much deceivers as males can be.".
Her eyes drifted away once more looking to the fire, the letter fully gone now. The hand on her stomach drifting to clasp onto her other hand. They both fell in front of her as she just watch the fire burn. She didn't mourn the death of what did not exist. There was no sorrow for the woman tonight. Only the plans for Tomorrow.


OOC Notes:
  • Avynn's "Husband" Is dead
  • Avynn has gone to Opper Calem to be with her grandparents for the "Funeral"
  • Avynn is pregnant for those who missed the indication