Archived No-ooc Rule In Regalia

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Governor of Altorai
Jul 27, 2017
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Regalia is a strict roleplay environment, thus strict roleplay is to occur there.

As a roleplay hub, I believe it is in this niche's best interest to introduce a No-OOC Rule in Regalia to simulate not just realism but a better vibe. Currently whenever I head to Regalia I notice a handfull of people wearing the OOC tag in their nickname.

I think a lot of roleplayers would feel less anxious to approaching others if this tag was simply abolished. This rule goes for the streets and all roleplay areas in Regalia, barring houses and whatnot. I believe people should be allowed to be OOC only their homes or for personal purpose.

What do you guys think about this?
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While I don't totally agree that oocness should be barred totally, I do think rules for ic / ooc etiquette should be strictly established and enforced. It gets irritating when people spam announce ooc shenanigains, scream ooc messages, or meme and troll about in areas people are IC.
For a second I thought you meant get rid of OOC chat, phew that wouldn't have been good. Though I do agree that people that are OOC should try and at least stay out of the way.
I wouldn't say Regalia itself is a strict roleplay zone, but the memeing and all of the other annoying messages do need to be reduced. If not, I would at least do something around hotspots like the Tavern or slums. I would not however reduce it so much that OOC chat is for homes and rule enforcement only.
I would not however reduce it so much that OOC chat is for homes and rule enforcement only.
I think you're a little confused, I do not mean the OOC chats itself, but I mean the actual STATUS of being OOC and IC, but this could transcend to incessant OOC banter around an actual RP zone.
There are certain areas that are deemed strict IC zones around Regalia, such as:
  • Every charter building
  • The Imperial Palace
  • Events
  • other Government Buildings
There is also a standard "less OOC chat in large groups" rule in place.

There's no point to force people to be IC if they just want to look around. Nobody complains when Batman walks into the tavern with his robot creeper buddy. They're looking around to see if the RP world is their type of fit. If they start to RP incompliantly then I would hope the players can help them out instead of ignoring them. That, and sometime people just want to be OOC or AFK for a bit, so they put a tag in their nick to tell people that they won't respond.

I feel that just standing on the side OOC is perfectly fine, but don't go afk and then dance on top of tavern chairs. There's good places to afk and be ooc, and then there's RP disruption.
I simply feel as if Regalia currently has too much OOC and less of IC activity to serve it's current purpose.
to be fair, outlawing ooc in regalia isn't going to increase ic activity, else the people ooc would already be ic. this would be more out of sight out of mind if anything, which I think is more of a personal problem.
I think being able to move around OOC is completely fine, no one wants to be IC for as long as they're in spawn - as someone who has had low roleplay motivation for weeks I'd just end up being uncomfortable if I'm unable to move around further then my regalian house, personally. I don't think many people even mind people being ooc - unless they're disrupting roleplay, which I assume looks like the only exception.

Edit: What I'm getting at here is that there is no need to change how people should be OOC.
I would agree with these comments, thus deviating from my intial post I think that enforcement of more strict-RP would be better than a full-out outlawing of OOC. I agree with @FireFan96 , people should know where to be OOC and where not to be, it must be irritable for a roleplayer having to watch someone completely OOC jump around an rp hub that they frequent or are rping in as of present.