Archived No More Noob Vampires

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Rip Shoul

The lowly sociopath.
Nov 3, 2013
Reaction score
The second fattest country in the world.
As commonly known and often yelled in the streets of Regalia, the vampire "race" is filled with noobs. You can often see in the trade/help channels people looking for a vampire willing to infect them. I think that the RP on the server would be of a higher quality if becoming a vamp was a lot harder. Maybe even separating vampires created by a Dark Altar and vampires created by infection. There would also be different levels of vamps depending on how they were created, how much blood they drink, and a new skill area. Also, I know many people think that vamps should not have increased pvp, but think about this. What if vampires were to have larger strength buffs with the more blood they drink? Bloodlust is down and it might not come back, so why not add to the flavor of vamps by making them more like they are in myths?

Here is the list of my suggested changes:
  • Different abilities for Dark Altar vamps and infected vamps
  • Increased strength buffs for Altar vamps when they drink lots of blood
  • Automatic bounty on all who publicly ask to become a vamp
  • A more debilitating form of the Dark Disease
  • A new skill area for blood drinkers

Btw: I know a lot of people hate when others try to change the vamp "race". In this case, please read this without being biased and take into account how this could improve the server (think of it, no more noob vamps running around Regalia getting burned in the sun. We would make it a ton more flavorful)
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The thing with the automatic bounty would be OOC if they ask in General. Local, sure. I was thinking about making it harder to become vampire. Such as having a 25% chance of becoming a vampire if you drink a vampire's blood instead of 100%.
I agree, but they are planning to do away with the MCMMO plugin thingy and making an all new one that has a "skill tree" where you chose your own abilities. I'm pretty sure that this will happen in the next 6? months so......
I agree, but they are planning to do away with the MCMMO plugin thingy and making an all new one that has a "skill tree" where you chose your own abilities. I'm pretty sure that this will happen in the next 6? months so......
I am pretty sure it was Races being replaced, not Mcmmo.
While I completely agree with the underlying concept of your suggestion in my personal opinion I feel that some of your suggestions wouldn't necessarily work out to the intended potential, having better bonuses from a dark altar might be a good idea as the database wipe unfortunately makes any hope of older vamps being stronger a little futile, unfortunately it cold clash with the lore as obviously people infected by an Upyr or very old vampire would likely be stronger than if they did it by altar.
Bounties seem like a good idea if some idjit asks to be made a vamp ic, ooc would be blatant metagaming. Personally I would rather that it be seen to that vamps who become known or a are bad at RP are hunted down by the better vamps. Not only because I want to say, "You have been tried in the eyes of the Banshee and found wanting." but also because any half decent vamp roleplayer hates nothing more than the bad rep formed by the noobs.
What about transgressing stages of vampirism too? Sort of like making someone wait to change their race, you could have them slowly change into full blown vampires. First they'd gain all the disadvantages (To help discourage the nubs) and then a few days later they'd start gaining their abilities one by one...
What about transgressing stages of vampirism too? Sort of like making someone wait to change their race, you could have them slowly change into full blown vampires. First they'd gain all the disadvantages (To help discourage the nubs) and then a few days later they'd start gaining their abilities one by one...

I like that idea
Could you explain a little more on what you mean when you say a more debilitating type of the dark disease? That's got my interest, and now I'm thinking about botched infection attempts... there could be a very small chance of an alert popping up and telling you that you only get some of the advantages.
Could you explain a little more on what you mean when you say a more debilitating type of the dark disease? That's got my interest, and now I'm thinking about botched infection attempts... there could be a very small chance of an alert popping up and telling you that you only get some of the advantages.

I don't have it completely thought out yet but here are some ideas
  • Serious slowness
  • Returning blindness (like when a vamp burns)
  • Varying levels of poison (some people would die from it and others would just lose some life)
  • If they die from the poison, they don't become a vamp
  • A slow incorporation of a vamp's abilities (As given above by several members)
  • Mining weakness (Sorry I forgot the actual term)
So yeah, here are some ideas (please feel free to suggest other abilities and limitations)
I dont see how any of these ideas will improve vampire RP, the auto bounty maybe but that is far from possible .
I dont see how any of these ideas will improve vampire RP, the auto bounty maybe but that is far from possible .

How this will improve vamp Rp, let me count the ways
  1. Increased vamp lore (because right now vamps basically burn in the sun, jump high, and see in the dark)
  2. A greater sense of noble pride in Altar created vamps
  3. Far less amounts of powerful vamps, and so a greater feeling of uniqueness and disgust towards vamps
  4. Less noob vamps, therefore more experienced RPers
How this will improve vamp Rp, let me count the ways
  1. Increased vamp lore (because right now vamps basically burn in the sun, jump high, and see in the dark)
  2. A greater sense of noble pride in Altar created vamps
  3. Far less amounts of powerful vamps, and so a greater feeling of uniqueness and disgust towards vamps
  4. Less noob vamps, therefore more experienced RPers
If you think thats all there is to vampire lore then you deffinately need to do more research.
Hell alot of experianced RPrs do RP the dark alter vampires as "better"
TechPac He never said what the actual lore is, this is only ideas on how to weed out the 'less devoted' vampires. Particularly the ones who wear headphones. And sparkle.
May i just point out that i have NEVER seen a sparkling vampire on this server. Ever.

I hope, for all our sake, that this never happens. Never. We don't need sparkling glitter fairies.

On topic now, I'm not fully sure if this is a good idea, or a bad one. So, I'll stay in the median for now...
How this will improve vamp Rp, let me count the ways
  1. Increased vamp lore (because right now vamps basically burn in the sun, jump high, and see in the dark)
You asked what you said what the lore is. So this is what you said. And to point out, making vampirism harder to obtain dosnt make those who RP as them better. Yes it might add more RP opertunities but that dosnt mean thoae same "noobs" will abide by the lore and rules.
I think this is a good idea. To be honest I'm sick of all the people publicly asking to be turned. x
Me, and my faction currently hunt evil vampire factions that give their existance away. We will continue working to drive them back into the shadows where they belong.
Me, and my faction currently hunt evil vampire factions that give their existance away. We will continue working to drive them back into the shadows where they belong.
I would, but I am always looking at the RP of it, but if you ever need help with that just call me. <3
May i just point out that i have NEVER seen a sparkling vampire on this server. Ever.

I've seen plenty of "sparklers" with the MPM plugin. They are all over the tavern, often times wearing spider or horse bodies with wings. How could you have missed them?
I support this, mainly because its hard to treat vampirism as a mysterious and dark disease when the guy next to you in Regalia is spamming "SELLING VAMPIRISM! ONLY 30 SILVER!"
im +- agree with this post.
but it is unfair old vamp players have more power and habilites than the newbies.Vamps are selectable race like others.Its true this needs more secrecy for role play and they are too many vamps.
I have only one suggestion,the dark disease have % of fail and kill the sick human,failing in the process(even making him a zombie/undead and need wait 3 days to be human again and try).Making the dark altar the 100% of chance of be vamp.
I gues I never gave my over all opinion on this suggestion. I like it, however I dislike it.

Ok, vampires becoming stronger with each amount of blood they drink, thus making older vampires stronger is a really good idea, however...that does imply that there is some dark magical force that is dependent on blood thus giving vampires magical abilities, this server does not have that in the lore, vampirism is just a blood disease and while it does improve people's bodies, it only pushes them to the farthest heights of humanity, sort of like a constant adrenaline rush, its not the vampirism itself that is causing these abilities, just allows mankind to push into its farthest physical capacity. So increased vampirism abilities by drinking more blood does not make sense with the lore.

Automatic that wouldnt really make sense nor would it be possible. While I like the idea of black listing players who sell vampirism in trade chat and global, its an OOC chat, therefor cant be held against a player. So limiting it only to local chat? So a vampire cannot hold secret meeting with other vampires or trusted friends?
Here is an example.

Man in the local tavern: "Im a vampire!"

Man alone in house with a close friend or a vampire: "Im a vampire"

Man being sarcastic towards vampire accusations: "Im a vampire!"
They would all get the same wanted list.

My point is, there is no way for a pluggin to work into RP or sarcasm, suggesting that it just alerts someone whenever somebody says it would only make it harder for the vampires that actually hide it to do so.

Now then, the suggestion for a more debilitating disease part, that part I actually agree with strongly, however it would feel pointless unless they added other diseases in the server as well.

The Dark Alter vampires considered to be higher than others, well, as i said before, alot of vampires do in fact RP that way, but there is more to vampire society than that, for example my faction takes into who turned non-alter vampires, or even the fact that if Luthien infected someone, her being an Upyr, that would make anyone she turned have Upyr Blood as well, thus making them higher than any Dark Alter vampire.
I do agree with the part about the more diseases on the server aspect of your post along with a few others, when I see someone on MassiveCraft RPing with the dark disease, people just say "You're a vampire! OMFG!" it's like they've never heard of any other diseases, they're meta-gaming the fact they know OOC that there is only 1 disease; the dark disease. However, if the server implemented something that links with the cold thing I've heard about occasionally, I think that the common cold would be a pretty nice extension, as well as more fatal diseases, depending on your lifestyle, so it'd nullify people subconsciously meta-gaming about infection and not being able to brand it as an illness.
im +- agree with this post.
but it is unfair old vamp players have more power and habilites than the newbies.Vamps are selectable race like others.Its true this needs more secrecy for role play and they are too many vamps.
I have only one suggestion,the dark disease have % of fail and kill the sick human,failing in the process(even making him a zombie/undead and need wait 3 days to be human again and try).Making the dark altar the 100% of chance of be vamp.

Fairness is what attracts so many noobs in the first place. This way, you would have to "stick with it" to truly use a vamps full powers
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