Archived No More Destroyed Crops!

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Holy Emperor of Belgistan
Feb 12, 2013
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Hey people,
I've seen it and I don't like it. Mobs that jump up and down on my corps and eventually trample it. This is very annoying, because I always need to check the mini farms infront of my faction their houses to make it farm ready again and replant the wheat on it. This is especially a problem with the mass amount of mobs that MassiveMobs brings with it. So my suggestion is, add a plugin which makes it impossible for mobs, animals and maybe players to trample crops. I've seen such plugins before so I don't think you'll have to make one. This could help people with farms veeery much.
Please tell me what you guys think about it and share your opinion.

-Greetings, Theboomyfly.
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It's called notrample I'm pretty sure
It ruins the basic ness of massive if we start making it easier it won't be fun
It is not RP reliant at all, and it would destroy as Brycea sed the basics of minecraft.
There's something magical called a fence. Use that around your crop, and animals won't be able to trample your crops. :)
There's something magical called a fence. Use that around your crop, and animals won't be able to trample your crops. :)
-facepalm- Oh yeah? is that so?
Well, say you decide to run a farm town, with acres and acres of farms. You're not going to claim it all surely, so at night, and even at day, you have pests (mobs, Passive and Hostile) spawn into there, tramping all over those hilly lands.
Will a fence stop them?
-facepalm- Oh yeah? is that so?
Well, say you decide to run a farm town, with acres and acres of farms. You're not going to claim it all surely, so at night, and even at day, you have pests (mobs, Passive and Hostile) spawn into there, tramping all over those hilly lands.
Will a fence stop them?
Torches on dem fences yo mobs can't handle all of the light
I support this! I built a small farming town, complete with full claims on all the farms and a low wall (1 block and a slab) to keep mobs out. Despite this, passive mobs spawn EVERYWHERE so my farms were/are ruined continually to the point I stopped bothering to replant them - they've probably become grass by now.
I think this would be a good idea if its easy enough to implement

Another idea somewhat related that i've had for a while is that enemied raiding parties should be able to destroy crops inside claimed land.
I don't really see how this ruins the basics of minecraft,or make things easier..if anything it makes farms more in tune with role play-large factions having masses of farms outside their city,as you would expect In Real life.
In my opinion,it's a good idea. If implemented,expect to see masses of farms around my town!
-facepalm- Oh yeah? is that so?
Well, say you decide to run a farm town, with acres and acres of farms. You're not going to claim it all surely, so at night, and even at day, you have pests (mobs, Passive and Hostile) spawn into there, tramping all over those hilly lands.
Will a fence stop them?

If you're dedicated to your farm, then yes. Torches also help preventing hostile mobs from tramping over your farm.
Or you could, you know, build your serious farm underground. And the ones that are there just for looks you could build on the surface. And unless you wanted to try industrial age styled farms (which aren't lore compliant), I would also suggest keeping your crop areas above ground small and manageable.
Torches on dem fences yo mobs can't handle all of the light
This would require me to have fences every like like 5-10 blocks.

Or you could, you know, build your serious farm underground. And the ones that are there just for looks you could build on the surface. And unless you wanted to try industrial age styled farms (which aren't lore compliant), I would also suggest keeping your crop areas above ground small and manageable.
This doesn't solve anything, mobs still will destroy the "decoration".
If you're dedicated to your farm, then yes. Torches also help preventing hostile mobs from tramping over your farm.
This would ruin the effect of decoration, wouldn't it?

I think what he's proposing is quite sensible and only takes little adjustment. I mean, can you really complain whether the "tramping" effect is on or off? What does it matter to you guys?
It ruins the basic ness of massive if we start making it easier it won't be fun
Maybe, maybe not. But then, what about custom recipes? It also makes things much easier, does it ruin the basicness of MassiveCraft too?

There's something magical called a fence. Use that around your crop, and animals won't be able to trample your crops. :)
What about spiders? They climb up the fences. My small farms have fences, but it are the spiders who climb up it and destroy it. So fences will never work at this point.

Torches on dem fences yo mobs can't handle all of the light
I have put light all around my farms, but it doesn't work. You know why? Because all the mobs spawn in the areas around the farms, take it for a walk, find my farms and think 'Let's grief it!'.

Here is a good rule: if you can't claim it, don't build it.
True, but that could slow down a lot of factions. Some factions don't have power to claim more, but they don't have free houses anymore, then they have to build it in the wilderness.

I support this! I built a small farming town, complete with full claims on all the farms and a low wall (1 block and a slab) to keep mobs out. Despite this, passive mobs spawn EVERYWHERE so my farms were/are ruined continually to the point I stopped bothering to replant them - they've probably become grass by now.
Yes indeed, I saw that the farms in the capitel of Fendarfell were messed up because of the cows spawning in there. This is very annoying, indeed.

Could always try indoor farms??
Sorry, but those are in my opinion just ugly and not lore compatible at al. Like, think about it, did they had in the medieval times farms inside a house, which you could automaticly harvest by pulling a lever? I don't think so.

I think that I've answered all that I had to answer.

-Greetings, Theboomyfly.
How about what someone else suggested, have an ugly one beneath, and a one for pretty whatever on the top. Ye.
And it honestly won't be that bad, unless you have acres and acres of farms, I suppose. Otherwise, just use fences since apparently spiders can't trample farms anymore.
And it honestly won't be that bad, unless you have acres and acres of farms, I suppose. Otherwise, just use fences since apparently spiders can't trample farms anymore.
I believe I am with Teddie, just make sure the farm area has some sort of light to decrease the chances of zombies/spiders/skeletons ect spawning.
Its logical, you walk on crops and they get trampled... thats how it works and it should simply stay that way.
Its logical, you walk on crops and they get trampled... thats how it works and it should simply stay that way.

I stand next to his opinion. This keeps things realistic in terms of farming and the threats against it. I love hunting wildlife that threatens to ruin my crops!
Since this topic hasn't ended yet, let me just point out a few obvious things:
((long post coming up. I don't consider myself to be a farming expert, but I still believe that I know a little more than the average Joe.))
  • Medieval farms aren't like modern farms. They were much more manageable, and usually about one perch in size (~25 square meters or 30 square yards). Unless you can afford workers to tend to the farm, making a farm the size of a football stadium isn't ethical.
Here is a size comparison using a well known medieval game.
  • If you're still stuck on the Idea, then let me give you a few farming tips.
  1. Don't farm at night
  2. Mobs can't spawn on tilled soil (no torches needed.)
  3. To avoid spiders trampling your crops, just place your farm a respectable distance away from anywhere you are likely to go in the middle of the night. Spiders normally only climb walls when they agro a player, and they can even agro you through solid blocks. So placing your farm where they have a potential to agro you isn't smart.
  4. If you're worried about other player's damaging your crops, simply deny them the chance.
  5. Better design = higher likelihood of getting griefed.
With that in mind, I'm going to give you three examples of above ground designs you can use. All have their own down sides and upsides. The reason I am showing them to you is so that you can use the examples to make your own efficient farm that fits your wants/needs the best.
+ small and easy to manage
+ allows for easy organization
+ low potential for griefing
+ a good mixture of block types
- a bit too simple and dull
- that floating block at the top defies physics
- a farm for peasants
I like this design because it's easily adaptable. If you run into a problem, you won't have to spend a whole hour fixing it.
+ Simple, but still looks good
+ Away from house = away from problems
+ Small and easy to manage
+ bonus point for shader and texture pack
- accidental jump destruction seems more likely with this one
- unorganized and difficult to keep efficient
I like this one the best because it sticks out. It's not a generic farm on flat leveled ground. The creator decided to get fancy and creative with it instead of flattening the ground and turning it into a normal farm.
+ Reminds me a bit about the lord of the rings
+ fields of gold
+ Simple, yet not simple. The creator obviously didn't create this without paying attention to detail.
+ A great welcoming look that gives the place a certain special mood
- Exceeds average size
- Nothing there to protect the crops from getting trampled
This would be a great idea for a farm design, though I would suggest it to someone who can acquire a field hand to help when crops get destroyed.
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I support the plugin idea. Why? Because it seems to be a nice small useful plugin that will fix something that I really don't care about that much. I don't have the problem, but I see how the problem can exist. I don't see how it will matter in a roleplay manner, and I do see how it would be a nice little thing to have. So, supported.
I stand next to his opinion. This keeps things realistic in terms of farming and the threats against it. I love hunting wildlife that threatens to ruin my crops!
Is it realistic for mobs to be running through a farmers crops every 5 seconds? or is it realistic to have torches everywhere just to keep this from happening.
My point is, This is a rather small edit. Something that if it wasn't even implemented in the first place, none of you guys would of even thought about it, let alone want it.
I think everyone can deal with the fact that when they walk across a farm it doesn't get tramped, especially since the only people it "Should" be affecting is the people who like to have farms and such, mainly for "appearance" reasons.
This doesn't effect people who want to make practical farms under the ground and such, or even travelers that much. It only affects designers and I for one find it a pretty big pain in the ass for the simplicity it takes to remove it.
But at the end of the day, it's just my opinion and you guys are clearly entitled to argue over a matter I'm sure you don't even mind that much to the "Cows come home".
Its called underground farms, or pay @Brycea1111 a good 100r or more to rent his farm for use forever. Seriously, its not that hard to follow my rule and its a great way to prevent mobs from destroying crops.
Okay, I think you're really missing the point about this. It's a "role-play server" and the only thing great about a underground farm is it's "practical". But some people choose to have the experience of being a actual farmer, with above ground farms, dividing chunks with acres.
If you can figure out some way to protect those farms without:
1. Crowding it with torches every 5 blocks or so and making it look ugly.
2. Fencing areas every 10 blocks or so.
3. having it underground.

Then be my guest. But asking people to completely remove the potential Role-play feel of it by making underground farms is a bit premature, in my opinion.
I would really love you add something more "potential", and "constructive" that allows them to keep the idea. Otherwise it really doesn't way out that it takes a few small changes just to remove ruining crops.
Jack-o-lanterns may be a viable substitute for torches. Make scarecrows!

I'm neutral to this idea. If it gets implemented, cool, a little less frustration. If not, eh.

In terms of roleplay...
The farms at Sylvan had some trampling problems that I kept fixing till I eventually removed the cause. Though to be honest I kinda liked the trampling as I did get some satisfaction from roleplaying as a Yanar who watches over the farm and continuously fixes it up. And I would think that's how a real farm would work too, constant upkeep and supervision. The "trampling" could be considered trampling as is. Or you could roleplay it as diseases. Or parasites. Or hungry hungry pigs.
If you can figure out some way to protect those farms without:
1. Crowding it with torches every 5 blocks or so and making it look ugly.
2. Fencing areas every 10 blocks or so.
3. having it underground.

Then be my guest.
  1. Make a Greenhouse.
  2. Flatten out the ground so that mobs will have no need to jump.
  3. Use villagers, cats, and iron golems to your advantage?
  4. Be CREATIVE... or ask the internet to be creative for you.
I still don't see crop destruction as a big deal. I'm a 'Maiar' yet I've learned how to live with it and not complain. (Ok, maybe a little bit of complaining here and there. But not as much as I used to.)
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