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Needs Help/Review Nix Ro-Seda

This sheet needs additional review by staff or community members. Please respond to the thread with tips!


Aug 24, 2024
Reaction score
Character Information
  • Full Name: Nix Ro-seda
  • Race / Culture: Narim Breizh
  • Age: 31
  • Gender / Pronouns: Male He/Him
  • Nicknames: Rose, Pinky cloud and Nixi
  • Religion: Unionism
  • Occult: God Mage
  • Character Occupation: Priest

Appearance Information:
  • Eye Color: Drak Pink
  • Skin Color: White
  • Fur: Pink
  • Height:1.71m
  • Body Type: Skinny but the fur make him look more big
Nix is a unique blend of a Poddel moth and a bee, resulting in an exceptionally fluffy and soft coat that even puffs out over his clothing. This gives him a larger appearance, though in reality, he has an unremarkable build beneath all that fur. The thick fur around his neck obscures his mouth, lending his voice a deep, resonant tone. For those observant enough, Nix's mood can be gauged by watching his antennae. Despite his tough skin, Nix's bee-like wings are the most vulnerable part of his body delicate and permanently drooping, he can't move them at all.

Skill Information:
  • Mechanics:

  • Can see in mundane darkness without a light source.
  • May sense immoral intentions from others.
  • Able to reconstruct their broken body within three days by becoming a grub.
  • misdirect Sinistral God Magic in Emote Distance to be seen as Radiant by their Gods instead
  • Languages: Common(10/10)
  • Breizh (9/10)
  • Sign (7/10)


Combat Proficiencies and Abilities

Attack Stat:3
Defense Stat:11
[14/14 points spent]
Proficiency Points:

  • Strength: 0
  • Constitution: 1
    • Iron Will (Narim Free Pack)
    • Status Endure
  • Intelligence: 1
    • Status Endure
  • Wisdom: 4
    • Medical Stance (Free Stance)
    • Medical Revive
    • Medical Resist
    • Medical Rescue
    • Chem Cleanse
  • Dexterity: 1
    • Fleet Footed
  • Faith: 7
    • Sacred Healing (Narim Free Pack)
    • Sacred Martyr
    • Sacred Gear
    • Sacred Revive
    • Sacred Bleed
    • Sacred Judgement
    • Divine Antimagi
    • Divine Smite
  • Magic: 0

Hobbies and Talents:

Alchemy (4/10) -Expecialice in medicines and helpful potions (his fur used to be less pink before he start to do this potions)

Medical (7/10) -Thanks to a few missions as a cleric he learn about traditional medicine and he start to implement it and learn more about it and how use it. (usually used it clandestine to help homeless or people how cant pay a cleric or a potion)

Cleric (9/10) -Knows most Unionist rituals even being part of rituals or helping knight, orphanage and helping others.

Life Story:

  • A combination of a moth and a bee, his parents a flower seller and a construction worker raised him and his brother for several years.
  • Once, clerics and paladins came through where they lived, and he was impressed by the power they wielded, he by the clerics, and his brother by the paladins. While his brother began training, he started reading and delving deeper into their religion.
  • When he reached the appropriate age, he joined the community of clerics, where he was sent to do charity work and various activities that didn't require much magic. However, thanks to this, he learned sign language from an orphanage and about traditional medicine.
  • As he learned to use divine magic, his responsibilities within the cleric community increased, but he was also granted more freedom, which he used to learn more about healing potions and traditional medicine.
  • He is currently well-known among orphanages and some low-income neighborhoods. Thanks to his distinctive pink fur, children often want to play with him, forgetting their problems while he is present.
  • Sometimes he has dreams and fantasies where he and his brother become the first Narims to be part of the 'Virtues' his brother as an impulsive paladin who would rather hurt himself than let others be harmed, and he as a cleric who would do anything to ensure the well-being and health of others.
Plot Hooks:

  • Positive Disposition: Thanks to his natural ability to perceive people's ill intentions, he reached a level of trust where he would blindly trust anyone whom he did not detect as hostile. He would offer everything he could to help them, regardless of their origin, religion, species, or whether they were users of dark magic.
  • Neutral Disposition: While he cannot detect people's intentions, he will take fewer risks, but he is always willing to help, even if it's just with traditional medicine.
  • Negative Disposition: Although users of dark magic are considered enemies of those who wield divine magic or magic in general, he only feels some fear due to their bad reputation. However, he would still help a bearer of this magic if their intentions are not malicious.
  • Since he and his brother joined the Clerics and Paladins, he began helping to maintain sacred monuments and buildings, earning a good reputation both on his own and through his children, with their peculiar personalities.
  • His brother has a more purplish fur, so it's not until they're seen standing side by side that people realize they're siblings.
  • Don't you dare mention 'Life Magic' to him. The first time he read about it, he visited every place with books to learn more, even going door to door in the empire asking about it. Fortunately, other priests managed to calm him down by reminding him of the sins of his religion. Nowadays, it's his favorite topic of conversation, but he would still appreciate any knowledge about that magic.
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