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Played Character Nivv’æll

This character is actively played.


Feb 12, 2022
Reaction score
Character Information
  • True Name: ?
  • Titleage: 'XIVth Prefect Nivv'Æll to His Sovereignty Alamat, Lesser Demon of Outer War and Misbegotten Hate'.
  • Heritage / Culture: Unbound Spirit
  • Age: Millennia
  • Gender / Pronouns: Male
  • Occult: Void Demon
Core Concept
Though undeniably a behemoth of slaughter by demonic nature,— time and experience have made Nivv'Æll numb to the straight-forward pleasure of a kill. Much more than searing flesh and bone, the XIVth Prefect now finds distinctive pleasure in first doing that to the very fighting spirit of mortal warriors; and though this means he is relatively approachable and at times even capable of poetic wisdom, would-be theurgists have just as often found Nivv'Æll unconventional Bylaws to be a double-edged sword.

Appearance Information
Humanoid titan of flame and ash, Nivv'Æll has been consistent in shape— though grown exponentially in intensity and size with the passage of battles. And indeed over the volcanic stretch of the XIVth Prefect's back, one may find many hundreds of Melcarite weapons long sunk yet still embedded that have since become memorabilia core to the demon's identity.

This however is not the form Nivv'Æll takes while in Regalia; much preferring to appear as an average Mercenary in Jhavartal's Company (this being true both in terms of appearance, and displayed power/skill).

Attack and Defense Stat
Attack, Strength.
Defense, Constitution.

  • Strength: 7
    • Weapon Throw
    • Technique Parry
    • Diving Tackle
    • Bruiser Slam
    • Bruiser Feint
    • Bruiser Flurry
    • Bruiser Parry
    • Bruiser Agony
  • Constitution: 4
    • Rebound
    • Debuff Endurance
    • Bulwark
    • Breather
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Wisdom: 0
  • Dexterity: 0
  • Faith: 0
  • Magic: 3
    • Magic Bolster (SINISTER ONLY)
    • Magic Reduce (SINISTER ONLY)
    • Magic Resist (SINISTER ONLY)
Middle Altalar

Life Story / Plot Hooks

Prefect to His Legion, long and hard has the spirit Nivv'Æll fought to extinguish Alamat's enemies. Thusly so, with eager smile and elven murder he cut his way through a millennia worth of battlefields.

Yet the elven Host has since fallen; Nivv'Æll's original duties in Aloria fulfilled. But completion brought an unexpected sense of dissatisfaction. And indeed the spirit soon found that neither more blood or thicker corpses could remedy his sheer boredom, all the same murderous repetition to a Prefect that had never known anything else.

In comes Jhavartal. Strong and intelligent; this Suvial was Commander to an entire Mercenary Company. But even he knew it best not to face this demon and incur the subsequent casualties. Instead he appealed to the bylaws that were Nivv'Æll's very nature (by doing so, Jhavartal found the root of his dissatisfaction) and promised a way out

Demon and Theurgist have since been contractual 'friends' on a life-time journey; Nivv'Æll trying to demonstrate how there's nothing more to war than base violence, while Jhavartal tries to convince the demon that there is such a thing as principles and honor that define what it means to be a 'true warrior'.

Of this spiritual clash, only one thing is for sure—- neither will take their claws from the other until its /done/.
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