Preserved Sheet Nirosel

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everyone’s favourite cyborg
Mar 23, 2016
Reaction score
next door

Character Information

Full Name: Nikolai 'Nirosel' Shevchenko
| Kit [Derogatory Nickname]
| Patient A6-369 [Unfortunate Circumstance]​
Race: Feka. Krainivaya Ailor Recessive
Age: 22
Gender: Male / Mascandrogyne — he/they pronouns.
Sexuality: Gay
Eye Color: Heterochromatic -- one yellow, and one a bright acidic green, neither with irises; black cat-like slit pupil.
Affliction/Affinity: Geist Brood
Religion: Ordial Cultism -- The Machinist
Core Concept: A stray cat with a knack for making and selling trinkets, doing whatever he can to survive.

STR: 6

Bruiser Tackle
Bruiser Flurry
Bruiser Feint
Bruiser Agony
Bruiser Rampage
Diving Tackle
CON: 2
Thick Hide
INT: 2
Hook Shot
Tech Resist
Tech Exchange (Legacy of Return)
Tech Charge (Legacy of Return)
WIS: 4
Technique Parry
Chem Mend
Chem Bloodboil
Chem Bang

Technology Hobby

- Asha can control a special liquid metal called Living Metal, that can harden and reshape on their command, and they can telekinetically move around.
- Asha claws act like matches, capable of causing flint and steel sparks when struck against surfaces or each other, useful for making fire.
- Asha are omnivores, but are capable of consuming raw and even spoiled meat without digestive or illness troubles.
- Asha have a limited body language to do with tails, that can communicate only the following: words "like", "dislike", and "favorite".
- Ailor willingly can close their heart and mind to certain emotions or their conscience, allowing them to commit acts of great evil without feeling bad.

Common (Free)
Kriv (Native)

Appearance Information
A feline Feka trinket seller, sporting bone white hair and comically large ears, stained black at the tips, and a tail to match. Their skin is tanned but desaturated, and their physique lithe.

Life Story
  • Born in Zemlya Obitovana to a Krainivayan woman, of whom did not know the father, but had no way of covering up her disloyalty to her husband as the child came out with fur and feline ears. The Feka was quickly discarded and picked up by an orphanage worker, who named him Nikolai.

  • Nikolai liked to play pranks on people in the street, and unfortunately didn't pick his victims well. Under suspicions of being Occult, the Feka was turned into a holding facility by the Oprichnny after being swept up off the street.

  • Nikolai spent eight years here. He was a problem patient to the workers of the facility, and he would do whatever he could for those eight years to escape. At sixteen he finally did, managing to slip out unnoticed and never turning back.

  • From sixteen he hopped from cargo ship to cruise liner, traveling the world and living off of scraps. He learned metallurgy and to pick-pocket, and sold the trinkets he made and stole for a living. Eventually he boarded a cargo ship headed for Regalia, where he now resides.
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