Preserved Sheet Nindrol Xyrnorin

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Indecisive - Wait, no make it ironic
Jun 14, 2017
Reaction score
Basic Information (Required)
  • Full Name: Nindrol Othrdras Xyrnorin
  • Age: 22
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Drowdar
  • Main Ambition: To live a happy life in Regalia with his wife.
Skill Information (Required)

Proficiency Points: 22
  • Proficiency Points Used:
    • +6 Quick Fingers
    • +7 Sneaking
    • +4 Dagger
    • +5 Acrobatics
    • +10 Aberration Knowledge - Drowdar
Culture Points: 22
  • Culture Points Used:
    • +8 Cuisine Cooking
    • +9 Singing
    • +5 Dancing

  • Languages:
    • Common: Understands most vocabulary and has a reading level of that of a Freshman
    • Drowdar: Understands basic vocabulary with no reading ability
  • Resident of Regalia: 1 year
    • Reason of Visit: Freed slave
  • Born on the seas while his parents were sailing to Regalia
  • Side Ambitions: None Currently
Visual Information (Required)
  • Eye Color: Grey
  • Hair Color: Pure White
  • Hair Style: Short and badly cut
  • Skin Color: A dark purple
  • Height: 6 feet, 1 inch
  • Weight: 180 pounds
  • Body Build: Sinewy
  • Weapon of Choice: Daggers or other small, short ranged weapons
  • Nindrol has inherited a strong jawline from his father and has high cheekbones. He has piercing grey eyes that give him an intense stare a nose that is more pointed than others. His short white hair is messy and cut horribly from where he has to do it himself with whatever he can find. When relaxed, his expression still has the same intensity as if he was trying to find an animal to hunt. When he is in a joyous mood, his eyes will lose some of their intensity but still have a focused look. He has a small scar on his forehead that is hidden by his short bangs that can be partially seen. The scar is a simple line that is easy to look over.
  • Nindrol has a good height of 6 foot and 1 inch. He is often described as sinewy, with his toned but thin body. He is usually in an upright position so he does not slouch, seeing slouching as a sign of weakness and content. His body, generally his back, is covered in scars from where he has been whipped many times over the years. He also has a small tattoo on his right arm near his shoulder of a snake wrapped around a dagger pointed down.
  • Nindrol usually wears whatever clothes are available to him. Usually he wears his Howlester servant attire. He is very gracious when given clothes but he will not ask for them. He has no accessories, except a silver wedding ring with his wife's name engraved.
  • His voice is fairly deep, much like that of an average 30 year old man, he talks at an accelerated pace and his words are spoken harshly but flowing.

Personality and Abilities (Required)
  • As perceived by others, he is very quiet and keeps to himself. He will not speak unless spoken to, and only with his master's permission. He is respectful to everyone, knowing that if he doesn't, it could hurt him. If he is not in a potentially threatening place, he will openly seem depressed unless he is around children or his beloved. He finds children amusing after seeing their innocence and hates seeing anything that could take that happy bliss away. When around his masters or anyone he does not trust, he will have a blank and indifferent expression.
  • Internally to self, he is very depressed. With all the years of slavery he was forced to endure, he has been broken. He does whatever his masters tell him to without question, still with the fear of being beaten. However, recently, he has been feeling more hopeful, with getting a new job and finding the woman he loves, he thinks things could turn out better. However, with having people he cares about now, he is determined to do whatever it takes to keep them safe.
  • Toward friends and family, Nindrol is very kind and respectful to his friends, considering he doesn't have many of them. However, if one was to betray him in any way, he would resent them until they found a way to make it up to him. He will tolerate most of his friend's annoyances and just let it slide. Of course, he trusts those who do befriend him, but he will still be cautious around them, so he doesn't get caught off guard.
  • Regarding morality, he thinks himself neutral and that everything should be balanced. He strongly believes that if you do wrong, the universe will make you pay for your actions and vise versa. Regarding corruption, he will look down upon those who are corrupt. He sees them as scum who need to pay, but by someone else's hand. He doesn't think much of the law because of corruption, he believes that the law is all corrupt and needs to be redone.
  • Loss of Smell - For years, he has had no sense of smell. This has been a factor that has been hard for him to cope with, due to the fact that he used to use smell for most of his daily life. He lost his smell when he was in the ownership of a barkeep who caught him sneaking food. As punishment, he poured drops of boiling water into his nose, this scarred the tissue inside and left him without smell.
  • Simple Quirks:
  • When nervous, he will often tap his fingers or his foot.
  • Skills:
  • Average Cooking - Due to being in servitude all his life, he has been forced to learn new things to please his owners. This obviously includes cooking. He knows his way around the kitchen and can cook basic recipes and a little more advanced with a cook-book. He won't be making a living as a chef but he could make a filling meal.
  • Cooking: Cooking, while he was forced to do it, was one of his favorite pass-times as a slave. He used to escape from his chains in his mind and saw it as an opportunity to make something good in the cold world he endured. Though he doesn't get to cook often, he will never turn down the chance to.
  • Singing: As common with many slaves, singing helped get his mind off things, even if there are no words, he sees it as a way to cheer himself up whenever he felt down.
  • Drinking: Drinking is one of his favorite things to do because it numbs any memories of his past. While he is not a lightweight, he has no issue getting drunk. The only downside he sees to this is the headache the next morning.
  • Braggarts (When it comes to money): Nindrol, having never had any real money, will be annoyed with those who brag about how much money they have. He will often find a way to end the conversation or just tune them out if he is not involved.
  • Slavers/Slave Owners: Obviously, when it comes to slavery, Nindrol will be quite touchy after years of enduring it. If he encounters a slaver (or slave owner), he will do his best to maintain his composure, unless of course the said slaver is continuously talking about it, in which case he may start a fight.
  • Disrespect: Due to his years of being looked down on, as a slave and as a beggar, he will turn his nose up when he sees someone, especially of those in lower classes, being looked down upon due to something he cannot control. He will often try to defend them if he can but will avoid conflict if possible.
@tinykenzie - Amren Xyrnorin: Wife and mother of his child

Life Story (Required)
  • From Birth to 9 - From the day he was born, he has been a slave. His parents were sailing to Regalia to make a new life and his mother gave birth on the ship. However, as they were sailing, the ship's crew committed a mutiny. With the captain overthrown, the new leaders of the ship had no need of him or his family. So, they began executing his family, starting with his mother. When he was about to be executed, one of the crew members decided to have him spared so he could work as a slave. From then on, he was a slave to them. He was raised to do their bidding and to follow all orders or be beaten. He learned basic Drow Elven on the ship from listening to them and from receiving orders. About a week after he turned 9, the crew sold him to a family in Ithania.
  • From 9 to 11 - Nindrol was now in the ownership of a barkeep in Ithania. The man who owned him was old and saw no need to feed Nindrol the diet he needed to do the work that was required of him. This left him with no choice but to sneak as much food as he could and eat then scraps from those that had left the bar. Many times, he was caught sneaking food and he was harshly punished by his owner. Luckly for Nindrol, the old barkeep was only alive for a few more years. When the barkeep died, he left Nindrol in the possession of his only family in town, so in his will, he had Nindrol transported to his new owners.
  • 11 to 22 - Now that he was in the possession of an Alior family, he began to work for them. He did as he was told and never asked questions. While he was in the possession of these people, they were more relaxed than the crew that had him for the start of his life. They taught him how to read and speak Common, mainly so that he could read the cook books and read their daughter to sleep (while under guard). He was still beaten for mistakes but no as harshly and he had grown used to it. When he was 21 he was sold once again. However, the captain of the ship felt pity for him and destroyed documents of Nindrol being property. He said he was going to act as though he escaped. He was given some clothes, though still torn, and a place on the ship. After a year the captain told him he could leave if he wanted and Nindrol got off at Regalia. He began looking for work as a servant with it being the only thing he knew. During his time in Regalia, he had gotten hired by the Howlester family as a servant and gotten married to Amren Xyrnorin.
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  • If he is 22, then he only has 12 points to spend. Proficiency and Cultural are separate, so you get 12 in each. You have one too many invested in proficiency.
  • You mention he learned Drowdar Elven in his backstory. List this under your languages.
Mark your edits in red and tag me when you have made the appropriate changes. @Ludicro
@AptlyRatley Sorry I miscounted and forgot the "Drowdar:" under the second part of languages. Corrections have been made.
Another point. If he weighs that much, he'd likely be on the higher scale of Drowdar body types. @Ludicro
@AptlyRatley I didn't know how else to describe him, I didn't really see him as athletic so I changed him to sinewy, if that works.
@AptlyRatley With the new Proficiency rules in place I made some changes marked in blue.
@AptlyRatley I made a few changes. Just minor updates to his clothing and goal.