Preserved Sheet Nikkos Of Thessalo

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Partnered Streamer Pog
Nov 2, 2016
Reaction score



Full Name
Nikkos of Thessalo
Ailor, Etosian​



General Proficiencies - 35 Points
  • +5 Pole Combat Skill
  • +5 Shield Combat Skill
  • +5 Society Knowledge: Ailor Culture
  • +5 Magic Knowledge: Racialism
  • +5 Athletic Training
  • +10 Perception Training
Body Shape
  • Body Shape: Ripped Body Shape (20 Points)
  • Body Fat: Average Body Fat
  • Etosian Dialect (Native)
    • First Language, Fluent, Literate
  • Common
    • Second Language, Fluent, Literate


Hair Color
Eye Color
Skin Color
Light armored, loose clothing.

Nikkos stands at an average Ailor height with a strong figure though isn't extremely over muscular. Hair cut short around with sides and back of head, longer on top by an inch and a half. He is fresh-faced, somewhat kept brows, and brown eyes which are often open softly. Red pigments painted along the cheekbones and over the bridge of the nose, a sign of a gladiator of the Batius. He has a long nose which slopes down, meeting thin lips. He has a small beauty mark on his neck near where it meets the clavicle.



  • Character Alignment
    • Chaotic Neutral
  • Character Personality Type
    • ISTP-A
  • Character's Religion
    • Unionism | 8/10

How He Perceives Himself
A story yet to be told.
There is still so much he is capable of, he has his whole life ahead of him. He isn't the greatest but wishes to achieve that status of "Great". He wants to be like the heroes of the stories he once fantasized about as he grew up on Thessalos's streets, seeking fortune through the experiences the world has to offer. When life gives you olives, make olive oil.

How He Regards Friends and Family
He prides himself on his ability to be helpful to friends, family. His parents may be long gone and with their loss it has instilled upon him the importance of strength in resolve. He regards Non-Ailor in minimal capacity, it would take one a great deal to prove to him their significance to the Empire. A friend is someone that must be willing to put an equal amount of effort into the relationship as he would. If you disgrace him or betray him, there may be a chance at redemption, but it will take effort.

On Morality
Lawful Good - A code of his own.
A courteous manner that respects accepted social usage. Strength in the face of pain or grief. Disposition to do good. Control over impulses. Death before dishonor. While a murderer often kills innocent or defenseless people, a warrior restricts his killing to willing combatants. He may stray, but that is an error, not the norm. These are words shared to him in his early years, all apart of the Mantra he adheres himself to. To break this code of morals would devalue his character, he feels meaning from it. If he loses his morals, he loses himself.

"Simply fighting doesn't make a warrior. There are rules a warrior follows."



Born in Thessalo in the year 276 AC to a carpenter and citizen soldier sworn in service to the Etosian Patriarchy, and a mother whose family were well-established in the mercantile caste of the city, Nikkos had an uneventful childhood, with a couple of siblings to keep him company.

His parents were advocates for liberal-progressive thought, supporting local institutions which worked to strengthen the rights of some undercaste races of Regalia. While it wasn't outright jacobinism, it did draw the ire of local extremists, namely a cell of Diviner Unionists that had been operating out of Thessalo following a flight from the forests of Girobalda.

Nikkos' parents were murdered in their sleep by the aforementioned Diviner Cultists when he was nine years of age. He fled into the streets, where he was picked up by a local Lityel who forced him into slavery in service to the Batius Order. Raised among the world of bloodsports, he wasn't made to fight in his youth, watching and learning from the sidelines as he is trained in spear, sword and shield.

His training continues for nearly half a decade, whilst he grew to resent his masters in yearning for his old, free life. When his trainer died during an incident in the arena, he fled from the Lityel, and subsequently Thessalo, stowing away in a ship bound for Ithania.

There, he found work as a mercenary, being utilized as a tool by Ithanian bureaucrats and matriarchs to fight their feuds on their behalf, and in doing so, existing as a loophole to circumvent the local adherence to non-violence.

Nikkos toured Ithania for some fifteen years, where he found countless employers and made a decent name for himself in some courts, though utterly reviled in others. But his use remained as hired muscle up until recently, up until the point where Duke Francois d'Gosselin invaded the continent with his knightly retinue and dethroned the Sovereign. The shakeup in the Ithanian political sphere made work unsteady, and thus, gave him reason to uproot himself and seek better opportunities elsewhere. Regalia was his immediate answer and solution.​

"The blade itself incites to deeds of violence."
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I can't find any issues with this application! It's very aesthetically pleasing, and I enjoy the flavor text and organization that you've added to make things easier for me to find. For those reasons,

Rejecting the character, never took off for me.