Night Terrors

Themesong: Falling inside the black - Skillet


My biggest fear...

Warning label: Violence, Death, and Angst below. You were warned!

"Mother Death - may you never come to the day when you take my beloved away."

It was midnight and Rosana placed her head down on the cot. Letting herself think for a few moments until sleep overtook her and her dreams began. It began sweet enough with her sitting on a particularly grassy patch of land. A smile forming on her face - that started to fade as the plants started to wither, and it became darker - fear going in her eyes as she saw Paeral stand tall on a ledge alone - sliding up to the ledge beside him - was when the voice ranged out. "You'll kill him." Shock crept in her eyes, his voice was soundless as she darted forward - instinct took over and sank her teeth into his jugular. Those blood red eyes shining in the darkness - he held onto her petting her hair, until minutes passed and he realized - trying to push her away without much luck until he went limp. Pulling back she let out a scream of terror and grief. The screeches filling the midnight air - until she opened her eyes and he was sitting next to her again. Talking with him about her worries and concerns of falling into the darkness -as images of her standing over corpses - throats ripped out, losing her sanity passed her mind. Along with the voices of her inner vampress begging her to let her loose and end his life. Resisting the urge to bury her fangs with him as they held onto each other.

"I love you." Was the only thing she murmured, before the urge became to great and her eyes flashed red her teeth extended. The vampress sunk her teeth into him, Paeral wrapped his arms around her and petted her hair like he usually did - and it happened all over again, instead this time she ripped his throat out. Stumbling backwards from him as he sank to his knees and down the ground - she screamed, and didn't stop screaming lifting the dying Isldar into her arms - as he started to leave life. Tearsa splashing down her cheeks as she sobbed - resting her face against his chin. When he disappeared from his arm. As she would be faced in a room of mirrors forced to look at herself - with Paeral in the mirror, his words of hatred for killing him hitting her in the worst ways. Sorrow in her eyes as she held onto herself. The scene faded to black once more and she found herself standing atop thousands of corpses - the faces of her friends and loved ones she was standing atop. With Paeral looking at her in grief - his screams inaudible, instead she could only hear ringing as she was covered in blood. Her own screams escaping. As more memories played in front of her - murderous and darker side took over.. Slowly darkness seeped on the floor underneath her body. Drowning in the black liquid below her until she was out of sight. Waking with a startled gasp she slid out of the cot and walked onto the balcony… Just a nightmare.. right?

"Falling in the black, slipping through the cracks
Falling to the depths, can I ever go back?
Dreaming of the way it used to be, can you hear me?"

Credits: @Trig__ Paeral belongs to him! Not I! <3
Overall this is more or less - a nightmare that Rosana once had, she had previously showed her concern of accidentally going feral - this is basically her worst nightmare of her mind just snapping or shutting off - and killing her own loved one. Really sad because she'd be so crushed. She'd also probably be heavily blamed - and killed most likely / brought to be cured in Greygate if she had stayed a vampire. Though she's cured now so her mind is free of this!
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