Night Iii

Night III
The Stairs into the Ground



He chuckled looking down to his dancing partner, Fathiyaa staring wide eyed up at him as he lead her about the mist covered beach.

"Don't look at me like that."

She'd not seen the blue eyed man in nearly three decades. She'd presumed him dead for all she knew yet he felt so real. The pair danced a few more paces before he aimed to pull her chin up in a kiss. She resisted, still wide eyed she yanked her face away attempting in vain to pull away. With a deep laugh he granted her wish, pushing her out in front of him with a whirl keeping a tight grip on her hand enough to jolt her to a stop and cause her hand to ache.

When she looked back, he was gone.

Staggering a step or two she whipped her head around, the Songaski was alone again in the overbearing mist.

Once again she put the water to her right, starting off again. Fathiyaa most assuredly didn't want to stay there.

The woman had been walking for what seemed like forever, nothing but waves relentlessly crashing against the stones beside her. She's started to hate the sound. Trying to hum anything to keep from the deafening sound of the water in her ears.

"What is that?"

She thought she saw something appearing in the mist before her, a set of worn moss covered stone steps leading down into the dirt opposite the water. This all looked somewhat familiar to her. The steps were out of place but she couldn't mistake them as she got closer. They lead down below the streets of Regalia into the nest of her old coven, the last and final one she was apart of. The one that haunts her nightmares and daydreams. Pausing Fathiyaa looked up and down the stony beach again.

"I'm so tired."

Fathiyaa's eyes clenched shut, muttering a few curses in Sofaal rubbing her eyes with her palms. Fathiyaa turned her head back toward the stairs as her eyes opened and she screamed.

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