Night I

This is a dream series that popped into my head, brought on by the events of the crater and in the recent war Fathiyaa witnessed. Let's see where this goes.

Night I

The Beach



Fathiyaa's eyes snapped open, amber orbs flicking around the haze surrounding her as the fog of sleep cleared replaced with panic. This wasn't where she fell asleep the night before, where was GreyGate? Everyone within and even Regalia for that matter? It was all gone, only the rumble of waves crashing against the pebble covered beach which seemed to go on either direction for as far as the white haired woman could tell.

The Songaski was still in her armor aside from her helmet. Her white hair damp whipping around violently from the wind coming off the water. Staggering as she pushed herself up from the stones, looking around wincing as her stiff limbs limbered up. "How long was I out?" She thought feeling the ache in her joints. She could see nothing but stony beach behind her, water in front of her and for all she knew miles of beach to either side.

Spinning she shouted.

"Hello?! Anyone?!"

Fathiyaa's voice barely carried in the thick water heavy ocean air, not even an echo answering her. The only sounds were her own voice, the scaping of the stones against one another and the endless crashing of waves. Her left hand went to her side, searching for her was gone. Her hand grasped at an empty sheath.

"Fucking Void."

The woman curse, bringing her arms around her hugging against her armor as the wind kicked up more, the sounds of the waves growing louder. With a growl she started off to her left back well away from the water.

"How long have I been walking? Where in the world am I? Somewhere on the archipelago?"

Fathiyaa thought as she walked, for how long she had no idea. It seemed like the same beach, endless with dark colored stones, dark grey water white with foam as it crashed into the rocks, polishing them over and over until they were all smooth round little shapes. They crunched and clacked together under the Violet's boots as she marched along. The light hadn't changed around her, just like the beach about her. Her amber eyes couldn't find the sun, she'd given up looking for it paces ago. Whether it was the mist around her or the fog or whatever it was, she couldn't see it.

"The Void is coming, my dear."

Fathiyaa stopped, freezing where she stood. Staring out in front of her, her arms still wrapped around herself, the soldier shaking in her armor.

"That voice…"

"I know you heard me."

The woman's head whirled about, her eyes searching the thick fog for the source of that voice. Nothing, she saw nothing.


She nearly screamed into the blanket surrounding her. Fathiyaa turned, hearing nothing again in return. Putting the beach to her right again dropping her hands down as she started jogging alongside the water.