Preserved Sheet Nicolao Dei Marchesi

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jayp's gayp
Jun 4, 2018
Reaction score
da Kratör
Basic Information
  • Full Name: Nicolao Raffaele dei Marchesi
  • Age: 36.
  • Gender: Male.
  • Race: Dressolini Ailor.
  • Sexuality: Homosexual.
Skill Information
Total Points: 36 from Age.
  • +10 Extra-Heavy Combat | +10 From Points.
  • +15 Unarmed Combat | +15 From Points.
  • +10 Musical Arts | +10 Cultural
Body Shape
  • Physical Stat: 40.
  • Build: Muscular.
  • Fat: Average.
Magician Spellbook
  • Elemental Branding | -4 Points.
  • Elemental Shot | -4 Points.
  • Battle Grace | -3 Points.
  • Common | 10/10 | Passive.
  • Dressalo | 10/10 | Father's Tongue.
  • Daendroqin | 10/10 | Mother's Tongue.
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Brown.
  • Hair Color: Black.
  • Hair Style: Partly close-shaved sides, whilst the remnant of his hair remains slicked back.
  • Skin Color: Olive-toned Tan.
  • Clothing: Varied.
  • Height: 6'0"
Personality and Abilities
  • First Paragraph:
    • Nicolao is most commonly perceived by complete strangers as stoic and brutish, and whilst he does remain, to a degree, guarded it is far from the truth of the matter. Nicolao holds constant one facet of his personality, being that he tends to lean towards authoritarian means, and believes himself to be a shrewd businessman, despite his own personal vows. Elsewise, Nicolao appears more laid back than the company he keeps despite the air of narcissism he dons, speaking his mind freely regardless of the consequences. A loose mouth and a quick mind often see the ageing brute bruised and battered, though outwardly friendly and boisterous, amongst higher company and cultured folk there is little cause to doubt the man's more violent of intents, especially concerning nelfin races. Snark isn't all the man deals in, however, as a critical gaze from the man finds itself assessing those amongst him.
  • Second Paragraph:
    • Nicolao possesses many doubts in his mind, though paramount to all being his own false indulgence. As one amongst his own kin who practices skills that many would see him hung for, if at all possible. Outshining that, however, is a burning confidence in his own skills, to the point of boasting his abilities to be better than they truly are. He struggles with commitments of most kinds, spurred entirely by his own feelings on whom he is in the eyes of others, and is prone to relapsing into bouts of self-loathing.
  • Third Paragraph:
    • To friends and family, Nicolao displays what tenderness he does possess, caring greatly for those close to him to the point of his own detriment. He bears no ill-will towards the transgressions of those he holds dear, barring betrayal. He often finds himself charging head first into undesirable situations, simply to stand by their side and support them and expects much the same in return. Elsewise, he acts authoritatively toward his friends though still somewhat informally. Nicolao acts vindictively and vengefully toward those who would harm his own, though understands the meaning of tact and patience in that regard.
  • Fourth Paragraph:
    • Morality to Nicolao isn't as complex of an issue as it may be to others, though this isn't to say he isn't without his own problems. Whilst he strives to be seen as tough and steeled, he isn't afraid to look the other way for certain crimes or for certain things that could end in his benefit. Nicolao isn't afraid to claim a higher being to ward off a threat or keep someone in line, and isn't afraid to use knowledge of someone against them. Perhaps this is why many tend to fear his and try to stay on his good side or schmooze for good favour and wrath on their enemies.
Life Story

Born onto his family's estate within dei Marchesi Montania, Nicolao was raised amongst relative safety from the world's dangers, arguably resulting in his rebellious youth. From a young age, it was clear to Nicolao's parents that he quite vehemently rejected the idea of a scholarly life, or one of the cloth. Instead, the young man was a ruffian through-and-through to the disdain of his family. Whilst at first this proved troublesome, an effort by the men of his family saw the boy's lust for combat refined slowly and truly though disciplinary action. Not much else can be said for his childhood, as the young man found himself restricted from many angles, and thusly part to blame for his older self's outbursts.​

As he grew up more, he even more firmly rejected his mother's advances to 'pretty' him up and took to getting into fights once more, if not just to spite his do-good mother. However, with the high propensity for male children to become knights or mercenaries in the family, it did not take long before someone started to teach him how to actually fight. An elder cousin, named Marco, took the mantle upon himself. He was kicked out of one of the Knightly academies for his attitude and made sure to whip Nicolao up in his image. The two shortly after became rather close and joined Il Gallo Nero, the family mercenary company that roamed Montania. Nicolao's choice of weapon was of course only something as bold and daring as his decision to adopt combat as his way of life, as he favours large two-handed weapons, much like Marco who taught him to use them. After a short time amongst the men of Il Gallo Nero, Nicolao found himself presented with a choice of future career and lifestyle, with a family clergyman offering to him the life of piety that a Villiers-Eclaire would befit, or the teachings of Marco once more, though of a different design. A secret kept from the more religiously inclined of his family, however, was his descent into the realm of Parlor Magic, becoming enraptured with it, even should it be considered heresy.​

Nicolao is now much more of a self-made man, following his completed training amongst the mercenaries of Il Gallo Nero. He runs his own ventures and favours a life that he can live by his own calls. That is why, when his uncle wrote to him for help in shaping a group of elite mercenaries in the Holy City, Nicolao raised himself to the task once more, taking a more active role in the newer branch of his family's mercenary business, Nicolao found some comfort joining amongst Mercenaries once more, people who had nought to judge him for, and swords to watch his back, however lonesome he was felt he was.​

Nicolao is now sitting comfortably in the Regalian Capital, awaiting his newly found venture with new colleagues. He struggles with his own sense of vanity and doubts, though remains stalwart in the face of this foreign capital. His own slight xenophobia and troublemaking ways see him on the wrong side of the law frequently, though. With his own family falling apart shortly into his time within Regalia, Nicolao has taken to general thuggery and shady work alongside forming a new band with one of his former associates from Il Gallo Nero; his long-time friend, Valente dei Pasqua.​
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I am claiming this character application for staff review!
Expect a response within 24 hours.
☼ Staff Review! ☼
Hello, my name is Eccetra and I'll be reviewing your app today.​
  • If this is not possible it's not necessary, but I'd recommend trying to fix the formatting a bit! There are strange paragraph breaks where there shouldn't be, and titles might benefit from being bolded if you're able to.
  • though outwardly friendly and boisterous in most settings there is little cause to doubt the man's more violent of intents.
    This phrase seems to contradict the rest of the first personality paragraph, which portrays him as being stoic, loud-mouthed, brutish. Try to consolidate this a bit more!
  • Where was Nicolao born? Mention this in the life story!
Please mark your changes in another color and tag me when you're finished!
☼ Staff Review! ☼
Hello, my name is Eccetra and I'll be reviewing your app today.​
  • If this is not possible it's not necessary, but I'd recommend trying to fix the formatting a bit! There are strange paragraph breaks where there shouldn't be, and titles might benefit from being bolded if you're able to.

  • This phrase seems to contradict the rest of the first personality paragraph, which portrays him as being stoic, loud-mouthed, brutish. Try to consolidate this a bit more!
  • Where was Nicolao born? Mention this in the life story!
Please mark your changes in another color and tag me when you're finished!
Clarified the contradiction, mentioned his place of birth and tried to fix the formatting, it appears fine from mobile.
@Eccetra character has been cured. Removing mutations and re-adding points. As a consequence, his body build has returned to pre-vampirism Muscular. Don't think it'd need a check up, but just in case.
Sorry for the slow response on this! Everything here looks good!

☼ Re-Approved! ☼