Preserved Sheet Nicodéme Valeur

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Jan 9, 2013
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Basic Information

  • Nicodéme Valeur is a 52-year-old male Ailor, Human.

  • Nicodéme was the second child born of Ehlenna and Octavian Valor. Before him, his brother Hadrian Valor was born. Both his brother and parents are deceased. He originally comes from Ithania.

    Among other related family members are:
    • Hadrian Valor '56 - Brother - Deceased
    • Juliana Valor '53 - Brother's wife
    • Darius Valor '34 - Nephew
    • Victoria Valor '29 - Nephew
    • Reita Valor '27 - Nephew - Deceased
    • Rodrik Valor '25 - Nephew
    • Cercei Valor '47 - Wife
    • Ryland Valor '26 - Oldest son
    • Melody Valor '24 - Daughter in law
    • Christopher Valor '25 - Youngest son
    • Lillian Valor '23 - Youngest daughter
  • 15c5a88537d6b5da6b8a6effabf6bc9d.png

  • He currently lives in a household in the Ithanian District in Regalia.

  • Currently, Nero's main life goal is to continue his everlasting struggle to win Juliana Valor's heart, marry her, gain the hierarchy over the family and control it as he wishes.

Visual Information
Body Description
  • Body Build
    Nero is 6 foot tall, weighs 211 pounds, and has a bodyfat percentage of 16%. Most of his muscle is located around his legs, abdomen and arms due to fencing and hunting. His fat is mostly evenly spread around his whole body, though there can occasionally be barely noticeably greater amounts of fat on his stomach. When he was in his late twenties, he broke his right index finger, and sadly, it never healed properly.

  • Skin
    Like most of his family, his skin tone lies around nr. 14 on the skin tone scale. Other than some scars, his skin is evenly colored. His oldest scar lies on his left shoulder from a bar fight with a drunk Orc and a shattered bottle, his most recent scar runs across the lower left side of his abdomen and stretch all the way back, and down on his left leg. That was received from being drunk and falling down a particularly stoney hill. There are some minor and smaller scars here and there of lesser importance which he has no memory of.

  • Body Hair
    Nero shaves every now and then. He feels a man should be bearded, so he rarely walks around without a beard. His head hair is three to four inches long, and he never wears it in any other way than loosely. He has a fair amount of chest hair and hair on his arms and legs. Other than that, he has little hair.

Head Description
  • Facial Features
    Nero has a sharp chin, angular, but broad jaw, shy cheek bones, a medium strong-shaped nose, thin almond shaped eyes, and medium sized, thin lips.

  • Eye Color
    Like his father before him, his eye color is of the smaragd-green type. During the summer, they seem slightly more lively colored. His normal expression may appear to be 'sleazy' or 'daring'

  • Facial Hair
    Nero is quite fond of his beard and keeps it at a three-four day old look at all times. He rarely shaves, seeing it is his opinion that men should wear beards. His head hair is around three to four inches long, and he usually lays it back along his scalp. His thick eyebrows are slightly curved and "s"- shaped. The beard is usually dark chocolate brown, but with with age, white hairs have appeared. Also his head hair would have the same color, but white hairs have began spreading by his temples.

  • Facial Accessories
    Nero has no particular facial accessories.

Clothing and Accessories
  • Clothing
    Nero's normal attire mainly consists of a thin linen elbow length shirt on the inside of a thicker brass-buttoned frockcoat, and a pair of dark breeches. The colors mostly range between red, darker red, yellow, and brown. His black leather boots are knee high.

  • Accessories
    Nero wears no accessories

Behavior Information
Personality Traits

  • Mannered
    Nero always keeps in mind to behave with reference to polite standards to those who require mannered responses. Towards people with 'little significance', he will either not spend the time to converse with them, or he will avoid them. Especially with poor people or beggars, he'll go to great lengths to avoid any sort of interaction with. Because he doesn't like filth or poverty. But if he would have to interact with them, he'd be as mannered as required.

  • Neat & Tidy
    Nero usually keeps his surrounding tidy and in order. Having a mess clouds his usually clear mind, and he'll have difficulties focusing. Rather than throwing things around when he's finished using them, he'll place them where they're supposed to be. He might also be extra naggy and picky on people if they make a mess. His tolerance for untidiness is quite marginable. An example: All cutlery must be perfectly placed at the dining table. If not, he'll throw a remark towards it.

  • High Self Image
    Nero thinks highly of himself. He's handsome, fit, healthy, and good with the ladies.. It's important to him to give people excellent first impressions both of himself and his family. Keeping a good reputation is something that's always on his mind. He rarely thinks twice about things he does because he feels what he does automatically appeals to everyone's sense of being impressed.

  • Social
    Nero enjoys socializing with relatives and close friends. Spending time alone is bothersome to him, and he'd rather improve his relationships and have fun rather than do something that doesn't involve others. Being at a tavern or a bar, or even walking through a park in hopes of bumping into someone familiar is something he expects of himself to do often. When he is alone, he feels like he isn't productive.

  • Arrogant
    It isn't unusual to hear Nero claim or make pretensions to his self proclaimed superior importance. He'll often feel entitled to certain things, which often comes out as quite arrogant. He can make remarks about subjects he knows little about and stubbornly stand by them even if he's proven wrong. He also rarely every apologizes, and nothing is ever his fault, in his opinion. There's always someone else to blame, or there's a good reason for why he behaved the way he did.

  • Heavy Drinker/Depression
    The love of his life, Juliana Valor, married Nero's brother, Hadrian. This has resulted in a deep depression within him, and hence, an issue with alcohol. Among other issues, like not being the eldest of the brothers, and somewhat being ignored by his father, Nero will find comfort in being with other women or spending nights out drinking.

  • Vengeful
    Towards people who have shown poor behavior to the point of seriously harming, either mentally or physically towards anyone he holds dear, Nero will serve with vengeful intentions. This also applies to family. Specifically, his brother Hadrian, for marrying Juliana Valor. (Hadrian was found murdered, killed by poison. Whether or not Nero was the actual murderer or not was never clarified.) Nero also has a strong sense of injustice for how his father treated him, and how he feels he would do a much better job than Hadrian at leading the family affairs, and much of his daily thoughts go towards how to gain that position.

  • Picky
    Nero isn't very flexible with anything which doesn't completely appeal to his interests or norms. He'll react suspiciously or rejectively to anything out of his comfort zone, or anything that isn't familiar to him. He only wishes to be around things he likes, the way he likes them, and he won't have them any other way. If he finds himself in an inconvenient situation, he'll act a little grumpy, and arrogantly. Might even be a little unpleasant.


  • Drinking/Socializing
    Either in the tavern, or in the household, preferably with female company, Nero enjoys spending his time to the fullest. Although he has a wife, it isn't exactly a secret how much time he spends with other ladies. He loves getting drunk, and it's been better with good company and music.

  • His Kids
    Above anything else, Nero loves his children and will do what he can to spoil and educate them. He doesn't exactly have the best education himself, but he buys them books and hires teachers.

  • Hunting
    Throughout most of his life, Nero has hunted relatively often during the year. In all seasons, he'll hunt when he can. Lots of the walls and interior in the household is decorated with trophies and heads from hunted animals.

  • Bathhouse/Sauna
    There's nothing more relaxing than a warm, steamy bath at the Bathhouse after a stressful day. Calming down and floating about in heated water with friends is possibly one of Nero's favourite activities, if it even can be called an activity.


  • Cats
    Ever since Nero was little and exposed to a violent cat, he's always dreaded the creatures, whether they're small or human sized. He'll do anything to avoid them. He's also allergic to cats.

  • Beggars
    Much like a few of his other family members, Nero despises beggars. He finds them annoying, and what they're doing is annoying. If they really wanted to survive and make a living out of their lives, they could do something much more productive than beg for money. They flip his switches.

  • Filth
    If there happens to be a mess or abnormal amounts of filth in his presence, Nero will put up a fit, become grumpy or short-tempered. To him, filth resembles laziness, which he isn't very fond of.

  • Ocean
    Nero doesn't know how to swim. He's scared out of his minds to end up in water deep enough to eventually drown him. He's scared to the point where he isn't even willing to learn how to swim. What triggers this fear the most is his unconditional thought of there being sharks in the water. He hasn't personally confronted a shark, but what he's been told was enough to keep him away from the ocean.

Abilities and Disabilities
  • Ability Oriented Strength - Dual Wielding Axes
    Both his brother and father taught Nero how to use dual wielding axes since he was around five years old. Always wanting to impress his dad, he's work extra hard and longer than the normal session hours. He became quite skilled in using axes.

  • Personality Oriented Strength - Determined
    Perhaps also fuelled by his stubborn tendencies, Nero has a hard time giving up on goals or tasks. Even if he has to cheat or do something slightly out of the box to achieve something, he's determined to complete something as long as it isn't harmful or impossible.

  • Mental Oriented Strength - Self Preserved
    Nero rarely puts himself on the line. He's rarely wounded or hurt, or the only option for a task to be solved. He'll always have other options as means to solve something, and never bring too much attention to himself.

  • Physical Oriented Weakness - Badly Healed Fracture
    During his late twenties, he broke his index finger on his left hand. Unfortunately, it never healed to its former state, and he'll have moments with aching pain if he uses it in certain ways. Also if it's cold outside, he'll feel the pain. This makes his ax handling slightly less effective on the left hand, all depending on how much the little finger is involved.

  • Personality Oriented Weakness - Coward (combat)
    Bravery isn't one of Nero's strong sides. He's not a coward because he doesn't like to fight, but because he doesn't like to get wounded. This mostly applies to real combat; not sparring. In real combat, Nero would likely hide.

  • Personality Oriented Weakness - Liar
    Nero isn't always honest, and he'll often tell little lies to get his will. He's often been caught telling lies, and hence isn't very trustworthy. This mostly applies to scenarios where he'd normally be in trouble. Under normal circumstances, he won't lie. Only when he finds it necessary.

  • Combat Oriented Weakness
    Because of his disability with his little finger, Nero generally has a hard time handling any weapon which requires use of the left hand. Other than that, Nero has little experience with any other weapon than axes. He understands the general concepts of them, but is a lot more skilled and lethal with axes.

Combat Styles
  • Dual Wield Axes
    His axes are relatively small and light, so his speed is quite high. He also has a high hit ratio, meaning he can deliver several attacks at a relatively short amount of time. On the other hand, he won't be able to block several heavy attacks with his axes. Against opponents with large, heavy weapons, he'll come as close to them as possible so he's too close for their lethal range and strike.

Weapon of Choice
  • Dual Wield Axes
    Nero's preferred weapon would be a pair of dual wield axes.

  • Cercei Valor (wife) - @
    Nero and Cercei have been married since 278 AC., though perhaps not 'happily'. Nero shows little affection for Cercei mostly because he's still tremendously in love with Juliana Valor, his brother's wife. Cercei does what she can to maintain their marriage, though occasionally it can be quite challenging.

  • Ryland Valor (son) - @HaramirGaming
    Ryland is Nero's oldest son, and he's always very proud of him. Most of all, he wishes for him to take over his nephew Darius' role in the hierarchy. They spend a lot of time together practicing dual axes and conversing about the promising future.

  • More will be added with time.

Life Story
(Age 0 - 10 → Birth, Childhood and Teenage Years)
Nero was born in year 251 AC., and as young children, Nero and his older brother Hadrian would always play together, whether playfully or with wooden swords or axes for weapon practice. They were both very competitive and both wanted to impress their parents. Their father Octavian would often gaze upon them with pride, being extremely fond of his two handsome sons, but especially Hadrian, the most talented one. Most of the day would be spent playing and training with each other.

(Age 10 - 18)
As they grew older, the playing was converted to more serious training and studying. Hadrian seemed to be their father's favourite son, and Nero eventually and gradually developed an envious sense of jealousy for him. To each other's faces, they would always be close and friendly, but Nero often caught himself having rather dark thoughts for his brother.

(Age 18 - 20 → Adulthood)
Other than having issues with his brother, his newly established girlfriend Juliana Manston made him overwhelmingly happy, but his happiness would come to a quick stop shortly after introducing her to Hadrian. Nero was head over heels in love with her, but she was actually more interested in Hadrian. He did all he could for her to stay with him, but Juliana eventually fell in love with Hadrian, and Hadrian with her. This incident is one of the largest roots of Nero's hate for Hadrian.

(Age 20 - 33)
Nero began studying economy in Regalia, a few years behind Hadrian. There, he met Cercei Eisley, and they eventually became a couple. He stayed in Regalia with Cercei until their studies were over. They both returned to Fendarfell and married in the summer. They later had three children, Ryland, Christopher and Lillian.

Despite Nero's attempt to have a perfect life with Cercei, he was still hopelessly in love with Juliana. Hadrian eventually married Juliana, and this sparked a thought in Nero he knew was very dangerous. When Hadrian and Juliana had their first child, Darius Traitan, Nero decided to act on his dark thoughts…

(Age 33 - 45)
It was a gloomy morning that day in August when Hadrian was found dead, killed by poison. Everyone was in shock, and no one could imagine who could do such a horrid thing. Nero was never found guilty, nor was he even charged or suspected. Although he killed his brother and Hadrian was out of the picture, Juliana had a feeling Nero might have been the mind behind this tragic event, and rather than let go of Hadrian throughout the years and get closer to Nero-- as his plans were-- she became frightened of him and wished to hold a long distance.

Nero and his children eventually moved to a household in Ithania staying in the Valor family household together with his nephews and ex sister in law. He still hasn't given up on winning her heart back.

(Age 45 - 52 -> Present Day)
While trying to not think about the murder of his brother, he spends a lot of time drinking, spending time with friends, and spending more time with other women. Nero also wishes for his eldest son to take the place of Darius, who is the oldest son of Hadrian and technically holds the hierarchy, though it is his younger niece, Victoria Valor, who manages most of everything.
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My review!
  • A reminder, you now can't write in wealth and estates and such for your family or character unless the family has been registered here - . Just a reminder!
  • Size-wise, it's not possible for Nero to be over 7 foot. I'd lower his height down substantially.
  • You have a good range of personality traits, but they need a little expansion - aim for 4 to 5 sentences on each, if you can, as it will allow each trait to be well developed.
  • In regard to your weaknesses, the badly healed fracture is a viable weakness of course, but one which won't be a hassle much in RP, I expect. I'd therefore like you to add another weakness, making four in total - It can be a personality, mental, combat, or another physical weakness.
  • Life story - It's a fair overview, but it's hard to put things to date. When was he born? What age is he in the different parts of the Life Story? When exactly do things happen? There's not a proper sense of time, but rather it skims over from when he's a young child to present day. Try setting it out in different sections: i.e. Birth, Childhood, Adolescence/Teenage Years, Adulthood ages 20 - <age>, etc. I'm sure this will help make it a lot clearer and concise.
Make the changes and tag me when you're done! Pending!
Hello, @0romir ! c:
Alright, so I've made the following changes:
  • Removed the wealth and estates.
  • Changed his heighth to 6 foot. (That system in completely alien to me, so I made a derp mistake!)
  • I've elaborated on all the personality traits, making them 3-5 lines longer.
  • Added a second Personality Oriented Weakness - Liar
  • Defined the Life Story events with ages and sections.