Archived Nicknames

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Joseph Marini

Just that cool explorer tin77
Jul 10, 2013
Reaction score
On the floor
Recently I have seen nicknames like "Katniss everdeen" "The_Hungergames" "Dracula" so much more often now. I even saw someone nicknamed as "god" and "mrsbaversson." I mean really? Cant you be more creative? They say that its hard to think up a nickname when I ask them why they have there names like that. Its simple. Take two words and mash them together. Joseph + Marini = Joseph Marini.

But others do it on purpose with troll names like "penis" and "d***sucker" who will follow you around and spam you till you go crazy. Sometimes they even threaten to hack you and come over to your house and snipe you. Really? What is this? I was trying to think of a solution then I thought of this:

There are two solutions to this problem that I can come up with:
1. Ban curse nicknames and make sure you cant make your nickname something like the stuff above. Also ban popular movie names, forcing people to be creative. >:)

2. Have only approved rp characters use it. On the forums if your rp character is approved or pending review, be allowed to use a nickname! Resistrict it to the certain people who got accepted, and allow it for the pending review characters because they might be accepted to. If a pending review character is rejected then disallow the nickname

Just some ideas, and trust me I will be suggesting a lot this week. >:D
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