Archived Nickname Messaging

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


White People at a Cookout: It needs more salt
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
Between the frosting and the plate.
So I've been a roleplayer for a while now, and most of the time I have a tendency to accidently type in a players character name rather then their IGN, especially if they start with the same letters. This idea is basically to impliment a system that would read through the character card files for premium members and then be able to message a player using the name shown in their character card. This would of course mean you'd need premium and in essence make it a premium feature, but it would be worth it for roleplayers
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
So I've been a roleplayer for a while now, and most of the time I have a tendency to accidently type in a players character name rather then their IGN, especially if they start with the same letters. This idea is basically to impliment a system that would read through the character card files for premium members and then be able to message a player using the name shown in their character card. This would of course mean you'd need premium and in essence make it a premium feature, but it would be worth it for roleplayers
You can do /nick check (insert name here) and it will tell you the IGN of the player. While it could be a nice addition to premium benefits, I otherwise really see no point of this. Also, the player's IGN is right next to the nickname, so it's not like you have to do a few commands to see it.
I'll provide a decent example. So the player @darkarely is a very good friend of mine. In character and Out of Character, but her roleplay name is Dianne, due to the similarities I tend to type Dianne rather than her IGN. With the implemetation of this it would make it so that rather than having to edit the whole msg and what not, you merely have to hit tab with the message loaded.
Figuratively speaking, you're asking for an elevator to be built when everyone is already capable of taking the stairs, and the building is on a low budget. As I have said before, there are already many plugins on Massivecraft, and typing an IGN instead of a character name is not the most complicated thing to do. If you really want, using the Darkarely example, assuming that is their IGN, you could just go /pm dark- and then press tab, where it would finish the missing -arely. If you want to go above and beyond, you can just copy the command and do ctrl-v in game to activate the command.
Figuratively speaking, you're asking for an elevator to be built when everyone is already capable of taking the stairs, and the building is on a low budget. As I have said before, there are already many plugins on Massivecraft, and typing an IGN instead of a character name is not the most complicated thing to do. If you really want, using the Darkarely example, assuming that is their IGN, you could just go /pm dark- and then press tab, where it would finish the missing -arely. If you want to go above and beyond, you can just copy the command and do ctrl-v in game to activate the command.

You are missing the point... The point is that its hard to see there name and you just... Yah Nvm
I think this would blur the lines between OOC and IC too much for new players.