Preserved Sheet Nicholas Drakenspyr

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No, I will not do that for a Klondike bar.
Dec 31, 2013
Reaction score
Not In the bushes by the 7 eleven on your corner

"I do not abide by demonic behavior, regardless of the source"

Character Information
  • Full Name: Sera Nicholas Drakenspyr
  • Aliases: Nik
  • Race: Half Altalar, culturally West Anglian (Solvaan/Anglian)
  • Age: 21
  • Gender: Male
  • Eye Color: Blue
Core Concept

  • A freshly anointed Aelriggan of 21, he walks around with a quiet curiosity and thirst for knowledge. His world view and opinions are mercurial, while holding fast to what he considers to be good morals, the young mixblood seeks to prove himself.

14/14 Spent

  • Strength: 6
    • Axes
    • Large Blades
    • Polearm
    • Blades
    • Unarmed
    • Blunt
  • Constitution: 2
    • Light Shielding Pack
    • Resilience Pack
  • Wisdom: 1
    • Heks Pak
  • Dexterity: 2
    • Parkour Pack
    • Backup Pack
  • Magic: 3 (Dragon)
    • Draconic Healing
    • Draconic Shielding
    • Draconic Adjudicator
  • Charisma: 0


  • Mythic Spells
    • Healing Hands {Draconic}
    • Complete Shield {Draconic}
    • Leaping Pursuit {Draconic}
  • Mundane Techniques
    • Technique Parry
    • Knockback Sweep
    • Battle Hunger
    • Polearm Leap
    • Ranged Dodge
    • Barrier Smash
    • Backup Shot
    • Shield Block
  • Solvaan Racials
    • Weapon Summon
    • Arcane Ranged
    • Area Detection

Common (Free)
West Anglian (Native)

Appearance Information

  • Nicholas is mutation free
  • A half altalar with a sharp and narrow jaw, ear length tufts of blonde hair that has to be brushed away from his light blue eyes rather often. Carrying more muscle than one would expect for a knife ear, he's got a good amount of bulk on his 6'5'' frame.

Life Story

  • Born in the forests of Verreland, he was the bastard son of a Solvaan mercenary and an Anglian hedge witch. She raised him during early adolescence and taught him the ways of the Drakkens and Heks occultism, but sent him to the Aelriggan knights, one of whom she was an old friend of and asked them to raise Nicholas to be a warrior of the Fae.
  • Training as a page, the half nelfin struggled in comparison to his better educated peers, forcing him to work hard and to rely on others in some circumstances. Him and the other pages would often fight with sticks, pretending the staves were some other kind of weapon.
  • Becoming a squire, Nicholas would embark on field missions with his mentor Aelriggan and begin gaining combat experience. He finds he has a penchant for larger weapons, such as the broadaxe or claymore, developing a chaotic fighting style. His knowledge in Heks and primal occultism grows as he studies draconic spellcraft, becoming a more versatile force to be reckoned with.
  • Shortly after graduation and becoming a fully fledged knight, Nicholas travels to Regalia upon hearing word of the assaults it has endured in recent times.
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