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Played Character Nicholas d'Eluise

This character is actively played.


Das Wump
Dec 14, 2015
Reaction score
Character Information
  • Full Name | Nicholas Francois Norrvakt ne d'Eluise
  • Heritage / Culture | Ithanian Ailor | Blackmark Mercenary (crude enough to be considered its own niche subculture)
  • Age | Death at age 42 | Undead for nine years
  • Gender / Pronouns | Fluid | He/Him
  • Religion | Atheist, though acknowledges the Unionist gods are real beings
  • Occult | Relicsworn Undead
  • Character Occupation | Aelrrigan Knight
    • Previous Occupations | Surgeon, Regalian City Guard Captain, Blackmark mercenary, Regalian Noble x2"
Appearance Information
  • Eye Color | None | Pale Green smoke/light
  • Skin Color | None
  • Hair | None
  • Height | 8 feet
  • Body Type | Bulky
  • Additional Features | Confined in a suit of armor, size does not dictate skill, he's just large
Skill Information
  • Hobbies and Talents | Medical Hobby
  • Mechanics:
  • Languages | d'Ithanie | Skodje | Common

Combat Proficiencies and Abilities

Attack Stat:
Defense Stat:
[0/14 points spent]
Proficiency Points:
  • Strength | 7
    • Veteran Antimagic
    • Veteran Impurity
    • Veteran Demonspite
    • Veteran Tri-Slash
    • Veteran Sentinal
    • Veteran Swiftstrike
    • Veteran Solitude
    • Veteran Parry
  • Constitution: 1
    • Shield Bunker
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Wisdom: 0
  • Dexterity: 0
  • Faith: 0
  • Magic: 0
[Appearance Information]
A mass of armor, the reliquary that contains his skull located in the center of the torso. The armor cycles on occasion, but the skull remains the same.

[Life Story / Plot Hooks]
  • Born to the Duchess d'Eluise, the second born behind his sister.
  • Abusive childhood, mother was mentally unwell towards the end of her life and took it out on her children.
  • Enters the academie to become a surgeon, takes the oath of no harm that dictates the rest of his life.
  • Mother dies while at the academie and his sister becomes the Duchess.
  • The family goes to the capital to begin networking there. He is looked down upon by the heavy jingoist movement in the capital at the time.
  • Works with his other sister to establish a clinic before falling into favor with the Regalian guard beneath the Duke Norrvakt.
  • Works beneath the Duke Norrvakt, gaining favor to become a captain of the guard, without having to use a weapon.
  • Politics push on him, where he has no interest in marriage or childcare and would rather continue to work as a guard captain while moonlighting as a surgeon in the late hours.
  • In an act of defiance, castrates himself and rejects his family become he own person, rejecting his nobility in the process.
  • The acting High Reverend and his White Order take him in and declare him a heretic, declaring he must serve the Empire in all future wars. (The church wielded unchecked power at the time and could do this)
  • In the middle of the night he comes to his friend, the Duke Norrvakt, who smuggles him out of the capital to join up with a roaming mercenary company.
  • For four years he transforms himself into a Blackmark mercenary before returning to the capital.
  • In what can only be seen as an act of pure adoration, the Duke Norrvakt adopts him in as his own son, even though the two were within eight years of each other in age. His nobility is restored.
  • He enlists under Emperor Cedromar on the attack on the Songaskian Empire beside the Emperors legions of Eronidas and Urlan as well as Imperial Guards.
  • In the ensuing slaughter he receives commendation, raiding the city for treasures and working with the troops to ensure a Regalian victory.
  • In the capital, the acting government under Duke Montagaard begins to threaten the existing nobility with his massive influence and power.
  • In the middle of the night he stood against the Montagaard militia, armed with a dagger he saved the life of a young Drachenburg and working to free the captured Duke Typhonus.
  • He would be stabbed six times by the heavily armored milita before being dragged to prison where the Duke Montagaard drove a rapier through his throat, finishing the job.
  • His body would be suspended from the ramparts of the prison for over a month while he decayed.
  • In his final moments he rejected the notion of there being a god and accepted the black nothingness that would take him. But the gods had other plans.
  • For his work in defending the Emperors chosen nobility, he was given a new life. A young priest, who would go on to become the last High Reverend, was tasked to bring his head to the Aelrrigan order, who had all but left the capital until later political movements would allow for them to return.
  • To avoid the controversy of a declared traitor being brought back as a knight he was sent to the far north, to a small Unionist shrine, hidden deep in a raging blizzard.
  • He would guard this location for nine years, without knowledge of the outside world. Eventually, the blizzard would bury the last stone, and the shrine would be buried. With his work done he would return to the Kintyr before being sent to the capital once again for reassignment.