Preserved Sheet Niantha Heiwynn

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Rat Mumther
Jun 10, 2014
Reaction score
Nenyarina Grove
Regalian Empire
Roleplay Guilds
☼ Niántha Heiwynn ☼
"Nenyarina crusader of Justice; Regalia's radical plant alchemist."

☼ Basic Information ☼
  • Full Name: Niantha Ysollas' Aalviënta Heiwynn
  • Chosen Name: Niantha Heiwynn, or simply "Ni"
  • Age: 69 years (Birthday: 5/12/235)
  • Gender: Agender (Identifies as female)
  • Race: Cielothar-seedling Yanar
  • Main Ambition: To find a solution to Aloria's magical disturbance and do her part to protect the Crown Isle when conflict arises.
  • (23/03/17) Current Goals: Presently, Niantha wishes to clear her name amongst the populous after divulging in many nefarious acts prior to the Deathling invasion. She hopes that through doing so she may be able to enlist the help of higher authorities, and have her visions on the world's crises heard more efficiently.
  • Special Permission: Evergrowth Expert (10 Solurs)
☼ Skill Information ☼
  • School: 10 solurs of Evergrowth magic | Elia's stave polearm training.
  • Level: Expert Evergrowth mage | Fighter in Polearms.
  • Source: Tutored in Evergrowth magic by expert mage Telvos Vanimba, and later on ex-silveirall Selwynn Crassian. | Her polearm training was achieved through the 9th solur, and is upkept via monthly training.

~ Basic Information Expansion
Basic Information
Full Elvish Name: Niántha'llënae Ysollasen Aal'sollei-viëntta
Citizenship: Protected-class citizen.
Wealth: Merchant class; wealthy commoner.
Languages: Common (Fluent), Modern Elvish (Native), Imperial Elvish (Well-versed).

Home & Employment
Niantha lives a comfortable life in her medium-sized townhouse in the Leutz-Vixe district, which she shares with her husband, Zaos Heiwynn, and five seedlings of varying ages. While her husband retains the right as homeowner, Niantha owns a nearby apothecary on the tavern street; which doubles as her old apartment and means of income. Ni oversees the shop and gains much of her wealthy status from the remedies and herbs that sell there, supplemented by the Heiwynn family's farming business back in Daendroc.

Wealth Status
From her long-standing reputation of high quality alchemy, combined with a history of servancy in noble families, Niantha has achieved a wealthy commoner status. In spite of incriminating evidence, the popularity of her shop continues to keep the Yanar well afloat.

Early Life / Upbringing
As a Seedling, Niantha was born into a small Cielothar village in the upper quarter of Teled Methen, where she remained with her extended family for the first twenty years of her life. From her time in the propagated and self-serving homestead, Ni gained much of her work ethic and herbal knowledge, but equally as much her anxiety for the untamed world. While both of her parents, Amarthellea and Tae'randen, were lost to the Bone Horror Crisis, her yet unknown sibling Llenasse remains.

Current Goals
  • Reassert a pleasant reputation amongst nobility, by returning to her roots of apothecary and healing duties and divulging in less criminal activity. She hopes to touch in with her largely forgotten nursing skills in the process.
  • Follow the breadcrumb trail of rumors to hopefully find a living Nenya, in hopes that the ancient tree may offer a lead in her pursuit to halt Estel's wrath.
  • Research the events leading up to the disappearance of the Virtues in a bid to regain contact with the Great Powers, through quests and consistent worship.
  • Gradually lure her Nenyarina followers to the truth about Estel, and aim to increase the influence of the Virtues among her sect in the process.

☼ Visual Information ☼

  • Eye Color: Violet with a yellow sclera; a glass eye on the left.
  • Hair Color: Deep green ivy leaves.
  • Hair Style: Large angular leaves tucked up behind her head in a pixie cut, occasionally with tendrils of vines in front of her ears.
  • Skin Color: A medium oak-leaf green.
  • Clothing: Colorful yet practical working dresses with a feminine flair. She always carries a trader's pouch with her coinpurse and the occasional alchemical remedy when out and about.
  • Height: 5ft 6"
  • Body Build: Androgynous, weak and lithe.
  • Weapon of Choice: Her garden defenses where appropriate; or an Elven Quarterstaff supplemented by Nenya Bindings beyond the safety of the garden. When getaways are needed, she will resort to alchemical detriments such as Obscura or Lyss-Eish--whatever is on hand.
    For the occasional military advances, she owns an Advanced Nelfinite Spear. (PQ Acquired.)


@MonMarty - @MantaRey - @Naerishi

Nenyarina leader Niantha. 305AC.

~ Visual Information Expansion
Facial Description
Niantha's face could be described as smooth and child-like, with little pronounced bone structure and rounded cheeks. Her face is quite short, and tapers evenly from high cheekbones to a heart-shaped chin. Her eyes are circular with upward-turning corners, around which two small twigs grow and adorn her eye area; reminiscent of Cielothar tattoos. She sports violet ringed irises with a yellow sclera, and an imperfect glass replacement on her left. Niantha has only a small flat semblance of a nose and small lips which blend with the rest of her face. The most prominent feature of the Yanar's head are her ears, which are notably large and stick outwards, coupled with two leaves that sit beneath as guards to her delicate hearing. Contrary to popular belief, they are not second ears.

Hair Description
The Yanar's angular leaves are kept short and trim in what could only be described as a "pixie cut" style. They typically grow upwards towards the back of her head, though she sometimes allows two vines to fall in front of her ears for special occasions. Amongst her head foliage she grows small branches which sit either side of her temples, however these never grow more than a few inches.

Body Description
Ni stands at a painfully average 5'6" feet tall, with a feather-light weight in thanks to her weedy shape and leafy growths. At first glance one would be forgiven for mistaking Niantha for a pre-adolescent male, as she boasts virtually no curves or muscle mass reminiscent of a typical woman. Her floral attributes can found notably upon her shoulders and ankles, where the Yanar grows thick bushy mats of ovular leaves-- usually a few shades lighter to the ivy upon her head. Amongst the foliage Niantha grows sweet red berries, which taste incredibly similar to Angle Bushberries, and make for the only contrasting shade on her body.

The most notable scar on her body is the brand of a family crest scarred into Niantha's palm. Such is the product of her marriage; a symbol born from ancient Avanthar tradition, which was branded to her hand in December 305AC.

Clothing Description
Niantha's typical day-to-day wear consists of a deep turquoise dress in Heiwynn family colors, coupled with a corset belt and leather trader's pouch. The majority of her wardrobe is specifically feminine and Regalisch in style, out of a desire to fit closely in with human-dominated society. Her footwear of choice is always wide-ankled boots to accompany for the bushels of leaves that grow there. Similarly, where possible she avoids tight covering on her shoulders, allowing her foliage to grow unhindered.

When venturing into more dangerous pursuits, Niantha wears basic leather armor and brigandine atop a light-weight cyan gambeson. She is unable to wear anything heavier than this due to her physical weaknesses.

Jewelry is a recent addition to Niantha's attire. Aside from her required mage collar (which shows slight signs of wear from age), she wears multiple piercings with subtle charms for the Virtues on her right ear. She also wears a green and cyan beaded bracelet on her right wrist; a sign of Ni's marriage with Zaos.

Voice Description
Niantha's voice is melodic and feminine in intonation, with an alto pitch and mixed Elvish accent. When stressed, it has a tendency to deepen further and become husky in a manner similar to a young males. She speaks three languages: Modern Elvish, Common, and Imperial Elvish with varying fluencies. From time around family and diverse Nenyarina members, she also knows a limited assortment of random Daendroqean phrases.

☼ Personality and Abilities ☼

  • Benevolent - Caring, empathetic and with an inclination to Justice, Niantha holds a firm supportive role amongst her circles of loved ones and allies. Ni wholeheartedly believes in the righteousness associated with her chosen Virtue, and as a result has dedicated her life to living in his values--whether the reality is true or not. To those who see past her sometimes up-tight and prideful attitude, the Yanar is a reliable yet kind-hearted leader. She is continuously drawn to her sympathetic nature when misfortune arises, and will work strongly to reduce suffering; whether by offering a helping hand to the injured, or ridding the source of illness altogether. This trait is most often seen in her caring duties as an apothecarist and sect leader, but occasionally leads her into trouble when she bites off more than she can chew.
  • Dutiful - Though she could be seen as uptight by some, Niantha's strong sense of duty and hard-working attitude is one of the Yanar's most admirable traits. From being raised in a subjugated and self-sustaining Cielothar village, Niantha has learned to work for what she has and expect praise from hardship, not idleness. If there is a job that she is capable of, Ni's hand will be the first to raise and take up that duty, even if others would be better suited to the task. This has lead to the mage being seen as prideful at times, especially in the face of supposed "cushy" nobility whom Niantha would much rather prove wrong.
  • Motherly - After raising upwards of eight children, alongside spending the majority of her life as a healer, it is unsurprising that Niantha is considered to be a mother figure by many. Owing to her love of all things small and innocent, the Yanar frequently "adopts" people into her inner circles so that she may care for them closely under her hen's wing. She believes that the sweet and tender-hearted must be protected, even if they are perfectly capable of doing so themselves, and will go out of her way to smother them in love. Surprisingly enough, many seem to love the attention, and will gladly refer to Niantha as "Momma" as she exacts them to her own views and morals.
  • Outspoken - Niantha is nothing close to the quiet, subservient Yanar that most Ailor are used to seeing. She has no issue with making herself heard or expressing opinions, even going so far as to become a religious leader and spokesperson. The Yanar's confidence is admired by her kin, but equally so reviled by upper-class humanum who see her as insubordinate and unstable. Regardless of whether they perceive her as a strong leader or a misguided child, Ni makes it a strong point to get as many people to side with her as she can, to moderate success.
  • Stubborn - Niantha has dedicated much of her life to fulfilling the will of the Virtues, and as a result, it is irritatingly hard to make a dent in the Yanar's beliefs. The only entities capable of such a feat are the Virtues themselves and their children. While she has made many attempts to remain open-minded, and in some cases can be swayed into vague acceptance, Ni's life goals can seldom be altered. She believes her own views to be the only correct ones, and will frequently go above and beyond to change other's in the direction of her own.
  • Emotional - Despite being quick to act on her impulses, the Yanar's arrogance is frequently short-lived. A small tug at her emotions can cause Niantha to retreat back into the highly sensitive mindset reminiscent of typical Yanar--a side of her which has only been suppressed from years of sewer antics and toughening. In the face of perceived danger, Ni is often found overwhelmed to the point of becoming a teary mess, and will respond rashly by lashing out verbally at the first sign of distaste. Emotional turbulence is the Yanar's biggest personality flaw, and many continue to label Niantha as melodramatic or unstable as a result.
  • Rash - As a direct result of being so emotional, Niantha rarely takes the time to observe all aspects of a situation before acting. She blows situations out of proportion embarrassingly often, simply from jumping to a negative conclusion early on and acting upon it with anger. She is quick to speak, quick to jeopardize her chances and quick to flee. Such actions can cause her to be perceived as immature or unfit to be a leader, and frequently leads Niantha into further emotional anguish.
  • Headstrong - Years of receiving copious praise for her abilities has taken its toll on Ni, causing her to become much more wilful of both herself and her skills. These days it wouldn't be unheard of for Niantha to turn her nose up at those she deems below herself, or even become uncooperative and arrogant in response to foreign demands. In spite of great effort the Yanar will continue to pursue her own desires, and more often than not she puts her own objectives above anything else. Niantha's stubborn attitude only serves to increase her impulsiveness, and brings her to great conflict with her societal superiors who deem the Yanar insubordinate.
  • Domineering - The more devious side to Niantha's motherly and stubborn attitude is her tendency to subjugate others to her views and beliefs, whether they agree to it or not. She frequently uses her status as a well-versed leader to insist that what she believes is the only "correct" way, and will go so far as to reprimand or completely oust those who disagree. This type of control often leads the Yanar into bouts of pride and emotional instability when people decline to agree to her demands. Her domineering attitude is either admired or despised by officials, who see her as a means to control those of lower birth, or a potential threat to order who occasionally turns her control to those of higher status.

☼ Strengths ☼

  • Evergrowth Expert - Over the 40 years that she has spent perfecting the art of Exist control, Niantha has developed into an Evergrowth mage of exceptional skill. The Yanar's knowledge comes from a line of expert mages with history steeped in the Nenyarina, beginning with the Virtue of Justice himself. She is capable of producing all 10 Solurs for the defense of her grove, and has the steady patience to uphold control of a garden for upwards of 20 minutes before tiring. Not only is her magic a means of protection, but also an avenue of stress relief and utility for the Yanar, who always carries around her Elder Companion for company. Her garden currently lies in the eastern portion of the Regalian sewers, combined with her tutors, in a cavern gifted by the Kade family.
    • Polearm Usage - Through practice of the Ninth Solur, Elia's Stave, Niantha has trained herself in the basic defensive abilities of polearm usage. She is capable of performing a series of blocks to protect herself, as well making agile jabs when openings arise. While slightly rusty due to her physical weaknesses, Ni could be considered a Fighter level in her skills.
  • Alchemical Knowledge - Even before she began learning Evergrowth, Niantha had worked as a herbal healer for decades. Soon after moving to Regalia she put this arbitrary flower knowledge to good use. From frequent study, experimentation, and aid from her Allar ex-husband, Niantha has developed the skills of modern alchemy and become fairly well known for her knowledge. She can ascertain most concoctions by properties alone, and with time Niantha can brew most alchemy up to a difficulty level of 8 with a high rate of success. While her job requires her to make herbal medicines in excess amounts, she is also capable of creating some alchemical detriments; and it would not be uncommon to see the Yanar with a few bottles of Obscura among her armory.
  • Well-learned - For all of her emotional instability, Niantha is surprisingly intelligent; when presented with a topic of her interest, the Yanar is capable of learning quickly and retaining information quite well. While her topics of interest are limited to the scopes of Elven history, demonology and herbal alchemy, she could be considered somewhat of an expert in these niche fields. If given the chance, Niantha would gladly recite her theories on the downfall of the Elven Empire from memory alone. Despite being raised in a relatively poor village, her years of noble service and knowledgeable tutors have also allowed her to develop writing skills in Elvish and Common. The trade-off for this was that she never learned to multiply 2x2!
  • Leadership Skills - From experience alone, Niantha has developed the skills to become a fine leader when presented with a cause she believes to be worthy. While she lacks proper strategic skills, or even the emotional stability required of a military officer, she can certainly inspire some confidence in those who see her benevolence as a natural strength. Ni is increasingly popular with those of her kin, who see her outspokenness as an uncommon Virtue, and her determination as a reason to follow in the Yanar's footsteps. When faced with disagreement, Niantha can usually rely on the fact that her numerous allies will be there to support her--rallying the support of others through sly promises and a tactful tongue. She is surprisingly adept at getting people to fly with even the most radical of her opinions.

☼ Weaknesses ☼

  • One eye down - Niantha has only a fraction of the vision she was born with after losing her left eye to a group of Sanguines in her early thirties. Though she has attempted to deal with this disability through becoming more intuned with her hearing, her narrow-minded attitude has lead to this being completely ineffective. It is laughably easy to sneak up on Ni from the side, or knock her off balance at the slightest nudge due to lack of depth perception. Even mentioning the disability causes the Yanar to retreat into herself, becoming insecure and lowering her guard into submission.
  • Emotional wreck - At the heart of every situation lies emotion, and for Niantha, this consistently serves to be her downfall. Many years of gullibility and deceit continue to grind at the poor Yanar's delicate psyche, to the point of it becoming a thin and easily-broken veil. If faced with danger, Ni's reasoning goes out the window to be replaced with impulsive panic or anger. Even arguments of a petty quality are usually jeopardized by Ni's internal anguish, and the smallest of insults can dig at her enough to end the conversation in a full-blown scene. Her frequent bouts of instability only further Niantha into impulsive actions, causing the Yanar to frequently size up against those far stronger--socially or physically--than herself, in a bid to prove them wrong. Due to being a lost cause however, this almost always ends in tears.
  • Impulsive - In spite of her weakened body and fragile mental state, Niantha is viciously impulsive to act on her whims. Since receiving protection from the Virtues and nobility in the past, the Yanar has become detrimentally complacent; she always expects that she will be aided in her decisions, regardless of if she stands obviously alone. Ni will run her tongue in front of superiors with little thought for consequences, and face up against enemies far more powerful than her-- even outside of the protections of her garden. Rarely will she stop to think about her actions before performing them. When combined with her emotional instability, Niantha frequently finds herself in the midst of painful situations that could have very well been avoided.
  • Specific Phobias: Fire & Insects - Niantha has a huge phobia of these two things after receiving hex torture in the Azure Spire; the fear reconditioning used upon her leaving Ni with immovable and terrifying memories. Being faced with any fire beyond a covered fireplace, or the sight of something multi-legged and crawly, is certain to send the Yanar into fits of violent shuddering and panic. When her phobias are present all of Niantha's thoughts shift to safety and escape, and her ability to lead or remain resolute is near void.
  • Mathematically Challenged - The biggest threat to Niantha's apothecary business is not thieves, nor the extortionate prices of importing Fireweed, but Ni's inability to count past 100. When presented with money beyond the small and consistent prices of her alchemy stock, the Yanar is dumbfounded with how much to take and how much to return. More times than she can (ironically) count, Ni has handed over double the amount of money needed for an expensive item, leaving her short on funds--and in big trouble with her husband. Her inability to math owes itself to the lack of necessity for money in her home village. She simply never had the time or interest to grasp the concept upon moving to Regalia.
    (ROLL SYSTEM: If the money Niantha is giving or receiving is beyond 50, /roll 20 to see outcome. 20-10 correct amount given, 10-1 percentage of excess given relative to number.)
~ Personality and Abilities Expansion
. Hand-clapping - Though Evergrowth magic does not require any hand gestures to cast, Niantha has developed a habit of clapping her hands together to gain concentration. She will also do this means to quieten a room, or as an acknowledgement to somebody's conversation. Clapping once generally indicates excitement or agreement, whereas twice or more is usually done to assert her authority: either over the plants, or others.
. Touching soft things - Back in her Cielothar village, everything was considered communal - and everyone was a friend. As a result, when Ni first moved to Regalia she had very little regard to personal space when it came to touching hair, soft fabrics, or fluffy tails. She has gained much more social etiquette since then, but Niantha can't help but regress back to a childlike state when presented with something fluffy or extravagant.

. First aid - Since childhood, Niantha has had many affairs in the work of clinics, healing houses and noble servants. As a result she has come to develop a deep knowledge in racial anatomy, first aid and basic medical practice. It has been a good twenty or so years since this kind of work has been in the forefront of her lives, but even with lack of practice some of her gained knowledge still remains. With aid of alchemy, Niantha could successfully patch up a soldier on the field or wrap a mortal injury enough to get them to a proper clinic, even if her stitching would be amateur at best.
. Literate - Niantha would consider herself to be a bit of a scholar, and in that she has had adequate practice in language and reading from her social occupations. She can both read and write in all three languages she knows, and would be considered on-par with a noble child of similar degree. Her penmanship has a very distinct, "doctor" feel to it, with rushed cursive and elfy influence.

. Lightfooted - Due to her natural body type and weight, Niantha is rather agile and quick on her feet. Especially with the use of her staff, she can often out-manouver a lesser skilled opponent and vault herself into areas where someone of a more bulky frame could not. This skill also extends to sneaking, where her soft leafy feet really come to their full strength in quiet footfalls. This would not be considered a reliable stength however, as her increasing age and physical weaknesses mean in practice she falls quite short of her skills.

☼ Life Story ☼
Blue text = IC roleplayed occurence.

Childhood (0 - 18 years)
  • 5th of December, 235AC: Niantha Aalvienta is born to Amarthellea and Tae'randen Aalvienta in Highleaves, a Cielothar settlement on the northern border of Teled Methen. There her family ran the clinic of the farmstead, providing basic healing to the working Elves who supply the nearby Inheritor States. (0)
  • Niantha begins her basic education in Elvish history and writing, taught by the Great Mother of her homestead. (5)
  • Niantha begins aiding her mother in the village clinic. She learns first-aid and more holistic, herb-oriented forms of healing. (8)
  • The Yanar decides that she will be known as female. (13)
  • A band of Shendar siege Highleaves, corrupting the adjacent forest with Dulofall and infecting her her Grandfather in the process. Niantha, having never been exposed to such terror previously, grows fearful and withdrawn as a result. (16)
  • Niantha's depression does not improve, and she forgoes work with her mother entirely. It is decided amongst the village that she would be permitted to leave with the Avanthar on their trade to safer continents, under the condition that she would earn money for the settlement in return. (17)
  • Niantha leaves for Regalia. (18)
Early Adulthood (18 - 30 years)
  • The Yanar is given an old trading office by the Avanthar to live in. She begins Regalian life by using her herbalist skills to forage and create medicinal remedies for trade. (18)
  • Niantha befriends soon-to-be Evergrowth tutor Telvos Vanimba. (19)
  • Ni opens up a small side-street shop for her apothecary skills, and begins to learn more modern alchemical remedies through books and research. (22)
  • Telvos Vanimba offers the Yanar the opportunity to become his pupil in Evergrowth magic, inviting her amongst the Regalian cult of Nenyarina. Niantha gladly accepts, and begins establishing an Exist connection and learning the secrets of Elven history. (22)
  • The new mage upgrades her business and begins making noble connections. (26)
Mid Adulthood (30 - 50 years)
  • Niantha befriends Allar alchemist and love interest Ztril Merrit. (30)
  • Niantha's popularity increases, and in a bid to take her as a blood slave, she is kidnapped by a young Vampire Coven. The Yanar loses her left eye to the Coven's brutality before finally being liberated. (39)
  • Telvos Vanimba returns to Daendroc, leaving Ni's magic in the hands of Silveriall Selwynn Crassian. She continues to improve her magical ability, and is taught the defensive Solurs to supplement her increasingly sized garden. (41)
  • Niantha marries her first husband, Ztril Merrit. (43)
  • The couple conceive Niantha's first child, Roussea Merrit. (45)
  • Word of the heretical seedling reaches Niantha's family in Highleaves. The family insist that Ni return to her roots to cleanse herself of the sin of lesser races, to which Niantha reluctantly agrees to. (46)
  • Niantha meets Asterion Fellmirr within the Forest Dream, a fellow Evergrowth mage who endeavours to recreate the ancient Nenyarina orders and usurp power from the Ailor. (52)
Later Adulthood (50 - 70 years)
  • Niantha returns to the crown isle in pursuit of recreating the Nenyarina order under her own name and rekindled faith. (53)
  • Ni gets captured by the Azure Order after being caught using her Nenya Bindings in public, leaving the Yanar with permanent mental scars and a fear of magic. (56)
  • Niantha slowly comes to re-accept magic through the careful encouragement of Asterion, and re-grows her garden within an abandoned sewer cistern. She begins to recruit fellow Estel followers, and the Regalian Nenyarina cult is conceived. (59)
  • Niantha meets her second love interest, a fellow Nenyarina and Cielothar Yanar named Zaos Heiwynn. (63)
  • Niantha marries Zaos Heiwynn, and the two begin to build a family of Seedlings. (66)
  • The sewer purge by Deathling Freya Lo destroys Niantha's original garden. Upon relocating to the eastern undercity she refinds her old mentor, Selwynn Crassian, and combines her garden with his. (69)
  • Niantha begins to rethink her views on the Faith of Estel, and endeavours to find the answers to her growing questions. (69)

"The flower that blooms in adversity, is the most heretical of them all."
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☼ Character Flavour
Extended Reading:
Vastly outdated, needs updating.
Niantha bust, 303AC. By @MonMarty
Apothecarist Ni, 303AC. By @Naerishi

Niantha Merrit, 304AC. By @Gabriel

Niantha Bust, 304AC. By @MantaRey
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☼ Changelog ☼
*To reviewers: Please excuse the ridiculous amount of edits I make to the app! The majority are just grammar changes or slight rewordings that I have done in the past as a result of OCD and nit-picking.
  • 10/08/16 - Added "Character Flavour" section
  • 2/09/16 - Replaced life story with a brief bullet-point overview. Minor edits.
  • 5/09/16 - Added weakness: "Looming insanity".
  • 10/09/16 - Removed trait: "Influenced". Reworded a few personality segments to reflect her current extremist state of mind. Also changed life ambition and added new piece to her life story.
  • 26/09/16 - Accepted for Evergrowth Expert! Bumped age from 53 to 63. Replaced strength: "Empathetic Eloquency" with "Leadership Skills". Added personality trait: "Pious". Reworded a few personality traits. Added section to her life story.
  • 5/10/16 - Changed Niantha's name to accomodate for her "divorce" with Ztril. Added strength: "Silver-tongue", and an already-played but previously unwritten weakness "Specific phobias".
  • 18/11/16 - Updated for the new Evergrowth rewrite! Rewrote "Queen of the Garden" strength, "Herbal Alchemist" strength and updated weaponry and life story accordingly.
  • 22/11/16 - Added personality & abilities expansion.
  • 01/12/16 - Changed trait: "Optimistic" to "Excitable". Reworded and reworked some random segments for explanation purposes.
  • 19/12/16 - Militaristic/combat oriented personality update.
    - Replaced older personality traits: "Sympathetic, Optimistic, Pious, Merciful.".
  • - Added new traits "Benevolent, Dutiful, Whimsical, Stubborn.".
    - Replaced strength "Silver tongue" with "Determined" and "Agile".
    - "Alchemist" strength takes more of a backseat as an acquired skill, possibly to be rekindled.
    - Replaced weakness "Wavering sanity" with "Impulsive".
    - Marriage name changes: Niantha Aalvienta (birthname) - Niantha Heiwynn (marriage to Zaos Heiwynn)
    - Timeskip: 63 to 68.
  • 07/01/17 - Changed life ambition and her weapon of choice to advanced nelfinite.
  • 17/03/17 - Added Expansion sections.

  • 23/03/17 - Scholarly oriented personality update.
  • Removed personality trait "Whimsical", added personality traits "Motherly" and "Domineering".
  • Most personality traits have received slight tweaking.
  • Removed strengths "Agile as a Bunny" and "Determined", added strengths "Well-learned" and "Leadership Skills".
  • Removed weakness "Impulsive", added weakness "Mathematically Challenged".
  • All strengths and weaknesses have been tweaked or rewritten completely.
  • Added all expansion sections.
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Peer Review
no salt intended
Hello again I will be doing a peer review for you today, I hope this helps you.
All hail the Flower Queen, This is a lovely Application, and like many of the others it will be hard to find things wrong with it, but I'll give it a shot. First though, I'll not be touching the Expanded info cause its not listed yet. Here. WE. GOOOO!!
  • I read it and re-read it and I have something for you to contemplate; if she fought against Regalia in the Elven War, what was the impact on her over their defeat? What impacts do the resent undead surge have on her faith in Estale?
Other then that, I can with great confidence say that I can see no errors in your application, in my opinion its ready for the staff.

Hiya! Thankyou kindly for your peer review <3

Those are actually some really good points that didn't cross my mind before. I can't find a place where it would fit in the application without bulking the life story more, but I'm definitely going to keep them in mind for roleplaying her!

Since she had been in Regalia and started a family prior to the Elven war, the defeat did not effect her too much as she was already indecisive and rooting for both sides. The war didn't touch the Inheritor states of Ariye because of their weak threat, so her family and land was near unharmed. I've also decided that the undead horrors will actually strengthen her faith in Estel at the present, as she believes that they are a direct result of Aloria not praising and protecting the Tru Goddess. I'm sure that will change as further events unroll, however.

I also just noticed that the wiki changed the states from Rie to Ariye, so I'm going to quickly change that in my app eheh.
~Staff Review~

Hi! I'm Shuikenai and I'll be your reviewer today on Review Airlines. You'll find airbags to your left and the emergency exits are all located up and down the aisle. Buckle up, we're going on a trip.

The actual meat of the review.
Honestly, this character was very nicely written, she seems to be a bundle of nerves, which I adore in a character. I can't find a thing without getting incredibly nitpicky that you ought to change.

So! Without further ado, approved!

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So all the fragments are together. Because, the statue of estel is a thing in world progression. So while I appreciate the effort into making this feasible, it's just. Not possible, because the shards are now one in the statue.
So all the fragments are together. Because, the statue of estel is a thing in world progression. So while I appreciate the effort into making this feasible, it's just. Not possible, because the shards are now one in the statue.
Aw shoot darn heck.
Ah well, I tried. I got the idea from the lore item that says it is a chunk taken from the battle of the Curag field. I thought that might have still been relevant.
whhite text for bumping

Update and request for re-review!

So! Considering recent events, and the fact I've played this character for upwards of 2 years now, I figured it was about time I updated her application and applied for Expert Evergrowth. I've roleplayed with Niantha from student-level all the way up to mage level, and I'd love to be able to go even further with her through an increase in skill, especially since she is now the leader of a Nenyarina resurgence. (And the co-leader @sssomeone doesn't have a plan to use it in combat.) I think it would add great progression to her character, and add extra reasoning for why she has become so full of herself and Justice-bent.

Alongside the request for Evergrowth boost, I've edited a few personality traits and strengths to reflect her "new", more head-strong and defiant personality. Notably,
empathetic eloquency strength has been changed to leadership skills, and the influenced trait has been replaced with pious.

All non-grammatical changes have been marked in cyan!
Thankyou kindly <3
white text bump
Update and request for re-review!
Hello again! I have updated Niantha to fit with the new (awesome) Evergrowth lore rewrite. I would like to once again apply for expert, with all 10 solurs in this case. My reasons for doing so is because she was always supposed to be a "master of one, not a jack-of-all-trades" character, and I would like to avoid min-maxing by relying on other Nenyarina members for my own benefit.

To balance out this expertise, I have specifically made her skill in Elia's Staff lacking and considerably lowered/removed her healing capacities outside of pure alchemy. She was always a weak character regardless, built to be very much "team-based" and useless when faced alone. Even with the previous (slightly OP) evergrowth she would lose the majority of the time due to her extreme weaknesses and personality.

Updates have been made in the following areas:
  • Weapon of choice
  • Evergrowth magic strength
  • Alchemy strength
  • -Combined silver-tongue and leadership skills strength
  • Life story altered & updated
Update and request for re-review!
Hello again! I have updated Niantha to fit with the new (awesome) Evergrowth lore rewrite. I would like to once again apply for expert, with all 10 solurs in this case. My reasons for doing so is because she was always supposed to be a "master of one, not a jack-of-all-trades" character, and I would like to avoid min-maxing by relying on other Nenyarina members for my own benefit.

To balance out this expertise, I have specifically made her skill in Elia's Staff lacking and considerably lowered/removed her healing capacities outside of pure alchemy. She was always a weak character regardless, built to be very much "team-based" and useless when faced alone. Even with the previous (slightly OP) evergrowth she would lose the majority of the time due to her extreme weaknesses and personality.

Updates have been made in the following areas:
  • Weapon of choice
  • Evergrowth magic strength
  • Alchemy strength
  • -Combined silver-tongue and leadership skills strength
  • Life story altered & updated
Hi again! We find ourselves here huh?

Accepted again, it all looks kosher to me.
OH, @Eccetra SORRY! Before I do that, could you add a brief blurb to the Hex/fire phobia? It's a little lacking in description!

☼ Update and request for re-review! ☼
So we meet again! Over the past month post the new Evergrowth rewrite, I realise that I might have over-estimated the magic's strength and actually made Niantha too weak. So much so that she wasn't really fun to play anymore. I've given her a bit of an overhaul to try and strengthen her personality and save her from impending emotional doom!

I've tried to keep her balanced, but if you think anything is off-kilter then call me out and I can either remove / tone down a strength or add another weakness. Pretty much everything in personality and abilities has been rewritten, but here's a quick overview:

Areas of change are marked in cyan!
  • Added the new "Skills Information" catagory which is mandatory for expert.
  • -Removed personality traits: Sympathetic, Optimistic, Pious, Merciful.
  • +Replaced traits with: Benevolent, Dutiful, Whimsical, Stubborn.
  • -Removed strength: "Silver-tongue" due to lack of usage in actual roleplay.
  • +Added strengths: "Determined" and "Agile."
  • -Removed weakness: "Wavering sanity" due to the fact it already tied in with Emotional.
  • +Added weakness: "Impulsive."
  • A bunch of random trait rewording to accommodate for new outlook and attitude.

P.S - Forgive the constant changes I'm making to the app, I am just never happy with the wording. Nothing approval-effecting will happen aside from what's written above!
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☼ Update and request for re-review! ☼

Niantha has once again been given a rehaul! Since I have not been having fun with combat roleplay, I have removed many of the combat-oriented traits from the application and changed Niantha to become more scholarly in light of recent developments. Many traits have been reworked or rewritten, but her personality remains largely the same.
  • Removed personality trait "Whimsical", added personality traits "Motherly" and "Domineering".
  • Most personality traits have received slight tweaking.
  • Removed strengths "Agile as a Bunny" and "Determined", added strengths "Well-learned" and "Leadership Skills".
  • Removed weakness "Impulsive", added weakness "Mathematically Challenged".
  • All strengths and weaknesses have been tweaked or rewritten completely.
  • Added all expansion sections.
Since my previous reviewer is no longer staff, I will be leaving this for free claim and asking for a complete re-review.
I've given this a hard look over and read it a couple of times and its very well written and presented. The one thing I am going to ask for a change is the Physically weak trait. Ni is an Expert mage, and she's a Yanar so even though physical activities are heavily nerfed I say the combo of being a Yanar and an Expert level mage makes even this type of physical weakness assumed.

Replace this with another weakness of your choosing to maintain the 4/5 split. I'll leave what sort of weakness as your choice since the weakness in her eyes as well as a phobia for fire pair up to make combat effectively weakened in my eyes.
I've given this a hard look over and read it a couple of times and its very well written and presented. The one thing I am going to ask for a change is the Physically weak trait. Ni is an Expert mage, and she's a Yanar so even though physical activities are heavily nerfed I say the combo of being a Yanar and an Expert level mage makes even this type of physical weakness assumed.
I'm going to be a butt here.

Niantha's physically weak trait encompasses burn scarring leading to painful, easily injured skin and exceedingly low stamina, leading to inability to flee situations. She has actually been weakened in this regard since the last review, whereas before it was simply low muscle. If I change the name of the trait and do some rewording to make these 2 features more prominent, could it still be considered a viable weakness?
Making those other two features more prominent and changing the name so it isn't confused at a glance for mage body would make it acceptable.
I decided to replace Physically Weak with Impulsive. This is a trait that was always played out as a detriment, it was only moved to the personality traits last update due to clutter. Hopefully this is alright! All of her mage-centric physical weaknesses and low stamina will continue to be roleplayed.