N'fali Tangara Updated

Discussion in 'Character Sheets' started by Empaul, Jun 17, 2018.

  1. Empaul

    Empaul That one cool dude

    Dec 19, 2013
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    Basic Information

    • Full Name: N’fali Abdul Tangara
    • Age: 40
    • Gender: Male
    • Race: Rubah Songaskia
    • Sexuality: Heterosexual
    Skill Information
    • Proficiency Point Total: 40
    • Proficiencies:
      • + 40 Unarmed Boxing (+10 from School of Graklak, +30 from Points)
      • +10 Unarmed Fighting (+10 from School of Graklak)
      • +10 Medicine (+10 from School of Graklak)
      • +10 Drixon Spear (+10 from Songaskia Race)
      • +10 Trapping (+10 from Songaskia Race)
    • Cultural Proficiencies:
      • +20 Dancing (+20 from Points)
      • +10 Desert Sailing (+10 from Points)
      • +10 Stage Performance (+10 from Points)
    • Languages
      • Common
      • Sofaal
      • Vashkularr
      • Daendroque

    Visual Information

    • Eye Color: Red-tinted dark brown
    • Hair Color: Mahogany
    • Hair Style: Bald
    • Skin Color: Dark Brown
    • Clothing: Traditional desert robes.
    • Height: 6’6"
    • Body Build: Strongman

    Personality and Abilities
    • First Paragraph: N’fali always comes off as an intimidating man. With his size and demeanor, he never looks to be one who is soft on the eyes. His race doesn’t help as well. Being Rubah, N’fali appears to be a hard and stone cold block of dark skinned muscle. His voice is easily recognizable, only contributing to his harsh attitude as it booms across any room.
    • Second Paragraph: N'fali feels a sense of superiority inside himself, due to escaping the bindings of slavery and making it to the Crown City. He sees himself as better than his peers, no longer feeling like he's part of any Caste system. Despite his physical appearance, N’fali can be quite the jokester. It’s not like he’s unable to feel compassion towards others, having a heart like every other living creature. When thinking of himself, N’fali sees a man of great power. He believes himself to be everything a warrior of his race should be.

    • Third Paragraph: Around those he feels comfortable with, N’fali gains a calm disposition. The small temper he has seems to vanish completely, being able to take any pestering with a smile. The friendly giant also becomes very protective over anyone he deems too weak to protect themselves. This varies completely from his daily attitude towards strangers. When receiving any form of insult, N’fali pulls no punches in striking back when it's not with someone he's comfortable around. When N'fali is betrayed by someone he deemed a friend or ally it's difficult to regain his trust. He becomes stubborn in his mind that the individual can never be trusted again. This isn't to the same magnitude when a friend of his gets into an argument and they end up throwing punches as it isn't direct betrayal, more so an "in the moment" decision.

    • Fourth Paragraph: N’fali’s morality is very neutral and self based. He tries to keep his nose out of anything that won’t be beneficial to himself. There’s no crime he wouldn’t do, as long as it provides him with some form of aid. This can get convoluted with his temper, though. When pushed to the brink, N’fali is capable of harrowing acts. Another person’s act is their own and if it doesn’t include N’fali he doesn’t need to involve himself.
    Life Story

    N’fali was born and raised within the shining city of Korraz-Du to the slave, Aly’a Tangara. N'fali's father was thought to have died early on in his childhood, never really knowing who he was. His mother, being the more religious type, always had N'fali practicing the Shambalan faith when not doing slave work. Since his childhood, N’fali would pray every day to the sun as his mother wished. Fascinatingly enough, N'fali became interested early on with the performance of fire eating. Acting like the dragon's of old with the use of alcohol and a torch. He first witnessed the act from a street performer at the same time as one of Korraz-Du's famous festivals. For a while, he was obsessed with learning fire eating to become perfect with it. Though as he progressed and finally learned it he noticed how lacking he had any use for it, so it merely became a hobby. It was within neither of the Songaskia’s planning for N’fali to become a warrior, though his fate was sealed when he had come upon a certain man named Abdel.​

    At this time, N’fali was the age of sixteen. One of the many annually held festivals was currently occurring and N’fali was not one to sit out. His attention was caught by some nearby commotion, causing his feet to ever so slowly approach. Inside a ring of clapping and cheering bodies was one large Songaskian surrounded by three drunks. N’fali was amazed as the champion easily side-stepped every half-assed punch thrown at him, returning with ten times the power. As the crowd dispersed from the three downed drunks, N’fali pushed through and made his way up to the hulking fighter who sat upon a bench, rubbing his brow with a rag. He decided to entertain N’fali, introducing himself as Abdel, an expert of the Graklak school. Abdel explained the School, the methods of fighting, and the use of fists. N’fali was never really interested in fighting, but witnessing the man subdue the drunks without a weapon and with such ease had him enamored with the style of combat.

    Aly’a, first against the idea of N’fali taking such interest in the idea of fighting, soon changed her ways as she realized that he could be her ticket out of slavery. She allowed N’fali to train with Abdel in the coming years, watching him progress with satisfaction as long as N'fali promised to help her escape, once ready. After four years of tutoring, Abdel snuck N’fali out of Korraz-Du to the Red Blood Tribe Lands, without his mother knowing, to become a true Graklak warrior. Here, N’fali endured through the harshest training ever witnessed through the form of constant exercise and combat. Having grown close to his Orcish kin, they were the ones most proud to see their little dark skinned Whelp grow into a true Orc. He'd often entertain them between training sessions with his small acts of fire eating and breathing, something none of them have ever seen. N’fali proceeded to train and raid over the years until eventually honing his skills to become one of the best Graklak’s of his generation.​

    N’fali’s next aim was to win one of the annual Ring of Grak fighting competitions, taking the challenge with long strides. His chances were low, but he was resolved to get as far as he could. The Songaskian’s strategy was to use his slightly smaller body to be able to maneuver about the Orc’s heavier yet slower blows, whilst aiming for hits to their guts and necks. Higher and higher he climbed in the ranks. After days of constant fighting, the exhausted N’fali stood proud at the top, golden belt in hand, knuckles and face both bruised and broken and a pile of gold behind him. Once finished, N’fali had set to continue his fighting career as he set forth for the Crown City. He had heard tale of the many mercenary companies and fighting tournaments, hoping to make a name for himself. After a little under a year of being in the city and building relationships, N’fali returned to Farah’deen for a year to use some of his earned money to get his mother out of slavery and have her cast aside her religion. She refused, at first, though decided she would play along just to get out of the country. The Graklak sent his mother on a boat to Regalia while he returned to The Pit to re-visit his old companions and spend two years among them. He won another tournament, though lost the second one held. The man was satisfied, though, with his single victory and once again returned to Regalia.
    #1 Empaul, Jun 17, 2018
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2018
  2. LumosJared

    LumosJared Around

    Jul 17, 2012
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    What about when those he favours insults him? How does he deal with betrayal? Explore that in personality.

    Tag me when you're done @Empaul
  3. Empaul

    Empaul That one cool dude

    Dec 19, 2013
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    @LumosJared added onto paragraph 3 delving into how N'fali deals with betrayal and conflict in general with his friends.
    If anything else is needed be sure to let me know.
  4. LumosJared

    LumosJared Around

    Jul 17, 2012
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