New Year, New Shendar

After a barrage of explorations, Amelia had been rather exhausted, just relieved be in the presence of a bed. Even paper on the floor would have been appealing to her. She decided to lie down and just take a long, deserved nap. Unfortunately, her rest was ended prematurely by the voice of her youngin'. He woke her to inform her of a strange a person requesting to see her at the door. Hesitantly and grumpily, she'd yawn herself to the door, opening it while trying not to pass out in the middle of the inquiry.
Upon opening the door, Amelia was greeted by a dark, hooded figure. They stood over her, at least a solid foot, and had one sparkling green eye peeking from under their hood. Amelia, who was already slouching, looked at him, trying to decipher what this person could possibly be doing here. "Good Evening Miss, could you spare a moment of your time?" the man started reaching his long, lanky arm out, going for a handshake. She suspiciously went to shake their hand, her grip obviously loose from exhaustion, and her face showing much disinterest in the matter. "As you may have heard, the Sewers may be in grave danger, much more than usual.".
Amelia rolled her eyes. If she had a regal for everytime she's heard this, she wouldn't even be here. Still having a grasp on her hand, they'd begin, "There is rumor that the Sewers will soon be no more. People like me have been warning those who will listen, and I'd suggest you heed my warning before it's too late.". While the figure kept rambling on and on, Amelia started getting strange feelings. She began to feel compelled to them, and started slowly taking steps forward. Noticing this, the figure began bringing their hand up her arm, using their other arm to slightly pull their hood up, revealing their sharp teeth, and deep, ruby red eyes. As she got closer, they bent down, bringing their face down to her neck. Amelia, her mind too clouded with these emotions, just went to embrace them. At that moment, they went down, sinking their teeth into her neck, and fed.
Amelia, now frozen in place, mind clouded, kept to herself, not aware of what was actually happening. And just as it had started, he began to pull away. The hooded figure began to slowly back away, as Amelia dropped to her knees, trying to recollect what had just happened. They bent down to her, whispered in her ear, and then stood back up. Marhuk (@Eternal_Wrath), after being retrieved by Taryc, suddenly came rushing to Amelia's aid, wielding his battlehammer. Though just as he reached her, the figure fled. Amelia, already starting to stand, just started towards her room.
As she lied in bed, the words the figure left her with raced through her mind. They lingered with her as she finally began to fall asleep. "It was fun seeing you again, see you soon".