Archived New Traits

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Jun 30, 2012
Reaction score
I know the forum soon will be flooded by MassiveTrait suggestions. But here comes mine.

Respawn without full health. This is a negative one should give 10 points or so. Basically it should make you respawn with half a heart. Maybe this should be enabled by default for everyone, so you can't rejoin battle 10 seconds after dying. But it would be a nice little debuff for MassiveTraits i think. For the nerds here is some code that could work with MassiveTraits

Another one is Super hearing. Basically this allows you to hear more on local chat. So the inner radius and outher radius is bigger for people with this ability. It could be fun rping, while you couldn't hear it but your friend could. This should cost 10-20 points i think.

For magic. then creating lightning could be fun. But it has to be balanced out, haven't thought this idea through yet.

EDIT: This went from me having a few ideas. To everyone posting their ideas. Which is great. But this have turned the thread to a complete mess. You are warned now.
Personally I think we should have a temporary sub forum to MassiveTraits. Because it is new and a lot of people have ideas. Until some more traits are added, and everyone understand the system better.
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A few idea's from me (Note point cost can be changed since we don't have a complete grasp on how much each "point" is relatively worth.):

Berserker (20 "positive" points)- Increase amount of damage output by 100% when under half health. However, the amount of damage you take is also increased by 50%.

Demonic pact (10 positive points)- Spawns a custom 'demon' mob when you die. Requires Unholy trait.

Horde mentality (30 positive points)- You get an 5% damage boost for every person with the trait Horde mentality within 30 blocks of you. When the amount of people with Horde mentality within 30 blocks exceeds 10, you also receive the speed 1 and resistance 1 buff.

Bloodlust (50 positive points)- For each enemy you kill, your damage output increases by 50%.

Raging (50 negative points)- You can hurt anyone.

Self-preservation (30 positive points) - When you drop below 5 hearts, you immediately get the speed II perk as well as the weakness debuff.

Pungent Stench (50 positive points): All enemies within 5 blocks of you will develop the nausea debuff.
We should make an official post where everyone post his ideas...
You are posting you own ideas in my thread. Good now we keep amount of thread down.
I like the berserker one
, I think I have already seen it in another bukkit plugin. But maybe it should cost 30 or more.
I LOVE the demonic pact, as it gives an purpose to use unholy. But maybe a price raise.
Horde mentality should require something else to be enabled/disabled. Because else people will group up and use it, which is fine. But when 2 groups that both uses it, everyone that has it is op. So it had to be a part of something else/bigger. Like the demonic pact.
Bloodlust, can you explain the a little bit further?
Raging, no as it would give people excuses to "accidently" hit their faction mates.
Self-preservation, so people can escape. I won't like it as it encourages people to escape rather than to fight to the end. Just my personal opinion.
Pungent strength, funny but how am I then supposed to hit you? No from here.
A lot of people have been asking about the fall damage reduction one and I think that would be a nice add.
A lot of people have been asking about the fall damage reduction one and I think that would be a nice add.
We got mcmmo. Where you can jump like 21 block Down without taking damage, at level 500.
But then again slot of people afsked for it. I wouldn't mind if it got added, more diversity.
Commanding: allows the player use !!!! To bellow, this is a form of local chat that is louder than scream.

Acute senses: can see actions (e: chat) and here voices further away. Could be two skills.

Bad swimmer: you move slower in water.

Quick starter: when. You first start sprinting you gain a momentary speed boost. (If a speed trait is already active the boost is increased.)

Herbal healer: allows you to heal people using vegetation.

Strong stance: when you are not moving knock back is reduced and you take less damage.

Double jump: when in the air, jump again to find lore height. Works with jump boosts.

Lucky: slightly raises the chance of you hitting a critical or receiving another random chance. Eg lucky increases the chance you have of stealing a regal of somebody.

Insane: every X amount of time a super secret shader will be applied for 5 seconds then removed. You will also spout jibber is l: and e:.

Addicted: you will randomly lust for a certain type of food, and only that food will satisfy your hunger.

Greedy: for every piece of ore or valuable item in your inventory you gain X amount of damage.

I didn't put many values into these because I was unsure how balanced it would be.
You are posting you own ideas in my thread. Good now we keep amount of thread down.

I like the berserker one
, I think I have already seen it in another bukkit plugin. But maybe it should cost 30 or more.
I LOVE the demonic pact, as it gives an purpose to use unholy. But maybe a price raise.
Horde mentality should require something else to be enabled/disabled. Because else people will group up and use it, which is fine. But when 2 groups that both uses it, everyone that has it is op. So it had to be a part of something else/bigger. Like the demonic pact.
Bloodlust, can you explain the a little bit further?
Raging, no as it would give people excuses to "accidently" hit their faction mates.
Self-preservation, so people can escape. I won't like it as it encourages people to escape rather than to fight to the end. Just my personal opinion.
Pungent strength, funny but how am I then supposed to hit you? No from here.

Basically with bloodlust every time you kill an enemy the amount of damage you do with every attack increases by a set amount.

I personally don't see how raging would be bad as if a faction member wanted to accidentally hit his/her own faction members he/she would probably be kicked within seconds.

Self-preservation was meant to help those that don't like to fight, and would rather run away rather than fight in an engagement. However, I think it does need a bit of a nerf. Increasing it to around 75 positive points should be nice, as it make sit so even if someone wants to use the trait for hit and run annoyances, he/she will have to give up a lot of different other traits.

As for pungent stench, yeah I see it would need a nerf. How bout making it so if you have the trait you can't sprint? You would be a monster in close combat, but people could outrun you and shoot you down from a range. If that's too much of a nerf, you could buff it after nerfing it by making it so it also gave people around the person with the trait the debuff weakness.

As for mob mentality, if everyone's OP in a fight it becomes a situation when no one is OP.
Just gonna leave this here....

More debuff traits plzz!!!!!!!!!!!
Just gonna leave this here....

More debuff traits plzz!!!!!!!!!!!

Very well!

Cowardly ( 60 negative points)- every time someone dies within 10 blocks of you, you gain blindness, weakness, and nausea.

Clumsy (50 negative points)- every time you select an item, you have a small chance of dropping it.

Gentleman (100 negative points)- If you attack someone before he/she attacks you, you will immediately get weakness, slow, blindness, nausea, and poison.

Slow but purposeful (40 negative points)- You cannot sprint, but you don't suffer from knockback either.

Fragile (50 negative points)- You take 40% more damage from everything.

Allergies (30 negative points)- You suffer from nausea whenever you get within 5 blocks of flowers.
Very well!

Cowardly ( 60 negative points)- every time someone dies within 10 blocks of you, you gain blindness, weakness, and nausea.

Clumsy (50 negative points)- every time you select an item, you have a small chance of dropping it.

Gentleman (100 negative points)- If you attack someone before he/she attacks you, you will immediately get weakness, slow, blindness, nausea, and poison.

Slow but purposeful (40 negative points)- You cannot sprint, but you don't suffer from knockback either.

Fragile (50 negative points)- You take 40% more damage from everything.

Allergies (30 negative points)- You suffer from nausea whenever you get within 5 blocks of flowers.

Well.... i don't really find these ones that useful... but rather funny :P
Fire vulnerable (5o negative points): Burn longer, take more damage from flames
Useful for my kit then, better? ;)
Random traits based around Unholy (all of these require the trait Unholy):

Demonic Summoning (20 positive points)- There is a 10% chance that when you kill another player a custom mob called "Lesser Demon" is summoned. However, the Lesser Demon will be hostile to everyone, including you.

Raising Hell (100 positive points)- This is a spell triggered by holding and right clicking with netherrack. Everything in a 20 block radius is immediately set on fire and 10 blazes are spawned around you. Blazes will target anyone, including you.

Soul Sacrifice (100 positive points)- You will become truced to all demons and mobs of the nether, as well as invulnerable to fire (but not lava). You will also be truced to zombies and skeletons. However, you will now take 100% more damage from Holy players rather than 50%.

Aura of Fear (70 positive points)- Everyone within 10 blocks of you will have the blindness debuff.

Dark Magic (10 positive points)- By left clicking with a piece of rotten flesh, you can summon 3 zombies at a time. The zombies will target anyone, including you.

Come the Apocalypse! (200 positive points) - By typing out a spell command, everything within 50 blocks will be ignited, and you will be wiped out in a spectacular display of dark magic that will also deal a horrendous amount of damage to anyone close to you. 20 Lesser demons are spawned in the area surrounding you and 1 "Greater Demon" will spawn out of the site of your corpse. These demons will be hostile to anyone.

EDIT: The spell command for Come the Apocalypse! will most likely be extremely long. The spell will also force the user to drop whatever items he/she has, even if he/she is a premium.
Nightcrawler - 20% more damage at night. (Can't take Sunbather) [+50]
Sunbather - 20% more damage at day. (Can't take Nightcrawler) [+50]
IronForBreakfast - Consume 8 iron to get 1 minute resistance. [+60]
CleansingStrike - Takes away all potion effects from your enemy. [+60] {Common strike and revenge chances.}
CleansingRevenge - Takes away all potion effects from your enemy. [+60] {Common strike and revenge chances.}
Bodybuilder - Permanent strength I. (Can't take speed2 trait) [+50]
ProfessionalBodybuilder - Permanent strength II. (Can't take speed2 trait) (Requires trait "slow") [+150]

Dimwitted - Everytime you swing/block with a sword you drop it. [-50]
You are posting you own ideas in my thread. Good now we keep amount of thread down.

I like the berserker one
, I think I have already seen it in another bukkit plugin. But maybe it should cost 30 or more.
I LOVE the demonic pact, as it gives an purpose to use unholy. But maybe a price raise.
Horde mentality should require something else to be enabled/disabled. Because else people will group up and use it, which is fine. But when 2 groups that both uses it, everyone that has it is op. So it had to be a part of something else/bigger. Like the demonic pact.
Bloodlust, can you explain the a little bit further?
Raging, no as it would give people excuses to "accidently" hit their faction mates.
Self-preservation, so people can escape. I won't like it as it encourages people to escape rather than to fight to the end. Just my personal opinion.
Pungent strength, funny but how am I then supposed to hit you? No from here.
Raging would be a negative straight, and you can still aim through Nausea; pungent stench would be perfect for undead. There would also need to be traits to counter these, like maybe "numbness" where you don't sense the stench or something. Bloodlust is a bit OP, everyone i kill, my damage goes up; my archery deals about 20.0 dmg. Everyone I kill would give me 30.0>45>and so on, combined with strenght would make me quite powerful, this stacking up would create a god.
Raging/Berzerk, would give a strenght boost, speed boost, resistance boost, health boost ((all jsut level1)) that occus when you're under 30% HP, but would give nausea and blindness, also able to hit anyone. It makes sense for someone who is in a raging mode to have an adrenaline rush, though they would go mad, not thinking sensibly now, their judgement clouded by the rush.
Addicted: you will randomly lust for a certain type of food, and only that food will satisfy your hunger.

Carnivore: You only gain hunger points from meat. (+10 points)
Herbivore: You only gain hunger points from vegetables (+10 points)
Omnomnivore: You may only consume cookies and cake. (+15 points)
ResistantArmor: no extra damage to armor from Axes (30 positive points)
FlimsyArmor: 5 extra damage to armor from all weapons (including unarmed), 2 extra damage from every weapon(including unarmed)(60 negative points)
Some of this got out of hand. I guess. 70% of these won't be used. The team is getting a lot of work.
I am wondering why there is no StarveAlways trait, even though you could take both StarveLight and StarveDarkness, but it takes two slots, so I'd suggest that.
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