Archived New Roleplay Hub

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Chieftain of the Hellmaw clan
Oct 6, 2014
Reaction score
as the title says, i would like to suggest a second roleplaying hub other than Regalia for people to roleplay at.

More specifically however, a more lawless, free Roleplaying hub for people of all sorts to show up to. By this i mean, an RP town that theives, pirates and all sorts of Races and affiliations can go to have a good time and RP.

Whats wrong with Regalia?
Regalia is far from being an unbias empire. It has its own prejudices and opinions, that may not reflect
other peoples characters opinions. Another simple factor is race, Regalia is prejudice against many races,
so it wouldn't make sense that they would go to Regalia. But that means they miss out on Roleplay.

How would it be different to Regalia?
The town in question would be a completely unbias entity, held together by some individual company or cartell with agendas far
from anything political. It would be filled with folk from all across Aloria, there to have a good time and roleplay, regardless of your
Race or your proffesion.

The type of Roleplay would be different also, in Regalia i see a lot of deep and meaningful conversations, run by mostly elves and human types. The roleplay at said town would be more bragging of battles and strength, arm wrestling and mischeif.

Ok, but who would hold it all together?
The people.
I think the lack of true Authority would bring a lot of the more dangerous and interesting people
from the shadows. Of course, pvp and such would be disabled, it would just be a protected Zone but with
no Regalian gaurds running around.

This seems like it would drain a lot of players from Regalia, though...
The kind of people that would go to this new town would be the kind of people
who wouldn't go to Regalia in the first place, due to the reasons stated above.

Hasn't something like this been suggested before?
There have been other suggestions, such as Rogue Island, a home for theives and bandits, though i am
not aware anyone has suggested a legitimate second Role Playing hub.

How is it supposed to look? what will it be like?
The way i see a town like this, would be something similar to tortuga.
A pirate cove almost, much like 18th century Havana.


What do you guys think?
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
You know that the sewers are a thing,right?
This is really similar to a project that's already been started a while back. I'll link it here.

Basically they have created a different "hub" so to speak for people to role-play in, but it was more of a Qadir Palace setting. The thread also announces the the next one to be worked on his and Elven grove type location, as well as more in the future if the project is successful. Everyone seemed really excited about this idea when it first came out, but since then I've never heard of or seen anyone rping in the Qadir Palace location. Now, The elven grove has yet to come out, so who knows how successful that location will be. From what I can tell, while it seems like a good idea, it doesn't seem to actually get people to go there to role-play so even if this was implemented someday, I'm not sure it would be any different of a story then what has already been attempted.

The problem is, everyone knows that if they go to Regalia they will find role-play. With these other areas you're not really guaranteed to find anyone, so people will always just choose Regalia to role-play in because they know that's where the people are. I understand where you're coming from, but I'm just not confident that another role-play "Hub" will ever be successful for that one fact, unless a dedicated group of players were role playing in it at all times, so people could rely on the fact that there would be role-play to find there, which would make them want to go there.
Yo, I like the idea of the people holding it together and there being rebels there and what-not, plus there's already a city like that called Ssil. Ssil is mostly populated by Tigrans and according to the lore it's almost always on the verge of civil war :P
This is really similar to a project that's already been started a while back. I'll link it here.

Basically they have created a different "hub" so to speak for people to role-play in, but it was more of a Qadir Palace setting. The thread also announces the the next one to be worked on his and Elven grove type location, as well as more in the future if the project is successful. Everyone seemed really excited about this idea when it first came out, but since then I've never heard of or seen anyone rping in the Qadir Palace location. Now, The elven grove has yet to come out, so who knows how successful that location will be. From what I can tell, while it seems like a good idea, it doesn't seem to actually get people to go there to role-play so even if this was implemented someday, I'm not sure it would be any different of a story then what has already been attempted.

The problem is, everyone knows that if they go to Regalia they will find role-play. With these other areas you're not really guaranteed to find anyone, so people will always just choose Regalia to role-play in because they know that's where the people are. I understand where you're coming from, but I'm just not confident that another role-play "Hub" will ever be successful for that one fact, unless a dedicated group of players were role playing in it at all times, so people could rely on the fact that there would be role-play to find there, which would make them want to go there.

I do see how getting people to start going there could be an issue, but I think the main problem with hubs like Tree and Sun is that it doesn't have anything to offer that Regalia doesn't have, in this case, unbias attitudes towards anyone and everyone.

I do think, however, if it was advertised around a bit, people would show up, after all, what choice do they have (if they're the kinds who don't go to Regalia due to prejudices.)
I know i myself love to RolePlay, however, as an Orc, I am always treated with hostility in Regalia. While it can be quite fun at times,
it does get a bit old, and I never really understood WHY my character would keep going to a city of an Empire he despises, filled with people he equally despises (and people who despise him.)

Perhaps there could be some small inscentive to go there, other than roleplaying?
to create a small stream of traffic into the town?

There's always going to be racial prejudices no matter where you go. They just happen to be very apparent and somewhat enforced in Regalia due to the shear amount of Ailors, and the effects of Unionism. I get why people might want something like this, and I'm by no means saying that it's a bad idea with what I said. Also... I'd just like to point out that the character that got me into the role-play scene was Mama Morbash. A female Orc who owned a soup kitchen. Of course she got treated with disrespect at first, but she actually became so successful at making her soups that she got an expanded building about half the size of the tavern. She was friends with quite a few nobles as well, including Leah Kade, Tristan Kade(Lampero at the time) and William Coen.

I guess my point in bringing that up is, you just kind of have to either deal with the treatment that people give you in Regalia, or find a way around it. Racism is a key factor in Aloria and no matter where you go it's going to exist.

Back to the main point of the thread though... You say that the Tree and Sun project don't offer anything that Regalia doesn't have, but they actually technically do offer something new. In the Qadir area magic can be used more openly since it's accepted in their culture, as well as Qadir are superior to Ailor here, so it does open up a whole new role-play opportunity. Though I suppose what you're looking for is something that is a bit more relaxed.

I highly doubt that anything like this will happen in the near future, as it takes a while to build, besides the fact that it would need to be approved first. My only suggestion right now, is to build and RP city in one of the faction worlds and try to collect a following of Role-players that want to rp there... I'm fully aware that this isn't really ideal because of the threat of raiding, but it's one of the only options I can really think of right now, other than maybe trying to take over one of the Faction World spawns and just rp there. Either way, good luck with whatever it is you decide to do!
I'm also doubting that this would happen, but hear me out for a moment.

A place such as this could actually be very cohesive and work quite well if it were done correctly. Pirates are becoming a trend at the moment (as I'm currently in a crew and have seen multiple others), and it wouldn't be a far stretch to have some sort of home base for them. I also quite like the idea of no real authority, but there still being an unofficial gang or something present to uphold their image and whatever else they may like.

To the logistics of it, I'd like to point out a few reasons why the Tree and Sun project wasn't entirely as successful as it could have been. Note the latest Regalian Festival. It was so popular, and people purely roleplayed there for at least a week or two - until it burned down of course. Why is that? I'd say mostly due to the hype, and due to the unique quests and lore items. That's what Tree and Sun is missing.

If this were made, I'd think some quests and other fun things should be added, similar to the Festival. People love the opportunity of getting lore items, so integrating those would be nothing short of a great idea. With Tree and Sun, basically no one went there because there was no (what I'd like to call) 'environmental RP instigation'. Meaning, there was nothing you could interact with and draw RP from. As an example, in the Festival, there was the kissing booth. People could walk in a holler at other random people, which although wasn't entirely successful, it did introduce some fun aspects. Tree and Sun did not do this, but this idea could.

Of course, all of this can be disregarded in the sense that a lot of demand would be needed for this to justify the time and effort from the World, Quest, and Lore departments (not to mention Direction). However, if it garners enough support, I think it could be done fantastically.

+1 Support from me.

@TheScruffyLJ since I think this is relevant.
I'm also doubting that this would happen, but hear me out for a moment.

A place such as this could actually be very cohesive and work quite well if it were done correctly. Pirates are becoming a trend at the moment (as I'm currently in a crew and have seen multiple others), and it wouldn't be a far stretch to have some sort of home base for them. I also quite like the idea of no real authority, but there still being an unofficial gang or something present to uphold their image and whatever else they may like.

To the logistics of it, I'd like to point out a few reasons why the Tree and Sun project wasn't entirely as successful as it could have been. Note the latest Regalian Festival. It was so popular, and people purely roleplayed there for at least a week or two - until it burned down of course. Why is that? I'd say mostly due to the hype, and due to the unique quests and lore items. That's what Tree and Sun is missing.

If this were made, I'd think some quests and other fun things should be added, similar to the Festival. People love the opportunity of getting lore items, so integrating those would be nothing short of a great idea. With Tree and Sun, basically no one went there because there was no (what I'd like to call) 'environmental RP instigation'. Meaning, there was nothing you could interact with and draw RP from. As an example, in the Festival, there was the kissing booth. People could walk in a holler at other random people, which although wasn't entirely successful, it did introduce some fun aspects. Tree and Sun did not do this, but this idea could.

Of course, all of this can be disregarded in the sense that a lot of demand would be needed for this to justify the time and effort from the World, Quest, and Lore departments (not to mention Direction). However, if it garners enough support, I think it could be done fantastically.

+1 Support from me.

@TheScruffyLJ since I think this is relevant.

This reminds me of the valentines day festival they had at I beieve sunkiss.

I'm not sure how many staff were involved but it was a large scale event that got quite a lot of people to rp there for a few days.
If this were made, I'd think some quests and other fun things should be added, similar to the Festival. People love the opportunity of getting lore items, so integrating those would be nothing short of a great idea.

I agree, i think that if there was an incentive to go here other than just roleplay, it'd be more of an incentive to show up.
You could kill 2 birds with 1 stone and add a feature the server would really like but put it in this town, giving it a solid flow
of traffic.

After all, I think having the town for something other than just RolePlay would give the people there a more casual and relaxed feeling, and just a more comfortable enviroment.
I agree, i think that if there was an incentive to go here other than just roleplay, it'd be more of an incentive to show up.
You could kill 2 birds with 1 stone and add a feature the server would really like but put it in this town, giving it a solid flow
of traffic.

After all, I think having the town for something other than just RolePlay would give the people there a more casual and relaxed feeling, and just a more comfortable enviroment.

Your forgetting warrenoid. While it is a quest world it was also suppossed to host roleplay. That never really happened
Your forgetting warrenoid. While it is a quest world it was also suppossed to host roleplay. That never really happened

I suppose if thats true, you make a point, but i've never seen Warrenord advertised as a RolePlay world, nor does it really feel like a Roleplay enviroment (certainly not a Roleplay Hub.)
Warrenord seems like it was designed 90% for questing, and had the capability to encompass roleplay whapped onto the side of it as a bonus, but no one utilized it.

What i suggest about this new town, is it is specified as a Roleplaying hub, but has some added features or fun little events as Onzo mentioned to get people to go there.
I suppose if thats true, you make a point, but i've never seen Warrenord advertised as a RolePlay world, nor does it really feel like a Roleplay enviroment (certainly not a Roleplay Hub.)
Warrenord seems like it was designed 90% for questing, and had the capability to encompass roleplay whapped onto the side of it as a bonus, but no one utilized it.

What i suggest about this new town, is it is specified as a Roleplaying hub, but has some added features or fun little events as Onzo mentioned to get people to go there.

I think a solution to this could easily be a suburb off of Regalia accessble by the city that has slightly more toerance, but would not have to start with an atmosphere or accessibility from the ground up

Well since you tagged me I guess I owe this thread another reply,

I get what you're saying with that Onzo, and while it's a really good idea... what happens once everyone has done all the quests? I could see this getting a huge amount of traffic the first few days, maybe weeks if we're lucky if things go according to plan, but even the summer festival died down after a while. New quests with the potential or lore items, and the possibility for some interesting scenarios(such as the kissing booth) is what drew people to the festival, but after about a week there was hardly anyone to be found at the festival.

When the the festival first started the tavern was empty a lot, and it was great seeing people rping together in a new location, but as the festival went on less and less people were there, and guess were they were once again? The tavern. The simple fact is that the tavern is just the most reliable place for consistent role-play. Whether you like this or not, it's just the truth, and even though I personally think there should be more variety it's a difficult task to achieve. Not only do you need the proper motivation to rp in a new location, there needs to be the reliability that there will be people there to role-play with and that's what the main issue with this concept is. If it can become a place where people will be consistently role-playing it has a chance, but even with quests and other "incentives" it will still become a dead zone quickly if there isn't that factor of reliable amounts of people there to role-play.

I think a solution to this could easily be a suburb off of Regalia accessble by the city that has slightly more toerance, but would not have to start with an atmosphere or accessibility from the ground up

This sort of already exists... The Poor district isn't really monitored by guards and would be a great place for some criminal role-play as an alternative to the sewers. While Guards can go to the Poor District, they rarely bother with the people there.
Well since you tagged me I guess I owe this thread another reply,

I get what you're saying with that Onzo, and while it's a really good idea... what happens once everyone has done all the quests? I could see this getting a huge amount of traffic the first few days, maybe weeks if we're lucky if things go according to plan, but even the summer festival died down after a while. New quests with the potential or lore items, and the possibility for some interesting scenarios(such as the kissing booth) is what drew people to the festival, but after about a week there was hardly anyone to be found at the festival.

When the the festival first started the tavern was empty a lot, and it was great seeing people rping together in a new location, but as the festival went on less and less people were there, and guess were they were once again? The tavern. The simple fact is that the tavern is just the most reliable place for consistent role-play. Whether you like this or not, it's just the truth, and even though I personally think there should be more variety it's a difficult task to achieve. Not only do you need the proper motivation to rp in a new location, there needs to be the reliability that there will be people there to role-play with and that's what the main issue with this concept is. If it can become a place where people will be consistently role-playing it has a chance, but even with quests and other "incentives" it will still become a dead zone quickly if there isn't that factor of reliable amounts of people there to role-play.

This sort of already exists... The Poor district isn't really monitored by guards and would be a great place for some criminal role-play as an alternative to the sewers. While Guards can go to the Poor District, they rarely bother with the people there.

Yeah. There is a problem with getting people to rp in other locations.

Its gotten better though. The park and the sewers are normally reliable places as well as the obious taveren.
Yeah. There is a problem with getting people to rp in other locations.

Its gotten better though. The park and the sewers are normally reliable places as well as the obious taveren.

I guess the only way to get a successfully running new RP hub is to receive enough support for the community, that way there is at least some gaurenteed bedrock to the new RP town. Theres also the fact that the new town world be the only choice for a lot of us.

ScruffyLj mentioned the festival as an example of a new location dying out, but then how do you know all of those people are from Regalian taverns? you never know just how many people want to roleplay but are dettered because they don't like Regalia.

But i guess thats why getting a response from the community to try and gain support for such a project would be a crucial aspect if this project was to go anywhere.
The simple fact is that the tavern is just the most reliable place for consistent role-play.
The sewers are active as well, plenty of times I've wondered why the tavern was so empty then found ten plus people in the sewers. I think a big factor in this is their proximity. If you normally rp in the sewers, you can go through there and if you don't find anything you like then you can go to the tavern very quickly. Alternatively, you could start rp in one place and have it take you to another. Now a counterpoint to this would be the festival, which was close but dying down towards the end. This may have something to do with variety of experience. The festival didn't add a wealth of scenarios that couldn't occur in the tavern or on the streets right outside. Thus, after the novelty had worn off, it lacked much appeal over the tried and true tavern. Thus, I would contend that the two factors that contribute most to the high traffic of roleplay locations would be proximity to the established sources, for easy transition and to easily find other roleplayers, as well as uniqueness of their experiences offered. The tavern offers a bar as well as being a general population center in which people come and go and meet others, whereas the sewers offers a setting for the more criminally minded folk, being less trafficked by guards.
. If you normally rp in the sewers, you can go through there and if you don't find anything you like then you can go to the tavern very quickly. Thus, I would contend that the two factors that contribute most to the high traffic of roleplay locations would be proximity to the established sources.

A good /tp (new town) would solve the convenience problem.

I would say its not so much the sewers "lawless criminal" feeling that those kinds of people are after, but being legitimately free, being able
to not have to enter the Regalian city. Not depending on that place for having a good role playing experience.
A good /tp (new town) would solve the convenience problem.

I would say its not so much the sewers "lawless criminal" feeling that those kinds of people are after, but being legitimately free, being able
to not have to enter the Regalian city. Not depending on that place for having a good role playing experience.
Soooo essentially factions?
Soooo essentially factions?

Factions and RolePlaying are two separate entities.
While, yes, there are a handful of dedicated RolePlaying factions, its limited to those people and wouldn't compare to the sheer scale and variety of people in Regalia.
plus you have the risk of being invaded which isn't very stable.
as the title says, i would like to suggest a second roleplaying hub other than Regalia for people to roleplay at.

More specifically however, a more lawless, free Roleplaying hub for people of all sorts to show up to. By this i mean, an RP town that theives, pirates and all sorts of Races and affiliations can go to have a good time and RP.

Whats wrong with Regalia?
Regalia is far from being an unbias empire. It has its own prejudices and opinions, that may not reflect
other peoples characters opinions. Another simple factor is race, Regalia is prejudice against many races,
so it wouldn't make sense that they would go to Regalia. But that means they miss out on Roleplay.

How would it be different to Regalia?
The town in question would be a completely unbias entity, held together by some individual company or cartell with agendas far
from anything political. It would be filled with folk from all across Aloria, there to have a good time and roleplay, regardless of your
Race or your proffesion.

The type of Roleplay would be different also, in Regalia i see a lot of deep and meaningful conversations, run by mostly elves and human types. The roleplay at said town would be more bragging of battles and strength, arm wrestling and mischeif.

Ok, but who would hold it all together?
The people.
I think the lack of true Authority would bring a lot of the more dangerous and interesting people
from the shadows. Of course, pvp and such would be disabled, it would just be a protected Zone but with
no Regalian gaurds running around.

This seems like it would drain a lot of players from Regalia, though...
The kind of people that would go to this new town would be the kind of people
who wouldn't go to Regalia in the first place, due to the reasons stated above.

Hasn't something like this been suggested before?
There have been other suggestions, such as Rogue Island, a home for theives and bandits, though i am
not aware anyone has suggested a legitimate second Role Playing hub.

How is it supposed to look? what will it be like?
The way i see a town like this, would be something similar to tortuga.
A pirate cove almost, much like 18th century Havana.

View attachment 64387

What do you guys think?
There are two alternate universes planned as of yet. Right now, we released the Qadir Palace for Qadir roleplayers. In production, we also have an Elven Grove.

These two environments may not suit what you want in a Roleplay hub, however they suit different areas and niches. We already have a pirate/shady dock area. It is the Poor District and the Rogue District. Guards do not patrol there, and they look all slummy. Also, Ailor are hardly present. If you would like to roleplay such, I think it would be worth your time to frequent the Poor District and Rogue District and attracting attention there. There is absolutely no need for another environment if there are already pre-existing areas that aren't being used. In fact, the sheer emptiness of the Poor District at the moment is a perfect testament to why we shouldn't add this area. It'd be a waste of effort on the part of the Staff to do so.

You have a great idea, but we currently have something like this. It just isn't used. We appreciate the thought, however!