Archived New Race(es)

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most honest biped in athens
Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
Reaction score
I've thought up a dew balanced races though demon should be for donator

Demon: must be donator
Powers:can fly if is a big donor has all Drakkar powers but is okay with water
no one can know they are a demon or KILL ON SIGHT
is damaged by crosses (sticks)

Half-Demon: kinda like demon for defaults
all the powers of drakkar immune to water
but never reveals Demon self
is damaged by crosses (AKA sticks)

Mage has a wand immediately when spawning or must make one (an enchanted stick)
needs mana (exp)

Werewolf like vampire you must be infected or you think up the rest
it has super strength and bloodlust at night and mobs won't attack it must not reveal to humans and is ultimatly a badass

hope you at least consider these bai (note Demon and half-demon i MUST HAVE in plz)
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This isn't a very good idea since you're pretty much creating a pay to win feature. Also being flat out able to fly would be an op feature in itself but locking it to only people who can donate is even worse.
I've thought up a dew balanced races though demon should be for donator

Demon: must be donator
Powers:can fly if is a big donor has all Drakkar powers but is okay with water
no one can know they are a demon or KILL ON SIGHT
is damaged by crosses (sticks)

Half-Demon: kinda like demon for defaults
all the powers of drakkar immune to water
but never reveals Demon self
is damaged by crosses (AKA sticks)

Mage has a wand immediately when spawning or must make one (an enchanted stick)
needs mana (exp)

Werewolf like vampire you must be infected or you think up the rest
it has super strength and bloodlust at night and mobs won't attack it must not reveal to humans and is ultimatly a badass

hope you at least consider these bai (note Demon and half-demon i MUST HAVE in plz)

Just.. just no. Heaps of people have put this through and each time it's been turned down.

- Demons can be involved in rp, go read the lore on them then you'll have a general idea of possesion. They don't need to be a race to be rped as.. The lore states they're a type possesion. Go do a bit of research if you want.
Sorry to say, but i highly doubt this would work...

Read the lore...Please...

Alright, let's sum it up.
First of all it's pretty OP and I mean REALLY OP
2nd of all, you mention it's like a vampire... well all of this is practically a vampire but sprinkled with little differences.

Let's go through it no one can know they are a demon or KILL ON SIGHT - Same as vampire
is damaged by crosses (sticks) -Same as vampire
immune to water - Same as vampire
but never reveals Demon self -Sometimes like a vampire
is damaged by crosses (AKA sticks) -Same was vampire don't know why you needed to say it twice
it has super strength and bloodlust at night and mobs won't attack -Same as vampire once again...

Werewolf like vampire you must be infected

Sounds a LOT like a vampire.
Demons are not a race but an entity, even in most irl lore, you cannot see a demon. Personally I blame most animes for butchering everything people think about demons, they are not some sexy cat eared dude with a big sword and fights crime. They are malevolent beings who cannot be physically touched and must be fought spiritually, magicly, etc.
You know, I'd live to believe that the OP of this thread scrolled through the suggestions section of the forums, specifically looked for threads that were disliked by everyone, and then reposted the same stuff to troll.
So many people have said things about werewolves and I honestly think it can be a good idea if done correctly, I must say your werewolves are not done correctly.
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