Archived New Race: Arachne

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That took me a while hope you guys respect it
Heh... There are a few races coming out, and I believe there is one coming out called 'Arachne' so ;w;
The lore for Arachne is already work in progress, I think, see here: The lore you wrote probably won't fit in, as the elven empire and such died out ages ago, as in, more than a thousand years ago.(A rough estimate, don't take me literally) Seraph came before the elves, so it wouldn't continue for hundreds of thousands of years as you'd be going into Seraph time. Also, the population control rule doesn't seem smart. Why would they lower it to such a tender age? Elves are a magical race, they would not want their mentors dieing so early, as no magic would be learnt, as mages can only be above 40. They are also proud, and live to two hundred, I doubt they would sacrifice 178 years of their life. Also, as a side note, they aren't actually taking race suggestions any more, I think.
"Thanks for reading hope you like it sorry about rubbish lore I'm only 13 going on 14. Though I really liked this idea look at t link at rope to see a photo the the mythical Arachne."
Being 13 years old doesn't mean you cannot make good pieces of work or stories. That just made me mad.
Already a work in progress. Also, I know that you could do better. I too am 13, and I know it's hard to write stuff creatively like this, but this looks as though it was written by a nine year old. New race suggestions aren't being taken anyway.


Arachne are a great myth passed down from the most ancient of elves from daendroc. They are said to be human spider creatures. it is said there used to be thousands of them harvesting the elves until the elves had to make a great sacrifice. All the high elves got together and decided if there was no crook for the Arachne to pick then maybe they would leave the elves alone. The elves made a population control rule as soon as one of the elves were over the age of 22 it was time for the elf to take there own life ( although some elves in there 22nd birthday needed a bit of "persuasion"). The process went on for hundreds of thousands of years until the elves decided to say enough all the elves searched the whole of Daendroc and no Arachne's were found. it's superstition of the elves that if you go to the deepest darkest caves you will awaken the Arachne eggs. That superstition was never tested until today.

Web climbing= Arachne's are able to fly like through webs
Poison spit = When hitting a opponent there is a 10 percent chance they will poison them
Wall climb = Able to generate webs up a wall by sneaking in front of it
Curse of the day = Due to the Arachne's skin being weakens by the sun they lose hunger rapidly and get nuasia in direct sunlight.
Everlasting hunger = Arachne's lose hunger twice as fast as any other race due to there lust for meat

Thanks for reading hope you like it sorry about rubbish lore I'm only 13 going on 14. Though I really liked this idea look at t link at rope to see a photo the the mythical Arachne.

For one thing, I'm fairly sure the staff aren't even taking race suggestions anymore, but I could be wrong. But honestly bro, 13 isn't that young that you can't read the lore. And there's already a race that will be called Arachne.
For one thing, I'm fairly sure the staff aren't even taking race suggestions anymore, but I could be wrong. But honestly bro, 13 isn't that young that you can't read the lore. And there's already a race that will be called Arachne.
No i said 13 cuz bad English
Already a work in progress. Also, I know that you could do better. I too am 13, and I know it's hard to write stuff creatively like this, but this looks as though it was written by a nine year old. New race suggestions aren't being taken anyway.
Ik I wouldn't say nine
haha hey just checking out this post, and i believe i am an arachne XD and i have wall climbing powers and a similar power to the poison (check out my roleplay-character). I'm just saying that this is alot like my character, not saying you copied or anything, i kinda lika arachne. The Jmgx
haha hey just checking out this post, and i believe i am an arachne XD and i have wall climbing powers and a similar power to the poison (check out my roleplay-character). I'm just saying that this is alot like my character, not saying you copied or anything, i kinda lika arachne. The Jmgx
K cool never heard of you're character if I copied it would've given credit but thanks for reading.
Wait, so are you saying English isn't your first language? And lore doesn't mean writing skills. Lore is more like the backstory and such.
by age I mean by age I didn't have much time to do this only 10 mins. So it was rushed but apparently most of it fits.
I don't wrote your age down because you were rushed?
You are clearly also a younger immature person due to lack of understanding. What I've been say gnu is I was just using as a excuse other than saying it was rushed. Plus grow up you're self bro trying to hate I don't know how to undo thread anyway so basically #### off

"When god said let there be light chuck norris said say please - Chuck norris fact
You are clearly also a younger immature person due to lack of understanding. What I've been say gnu is I was just using as a excuse other than saying it was rushed. Plus grow up you're self bro trying to hate I don't know how to undo thread anyway so basically #### off

"When god said let there be light chuck norris said say please - Chuck norris fact

Actually the only reason I can't understand is because of your lack of grammar and spelling skills. I never said anything hateful, and just say that you were rushed instead of blaming it on your age.

Shh I'm going bed now by

Honestly bro I wasn't even going to tell you why I couldn't understand because I was trying to be nice, but when you start telling me to f*** off because I can't understand your grammar, I'm not gonna just sit there and take it. And don't use age as an excuse when it has absolutely nothing to do with the topic.
Jmgx, I need to talk to you about a few things.

1) If people disagree with your thread, it isn't hate. It just means they disagree with your thread. I currently see one post that can be taken as offensive, which was Crug's.

2) What were you trying to accomplish by insulting Kirby? He wasn't trying to be disrespectful, yet you basically insulted him for no apparent reason. Calling him immature just makes it ironic.

3) Kirby has a legitimate reason for being confused. Some of your posts were disjointed and incoherent. I can understand if English isn't your first language, but that isn't a reason to explode and act rude.

To get to the gist of it, please try to respond to honest questions with more respect or dignity.
Please stop the flame. I know that offensive material was brought up, but if this discussion/conversation goes any further on this thread, then I will start handing out warnings and maybe get this thread locked. Please don't do that.

If you want to debate this, go to a private conversation. However, debating the topic is completely okay with me, as long as you do it in a proper and respectful way.
Please stop the flame. I know that offensive material was brought up, but if this discussion/conversation goes any further on this thread, then I will start handing out warnings and maybe get this thread locked. Please don't do that.

If you want to debate this, go to a private conversation. However, debating the topic is completely okay with me, as long as you do it in a proper and respectful way.
He also asked how to take this thread down, I would take that as a delete request.
How do I take down this thread
Please stop the flame. I know that offensive material was brought up, but if this discussion/conversation goes any further on this thread, then I will start handing out warnings and maybe get this thread locked. Please don't do that.

If you want to debate this, go to a private conversation. However, debating the topic is completely okay with me, as long as you do it in a proper and respectful way.
I want this taken down it rushed
Honestly bro I wasn't even going to tell you why I couldn't understand because I was trying to be nice, but when you start telling me to f*** off because I can't understand your grammar, I'm not gonna just sit there and take it. And don't use age as an excuse when it has absolutely nothing to do with the topic.

English is my first language, the reason the grammar is bad is because i am terrible at English and I was on my ipad.
Apologies to swearing but i was very tired I want this taken down.
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