Archived New Quest World - Dream Quest

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


Sep 17, 2014
Reaction score
United States of America
Mithril & Kataktites
You wake up on a boat, noticing a cradling motion as you feel sea sick. You wake up to see no one but a few crew members on board, the dark night as you see your ship wrecked, still up in the water half submerged. You go to see if there were any lifeboats, slipping into the dark void that laid below.

Wouldn't another quest world like Arach'n be great? For example, adding in a water-like dungeon quest world revealing the Seraph's secrets, or a dream sequence of theories. You would explore an abandoned Seraph Temple, solving puzzles and defending against the deep guardians that still lurk around the halls.

Overall, another quest world but in contact with water would be amazing! Fighting Sea Guardians, possibly cool MassiveMobs would be a great add on to another "huge" quest line in Aloria's dreamland. Implementing a puzzle-world, including some PvE areas would be interesting, going through short mazes to find artifacts that the Seraphs left. At the end of this quest world would be a boss MassiveMob, either another one like Arach'n, but a Seraph skin, or possibly a stronger Elder Guardian. The possibilities of such a world like this could be done and amazing.

What do you think, Massive community?
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.

I like the idea of a quest world, I've always enjoyed quests (and the lore items they give heh) but I do agree with @Squeaker555 about that the seraph should remain a mystery, maybe a quest world with water. Possibly Maiar based?