Archived New Premium Features

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Jun 30, 2012
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Here is a list of somebpremium feature i would like some of them is not my iwb idea abd some of the is a bit overpowered but i thibk staff can use some of the ideas.

Massivecraft premium

Horses so we can travel faster and a way to disable it in battle so you not get to overpowered. And not works in bloodlust

A speak channel wirks in 500 blocks radius and matbe delay on 10-20 seconds

Double drop gets back just only for prem

A command such the essentials /balancetop to fast see the richest

Double xo from mobs and burnung items

Faster gets mcmmo xp

Always mine/destroy blocks 10 times faster

Premium areas

Do not loose hot/quick bar in battle

Dobbel loot from mobs and monsters

Slower teleport eaitibg time

Gets 10 sikver each month as premium

Slower global talk time and other ppl longer

With this feature do builders have no excuses for not buy prem. Premiums can place blocks as long as in creative gamemode so that makes it easier to build. Example i am making a wall and can place 2 blocks down with creative gamemode 3 blocks down

Twice fish from fishing

Twixe hunger from food so a bread give 10 and not 5

Premiums don't drop xo

Premiums can mine/destroy blocks under water as fast and they can on surface.

Premiums don't take damage from ender pearls

More bacoacks such as: /bp 1 /bp 2 /bp 3

Furnaces working same way as /bp

Can craft tools and armor back so crafting they can get materials back on tools not needed

Disguising as some animals and a way to disable it in pvp

Only premiums can create vampire alters and it requires a command to activate.

Only premiums can craft diamond tools and armor

Hope some of this comes
Regards Madus
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I guess some of them are viable, but for the only premiums can craft diamond tools just seems annoying. That would make the server pay-to-play since you need real life money to get the best items. Diamond Armor I can live without, since I don't use armor. And the vampire altar thing seems to be a waste of time since most vampires today were infected by someone else.
I guess some of them are viable, but for the only premiums can craft diamond tools just seems annoying. That would make the server pay-to-play since you need real life money to get the best items. Diamond Armor I can live without, since I don't use armor. And the vampire altar thing seems to be a waste of time since most vampires today were infected by someone else.
Yea, im quite sure many many people would leave the server if they could not use proper tools.
I am really sorry i will fix it now.
Hehe tes it is not all translated[DOUBLEPOST=1348814423][/DOUBLEPOST]I think this have to be a rejected suggestion since no of these features are used
I do support the idea of premiums being able to see the richest players, and certain premium areas, but:
  • Horses are good ideas, but you'd need Spoutcraft or a custom client for it to actually work...
  • We already have a channel with a 500 block radius, it's called y:
  • Double drops are way too OP to be fair, just imagine chopping a forest and getting double the wood you got.
  • Always mine/destroy 10 blocks faster? Are you kidding me?
  • Slower teleports time: It is to prevent combat logging, and premium members combat log just as much as normal players.
  • More backpacks is way too OP too..
  • Only premiums can use diamond tools? Everyone would leave the server
  • Double fish is also a bit too OP.
  • Double xp is also OP.. lmao.
  • If a player was given 10 silver, there would have to have an RP background to it. You don't just get 10 silver every month at your front door.
Please note that I am a premium.
The double drop do i think that premiums can use MCMMO DOUBLE DEOP cause it is removed
Agreed, most people sign up for premium just because of the ability to make gates and to wear diamond armor - other than that, the only other useful thing I would say is the MCMMO cooldown rate is reduced by 50%, and the ability to not lose drops. But I have a suggestion as well to this complaint:
- Instead of giving all premiums these in-game benefits that Madus has suggested all the time, we should have a highest donation benefit: A benefit (or set) that will be given out at the start of each month to the premium player that has donated the most last month. So on top of everything else, more people might compete for this award, which will make the server earn more...see where I'm heading with this? And it won't be OP because not everybody has the benefit(s), and we don't have to make it be a giant benefit; just something that reels people in.
Agreed, most people sign up for premium just because of the ability to make gates and to wear diamond armor - other than that, the only other useful thing I would say is the MCMMO cooldown rate is reduced by 50%, and the ability to not lose drops. But I have a suggestion as well to this complaint:
- Instead of giving all premiums these in-game benefits that Madus has suggested all the time, we should have a highest donation benefit: A benefit (or set) that will be given out at the start of each month to the premium player that has donated the most last month. So on top of everything else, more people might compete for this award, which will make the server earn more...see where I'm heading with this? And it won't be OP because not everybody has the benefit(s), and we don't have to make it be a giant benefit; just something that reels people in.
I like this, it helps motivate people to donate, but doesn't OP everyone who does.
I like the portable furnace and the faster teleportation time, but I think the rest is just entirely unfair since this is a free server.
The premium feature does need more but that is a bit too much. We still need to make it fair for the other players. Portable furnace... erm? how? How would you carry a stove around with you? (RP) Workbench understandable, same as backpack but furnace is one huge peice of stone and metal. Think it through and think of different additions. Thanks for submitting some though :D
it was just ideas i came up with, if it are roo overpowered can it be nerfed. AND DOUBLE DROP WAS THE MCMMO one, cause it is removed.
i actually made this after keep inventory was removed, so it could be balanced.
and keep armor on death is not rp, so why could other not-rp things not be added.
the server has potential to give premium some more but i think they will only do this when demand begins to decrease cause they are bored.

however i would like to see a premuim only race ?[DOUBLEPOST=1355221768][/DOUBLEPOST]players are bored *
Most of these are over powering, some are very interesting.
Personally, I don't really care either way lol. While getting double drops would be awesome (lol) I can easily see it making people dislike prems more then they already do. 10 silver a month would be nice, but needs an RP reason... perhaps Premiums are the 'Guardians of <insert name of massivecraft universe (which we need to figure out)>'? Meh, I've got silver, I don't care XD

For the rest of it, the only thing I would like to see is the horses, but for everyone, not just premiums :)

Diamond tools for premiums only... wait, where are you all going!?!?! lol, there wouldn't be a single non-prem on the server for more then a week I'm sure.

Note: I am a premium.
New premium features are being considered all the time.

As of right now however, we only add new premium features when we add new regular player features as well. Many of these would not feasible in that context.

Closing, but moving to accepted for future reference and inspiration.
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