Archived New Plugins

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Oct 25, 2012
Reaction score
I really think we should have some new plugins , the one I was thinking about is "/sell" (hand, blocks etc.) I really like that plugin because you can get money easier and also you don't have to go round spawn looking for a shop that buys , lets say cobble , and if there is a shop that buys cobble its usally full or at a rubbish price , so it would be a nice feature to add. :) Any wanna share why this is a good idea or bad please write down below or msg me on Massivecraft (user elitemossyPL).
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Bad idea:
1) Ruins economy.
2) Ruins chest shops.
3) Ruins RP.
4) No link.
5) No prefix.

Get my point?
Yes There is no suggestion Prefix and rich people in cobble could get money very easily even if it was lets say 5 copper a stack
becuase I have about 15 large chests of cobble as well as there would probably ruin regalia prospera all the chestshops because the could
cheaply buy something so really ruins RP aswell its a bad idea all around
Fair warning, the second a mod/admin sees this, it will get locked.[DOUBLEPOST=1356586840][/DOUBLEPOST]For lack of prefix.
No. We used to have this plugin. It was bad. people used it to "Sell" items over priced for storage, so if they needed anything, they just take it off the market.
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