I am posting this thread today because when traveling The Rift, I realized how griefed it is. It looks just like the old nether, Gana-Isha. Only differences being, this one has quartz and one or two quests, and Gana-Isha was able to be claimed in. I think we should have a new nether that we can claim and make factions in. This would be nice for everyone, but especially Dakkar. It should also have the wilderness reset like the newest world, Teled-Methen, so it can't become extremely griefed like any other previous nether. I think the new nether could have a hub similar to now, but larger with more quests, because I really enjoyed the nether quests. Now I know some of you may say something like, "But Diamond, what about the nether fortress chests? Can't you just loot them every time the world resets?". I have two possible answers to that question. One being, just don't put the chests in the world to begin with. My second response being, you can already farm minerals and food when Teled-Methen resets. Another reason I would like a new nether is because, sure you have Daendroc and worlds like that that are also extremely griefed, but you can go to other worlds. There is no second nether, so even if claiming is enabled in The Rift, no one would just for the reason it is so ugly, but if wilderness resets, then you would have a very unique world that would be great for certain roleplay types. I hope the staff take this into consideration in the future. Thank you for reading.