New Nagan Fleet

What do you do with a drunken sailor

  • Put him in a long boat and make him bale her

    Votes: 3 9.1%
  • Lock him up with the Captain's daughter

    Votes: 17 51.5%
  • Put him in a guard room till he gets sober

    Votes: 8 24.2%
  • Put him in the bilge and make him drink it

    Votes: 5 15.2%

  • Total voters


The Desciple of Cecidit
Jul 5, 2012
Reaction score
In The Shadows
Jade Confederation, Ceciditian Empire
Roleplay Guilds
During the Chrysant Wars, humanity defeated the Chrysant Kingdoms on the high seas with such ease that the Naga might have well been rowing into battle... because they were. In an effort to evolve Nagan naval engineering, and naval combat tactics (aka I'm really bored right now, and know that I will randomly have time to go and build these ships), I have started designing and prototyping more modern (modern for Aloria aka 1400's tech) vessels in the hopes that the Naga can adapt and evolve now, as they did so long ago when they first made it to Hadar. Most will be designed with focuses on speed and maneuverability. That said, all will be designed to carry cannons to some degree, also they will be lightly armed. When I mean cannons, I mean premium cannons.

Vegrandis Piscis Piscis

One of the first Nagan vessels to be created after the Chrysant Wars, this small sloop takes advantage of the lumber and wool made available thanks to small war bands in New Ceardia and Ithania. While it's lightly armed with only two cannons, it's speed, maneuverability, and small size make it an excellent scout ship, and within a larger fleet it works best with hit and run packs of three or four. However, due to the lack of large Nagan fleets, its primary role will be that of an early warning vessel, seeing how it's small size prevents it from making extended ocean journeys.

Aurum Cusor

This style of vessel is typically used to transfer goods. While it may be larger than the Piscis, it has roughly the same weapons. That said, it added size is for more than just show. While it may only have a limited arsenal, it manages to carry cargo as fast as a ship it's size can go. It sacrifices some of its mobility for durability, that durability is the only reason it can get away with it's limited arsenal given how hostile the Hadar oceans have gotten after the Chrysant Wars.

Unda Extraho

This vessel has used by Nagan Pirates, due to its large amount of cannons and larger size, it can carry more cargo. However, when fully loaded and carrying the maximum amount of cannons, it is far slower than most Nagan vessels of its size. Due to this, it primary use isn't piracy, but in fact defensive in nature. It's often used to protect the lighter armed merchant vessels, and can often be seen standing watch over the few remaining Nagan cities.

*Additional Note* I will slowly add more vessels to this thread as I make them, though I am not in any rush to be honest.
Keep up the excellent work, I LOVE this design. MiningMac5, should we have this in the bay colony?
The Shadow King

Thanks for the support. If you're looking for a ship to defend your harbor, perhaps you could give me a better idea of what you need out of a naval vessel. Then I could custom design one for the mission you had in mind.
The Shadow King

Thanks for the support. If you're looking for a ship to defend your harbor, perhaps you could give me a better idea of what you need out of a naval vessel. Then I could custom design one for the mission you had in mind.
Well, right now Nlisse is building a colony on a bay and I'm just think that we would need a cargo and denfence vessel for the bay. But once again, MiningMac5, are we even building a colony there?
You know, I think my brother told me something about a plug that makes boats move. You would probably have to stop to fire cannons though.
That's a cool idea, but I think that would cause more work for the staff than they have time for right now. Honestly the only way I could see naval combat occurring is on an RP level, though building a pair of ships by each other and then fighting it out. You could also throw in additional ships, islands, etc etc.

Regardless, I will look into the plugin you're talking about. Thanks for the potential heads up.
That's a cool idea, but I think that would cause more work for the staff than they have time for right now. Honestly the only way I could see naval combat occurring is on an RP level, though building a pair of ships by each other and then fighting it out. You could also throw in additional ships, islands, etc etc.

Regardless, I will look into the plugin you're talking about. Thanks for the potential heads up.

You are welcome.
Very impressed.
The third ship is very impressive. I can't wait for the forth to be some sea serpent imitating death machine.
I just want to see a huge ships made of cake.
But back on to topic, the ships are amazing and very well designed. If I was able to make ships, I'd live on one (rp+world wise)
Kemion's past will haunt him when these ships sail into the harbor of Regalia.
Kemion's past will haunt him when these ships sail into the harbor of Regalia.
Well, maybe. This was kinda a hobby on the side, the only reason I brought this back up was due to something I found in the new quest world.
Well, maybe. This was kinda a hobby on the side, the only reason I brought this back up was due to something I found in the new quest world.
Kemion fought in the Chrysant War, it would be funny to have the ghosts of his war past come to him if these ships ever became lore compliant.
Kemion fought in the Chrysant War, it would be funny to have the ghosts of his war past come to him if these ships ever became lore compliant.

While the sail design is based on the idea of dragons, in all honesty the type of ship is more middle eastern.
I only read this post caused thought the beginningvote said "what do you do with a drunken whaler". I was about to say... "SLICE HIS THROATWITH A RUSTY CLEAVERR"
I only read this post caused thought the beginningvote said "what do you do with a drunken whaler". I was about to say... "SLICE HIS THROATWITH A RUSTY CLEAVERR"

Yes. Yes. All of the Yes.