Archived New Forum Titles

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Jul 3, 2013
Reaction score
Unlike many forums, Massivecraft's doesn't have special titles. We can make our own, but we get no special title for posting 50 times, 100 times, 1000 times, etc. We also don't have our post count below our names, and I think we should. For example, here are some of Minecraft Forum's ranks:

0-1 posts: Newly Spawned
2 posts: Out of the Water
1337 posts: IRC HACKER
etc., etc., etc.

I have some ideas for the new titles, as well. They're pretty terrible, so if you have suggestions tell me.

0 posts: Massive Newbie
1-9 posts: Regalia Wanderer
10 posts: Voyager
50 posts: Colonist
100 posts: Explorer
250 posts: Soldier
404 posts: Title not found
405 posts: Soldier
500 posts: Innkeeper
700 posts: Roleplayer
754: Pokemaster
755: Roleplayer
800: Merchant
1000: Millenium Poster
1001: Regalian Citizen
1728: Full Chest
1999: Hardcore Partyer
2000: Portal Builder
2011: Massive Beginnings
2012: Portal Builder
2500: Explorer of Gana-Isha
3000: Professional Crafter
3141: Paradoxical Poster
3142: Professional Crafter
3194 posts: Mojang Specifications (This is in peretheses so it isn't in the title, but 3194 is a very obscure reference to calm4.ogg, a song removed from Minecraft)
4000: Withered Warrior
5000: God Armored
6000: Guardian of the Forums
7500: Forum God
9001: Goku
10000: King of Gana-Isha
11010: Binary Poster
11011: King of Gana-Isha
15000: Master Wordsmith
20000: Scholar
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Make the titles more generic or perhaps make it possible to choose a path (Warrior, Colonist, Merchant, Explorer, ext) that brings a different selection of names (ex: Warrior at 100 posts is a Common Militia while a Merchant at 100 posts is Common Salesman). All titles should be RP-Accurate (as funny as it is, no 404 Error Title).
Make the titles more generic or perhaps make it possible to choose a path (Warrior, Colonist, Merchant, Explorer, ext) that brings a different selection of names (ex: Warrior at 100 posts is a Common Militia while a Merchant at 100 posts is Common Salesman). All titles should be RP-Accurate (as funny as it is, no 404 Error Title).
I agree with that.

Yes I have passed 404 posts so I should have that title XD
Make the titles more generic or perhaps make it possible to choose a path (Warrior, Colonist, Merchant, Explorer, ext) that brings a different selection of names (ex: Warrior at 100 posts is a Common Militia while a Merchant at 100 posts is Common Salesman). All titles should be RP-Accurate (as funny as it is, no 404 Error Title).
Not all parts of the forums are RP. The titles don't really matter. Most of the titles have basic numbers, but the ones like Goku, Title not Found, Binary Poster, and Mojang Specifications are all "special" titles. If the titles are added, I am going to have this thread locked/deleted so the titles will become secret.
I'll make an alternate account just to get it to 404 for the title. :3
I agree, it should be somewhat like the icons for your profile, if anybody has heard of them. They are accquired based off of how many wins you have earned so far with your account.
Well, fair enough, I do like all the little "joke titles" like Goku (lul) and Binary Poster (I am a r0b0t).
This idea was inspired by Minecraft Forum's titles, which are really awesome.
Here they are, if you wanted to know:
Normal Titles:
0 - Newbie
1 - Newly Spawned
2 - Out of the Water
10 - Tree Puncher
40 - Carpenter
70 - Stone Miner
100 - Coal Miner
150 - Zombie Killer
250 - Iron Miner
350 - Gold Miner
500 - Redstone Miner
700 - Diamond Miner
900 - Lapis Lazuli Collector
1200 - Obsidian Miner
1500 - Void Walker
2000 - Nether Resident
2500 - Ghast Hunter
3000 - Glowstone Miner
4000 - Blaze Extinguisher
5000 - Portal Expert
5556 - Creeper Destroyer
6500 - End Dweller
8000 - Enderman Ender
10000 - Enderdragon Slayer
15000 - Farlander
20000 - Beyond the Horizon

Hidden Titles:
42 - The answer to life, the universe and everything
64 - Full stack
314 - Mathematical Dessert
413 - Stuck at Home
666 - Mark of the Beast
2001 - A Space Odyssey
5555 - Creeper
9001 - Over Nine Thousand
9999 - Dragon Egg
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