Archived New Forum Menu Redesign/update

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Aug 18, 2016
Reaction score
the nearest concert
Alright I'll start with saying I haven't looked at forums on a laptop after the update but here's my opinion on the mobile update -

The Problem
We've got no "new posts" or "watched threads" that are easy to access from the top of the screen. As of now we have "Mark forums read" which I've never used, "search forum" which we have a search bar literally an inch above that for, and "Watched Forums."

The Solution
Simple- bring back "Watched Threads" and "New Posts"
(If that's what everyone else wants. Maybe I'm the only one who used those so often idk.) I'm not sure if others use these tabs a bit more but I know I used new posts and watched threads more than anything else and now those are gone, and we've got a redundant search button.

Agree, disagree? Maybe it's just me like idk
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Also there's no login button.
Don't forget to mention the atrocious small avatar icons with the white borders that really trigger my OCD and need for perfection. I must be perfect. My profile must be perfect. Why did they have to do this XD.
Wasn't intentional - The update occured while I was asleep and I usually take care of the template modifications. I hope to restore the template modifications today, but it requires some research because it's been over a year since last I did them.
I'm working on it constantly, expect some things to change while I figure out the right template elements.
I mentioned in a separate thread, but this seems a relevant place to re-mention: Can the sidebar be made fixed (as in, Fixed Positioning)? The way it tries to "smarty" realign itself to "show you what you want to see" - aka, I scroll down an inch, and it goes down 3 sections, I scroll up slightly and it goes up 2, down again and it skips 3 more sections, avoiding the part I wanted to see- triggers me every time.