Archived New Enchanting System?

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I like to draw. Can I has drawing?
Apr 1, 2013
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Ya muuum! ...Nah, just kidding. My mum.
With the new enchanting system, we'll need to use lapis or gold with the item, along with a few exp levels. So I thought there could be a few 'relics' that could be found or dropped and used for enchanting, eg;
  • Dragon scales as an item, may give fire aspect or smite
  • A bottled cloud maybe? For knockback, or haste
And so on~ so these items would have custom lore with them, and would give a random enchantment related to them.

I'm pretty sure it's also possible for custom enchantments made in plugins, so let's brainstorm with my sleepy mind.
  • Decapitate 1-4) raises the chance of a dropped mob or player head by 5, adding 2% each level.
  • Energy Surge 1) gives a 2% chance of striking your opponent with lightning each hit.
  • Purge 1-3) Like the smite enchantment, but effects players with the 'unholy' trait, as well as undead type mobs.
  • Scavenger 1-4) Gives a 20% chance to drop a food item from hostile mobs, and an extra 5% chance to drop an enchantment relic. Adds 2% extra chance each level.
  • Infernal 1) gives a 50% chance to drop materials already smelted (wood to charcoal, ores to ingots ect.)
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
With the new enchanting system, we'll need to use lapis or gold with the item, along with a few exp levels. So I thought there could be a few 'relics' that could be found or dropped and used for enchanting, eg;
  • Dragon scales as an item, may give fire aspect or smite
  • A bottled cloud maybe? For knockback, or haste
And so on~ so these items would have custom lore with them, and would give a random enchantment related to them.

I'm pretty sure it's also possible for custom enchantments made in plugins, so let's brainstorm with my sleepy mind.
  • Decapitate 1-4) raises the chance of a dropped mob or player head by 5, adding 2% each level.
  • Energy Surge 1) gives a 2% chance of striking your opponent with lightning each hit.
  • Purge 1-3) Like the smite enchantment, but effects players with the 'unholy' trait, as well as undead type mobs.
  • Scavenger 1-4) Gives a 20% chance to drop a food item from hostile mobs, and an extra 5% chance to drop an enchantment relic. Adds 2% extra chance each level.
  • Infernal 1) gives a 50% chance to drop materials already smelted (wood to charcoal, ores to ingots ect.)

Sounds hard to code, but cool
That infernal sounds awesome! But maybe lower the percent or toggle it?
So somethign similar was suggested earlier. This is my thought and i know a little about coding.
There is and itemEnchantEvent (So it is easy to find out when an item gets enchanted through an enchantment table)
With his event it may be possible to get the items used (Gold or lapis and the meta data)
The custom items should problary be renamed gold or lapis (with lore) unless clicking ht enchant button counts as inventoryClickEvent (if you don't undertsand it is ok).
I am not sure if custom enchantments is possible (once they weren't). But there could be used metaData to change what it does. Example when an player damages an entity (player or mob) the weapon they used could be gotten, and sw if it had some metaData. And if it had that metaData a special event could get runned (more damage, ligning, explosion whatever you might think of). And then lore could be used to tell what custom enchantments it has.
So yeahh possible in one way or another.
So somethign similar was suggested earlier. This is my thought and i know a little about coding.
There is and itemEnchantEvent (So it is easy to find out when an item gets enchanted through an enchantment table)
With his event it may be possible to get the items used (Gold or lapis and the meta data)
The custom items should problary be renamed gold or lapis (with lore) unless clicking ht enchant button counts as inventoryClickEvent (if you don't undertsand it is ok).
I am not sure if custom enchantments is possible (once they weren't). But there could be used metaData to change what it does. Example when an player damages an entity (player or mob) the weapon they used could be gotten, and sw if it had some metaData. And if it had that metaData a special event could get runned (more damage, ligning, explosion whatever you might think of). And then lore could be used to tell what custom enchantments it has.
So yeahh possible in one way or another.
possible but hard
The Info department is researching this suggestion. Thank you for your input.
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