Archived -=[new Crafting Recipe Idea: Spawn Eggs!]=-

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The Dark Wolf
Dec 20, 2013
Reaction score
The Fields of Elysium
Roleplay Guilds
-=[ Massive Recipes Idea ]=-

Hello everybody, so I had an idea for Massivecrafts custom recipes and I wanted to run it by you and see what you think. My idea is, Craft able spawn eggs, Now I know this has been suggested as a new vote item a lot but I've never seen a craft able spawn egg idea. Now in my personal opinion not all spawn eggs should be craft able though. I will give examples anyways on ones i don't think should be.

So the basic idea is like an enderchest crafting recipe. Instead of a ender eye in the middle a plain and simple egg. Around the egg would be the item the mobs drop. Below is a list of recipe ideas for it. So I got bored and decided to make this, I hope you all like it.

• [Zombie] 1 egg in the center of a crafting table with 8 rotten flesh around it.
• [Creeper] 1 egg in middle with 8 gunpowder around it.
• [Skeleton] 1 Egg in the center with 8 arrows around it.
• [Spider] 1 egg in the center with 8 spider eyes around it.
• [Cave Spider] replace the spider spawn egg on crafting table
• [Witch] 1 egg in middle with 8 Splash poisons around it.
• [Endermen] 1 egg in center with 8 Enderpearls around it.
• [Blaze] 1 egg in center with 8 blaze rods around it.
• [Ghast] 1 Egg in center with 8 ghast tears around it
• [Pigmen] 1 Egg in center with 8 Gold Ingots around it.
• [Slimes] 1 Egg in middle with 8 slimeblocks around it
• [Magma Slimes] 1 Egg in middle with 8 Magma Slimes around it.
• [Silverfish] 1 Egg in middle with 8 brown mushrooms around it
• [Wither Skeleton] 1 egg in middle with 8 coal blocks around it.
• [Guardian] 1 egg with 8 puffer fish around it.
• [Endermite] replace endermen egg on crafting table.

So each item has no potential of making training easier. Or getting more loot if you measure it out you cant get extra items from it, it actually costs more items to make the egg spawners then you get back. I personally like the idea of hostile mob spawners being craft able while I don't really like the idea of Normal animals being craft able since if seems rather easy heres examples below.

• [Cow] 1 egg in middle with 8 leather around it.
• [Pig] 1 egg in middle with 8 Cooked pork chops around it.
• [Chicken] 1 egg in middle with 8 feathers around it
• [Sheep] 1 egg in middle with 8 mutton around it.
• [Squid] 1 egg with 8 Ink sacs around it.
• [Rabbit] 1 egg in middle with 8 Rabbit hide around it.
• [Bat] 1 egg in middle with 8 coal around it.
• [Horse] 1 egg in middle with 8 apples around it
• [Wolf] 1 egg in middle with 8 bones around it.
• [Ocelot] 1 egg in middle with 8 fish around it.

So. I hope you all like it. Leave a comment if you want. And I hope y'all think about adding it ig. :)
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This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
This has been suggested many times before and rejected every time without much of a strong argument. I don't believe that this time will be any different.
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This has been suggested many times before and rejected every time without any strong arguments. I don't believe that this time will be different.
Never seen it suggested in craft able form only for voting items. So thought id give it a try. I'd also be happy to answer any questions anybody has about em if I forgot/didn't put something
Also just throwing this out there:

Theres honostly no way to get anything from this aside from it just being fun. Even if you hit a mob with a looting III sword. It still wouldn't make enough of the item to craft it and the recipes takes enough items that its quicker just to use a darkroom training wise.

Basically the only thing these could be used for is fun. Like being able to have a blaze that lives with you. It just would add an interesting extra into the game for even more fun.
Also just throwing this out there:

Theres honostly no way to get anything from this aside from it just being fun. Even if you hit a mob with a looting III sword. It still wouldn't make enough of the item to craft it and the recipes takes enough items that its quicker just to use a darkroom training wise.

Basically the only thing these could be used for is fun. Like being able to have a blaze that lives with you. It just would add an interesting extra into the game for even more fun.
You can still breed them, can't you? Just because they come in egg form doesn't take away their ability to breed. Unless you're also asking for another mod which prevents that.
You can still breed them, can't you? Just because they come in egg form doesn't take away their ability to breed. Unless you're also asking for another mod which prevents that.

Honostly i dont think the peaceful breedable mobs spawn eggs should be able to be crafted. I did add a recipe idea for them in case others thought they should. But in my opinion it would make it way to easy to get animals for a factions farm.
Honostly i dont think the peaceful breedable mobs spawn eggs should be able to be crafted. I did add a recipe idea for them in case others thought they should. But in my opinion it would make it way to easy to get animals for a factions farm.
Also, there is a potential to get more material from slimes and magma cubes than you originally put into them.

You might also want to tone down the cost on that wither skelly, since statistics say you only get one head out of every 100-300 killed wither skeletons.
Also, there is a potential to get more material from slimes and magma cubes than you originally put into them.

You might also want to tone down the cost on that wither skelly, since statistics say you only get one head out of every 100-300 killed wither skeletons.
Aight. Ya maybe the slime ones should be slime blocks for the normal slime. Idk what for the wither skelly maybe coal?
Just no. If you want mobs go find them. Getting materials and such is already way too easy on MassiveCraft, there has to be challenge somewhere.
Just no. If you want mobs go find them. Getting materials and such is already way too easy on MassiveCraft, there has to be challenge somewhere.

Not /All/ items are easy to gather. Plus if you think about how much it cost to make one in the recipes. Also I dont really think finding mobs are a challenge. The ones /I think/ should be in are the hostile ones leaving the peaceful animals hard to find. Just an idea.

Leave peaceful mob spawn recipes off but hostile on in my opinion but if you noticed I did say that up top.

Anyways. Mobs are already easy to find hostile mob wise. It wouldn't really do much aside from it just being fun.
Not /All/ items are easy to gather. Plus if you think about how much it cost to make one in the recipes. Also I dont really think finding mobs are a challenge. The ones /I think/ should be in are the hostile ones leaving the peaceful animals hard to find. Just an idea.

Leave peaceful mob spawn recipes off but hostile on in my opinion but if you noticed I did say that up top.

Anyways. Mobs are already easy to find hostile mob wise. It wouldn't really do much aside from it just being fun.
There is no reason to make it easier. Seems that you didn't get that.
Even as an rper i can see this would be extremly annoying in pvp if you spawned in a horde of zombies to break the doors,
or a flaming swarm of blazes
Even as an rper i can see this would be extremly annoying in pvp if you spawned in a horde of zombies to break the doors,
or a flaming swarm of blazes

There is no reason to make it easier. Seems that you didn't get that.

Well one: it wouldn't exactly make it easier. You'd need to hunt the mobs to get 1. Aka Darkrooming and killing (for example) 8 endermen in order to spawn 1. It's not that easy. At that point you might aswell continue Darkrooming it be quicker.

And Party. Mobs dont do damage/attack on faction land. So spawning in a hoard of mobs wouldnt really do anything aside from make it harder for the two pvpers to hit each other.
I dont like the idea of spawning mobs. Mostly for the reasons that @Party_Penguin27 stated above. But, I would like to see farm animal spawn eggs. However, just some leather and an egg seems too easy to get a cow to spawn wherever you want. Maybe find a way to have it so you take a large amount of cows and make them into a spawn egg? killing 3 cows for leather just seems too cheap. The price for meat would go waaay down, because it would be so available.
I like this idea. It would allow the ability to transport mobs from one continent to another. However, maybe it could be made more expensive, like have it cost a diamond, too.
Due to the current lack of ability to move animals across servers, I find the necessity for the ability (Premium ability of course) not to craft but to use eggs in some form or manner with a material cost say diamonds or redstone to capture animals by throwing an egg at them with the necassary items in your inventory, this will produce the spawn egg on the ground to be picked up moved sold used ect. I have seen a plugin like this I am not sure if it is compatible or even still around but I think some thing like this should be developed as it would increase sale and transport of animals across worlds, without the concern of killing them on the way. That's my input on it, like others said this idea and mine wilm probably be shot down as always with ideas like this. Also note this is not for capturing monsters (Bad idea) but only animals.
And Party. Mobs dont do damage/attack on faction land. So spawning in a hoard of mobs wouldnt really do anything aside from make it harder for the two pvpers to hit each other.

Not all fights happen on faction land. Most smart PvPers will draw the enemy out of their safe zone.
Due to the current lack of ability to move animals across servers, I find the necessity for the ability (Premium ability of course) not to craft but to use eggs in some form or manner with a material cost say diamonds or redstone to capture animals by throwing an egg at them with the necassary items in your inventory, this will produce the spawn egg on the ground to be picked up moved sold used ect. I have seen a plugin like this I am not sure if it is compatible or even still around but I think some thing like this should be developed as it would increase sale and transport of animals across worlds, without the concern of killing them on the way. That's my input on it, like others said this idea and mine wilm probably be shot down as always with ideas like this. Also note this is not for capturing monsters (Bad idea) but only animals.
That is a good idea... I like it.
So I thought about how some if you said they seemed to cheep to make. So decided to make an example of a new recipe idea for it. Maybe something like the picture below. Egg in middle 4 diamond blocks around it and the other item from the mob around it too.

@indyfan98 @Asmodeus35 @cooldudeooo

Hows that recipe look everybody? It would cost a lot more and possibly raise the price for diamonds cause more people would want diamond blocks for it.

I don't think it's that bad as long as it costs a lot of materials to make. We need an item sink anyway, so this might help in some way.
Personally in my opinion. (While just mine) i dont think Wither Skeletons, ghast, blazes ones should be enabled. I think I prefer this recipe type over my old one




The eggs should be expensive as hell to craft, so there is a strong market from them. I also believe you shouldn't be able to get the spawn eggs for hostile mobs because they will be used to troll.
The eggs should be expensive as hell to craft, so there is a strong market from them. I also believe you shouldn't be able to get the spawn eggs for hostile mobs because they will be used to troll.

Some of the hostile mobs i do agree shouldn't be.

Wither skeleton, blaze, ghast, possibly Slimes, but as for trolling using mobs, with the recipe i remade using diamond blocks in the idea. I don't think people would really use it to troll since 1 mob would cost them 4 diamond blocks.
I could see a use though for hostile mob eggs, I mean it goes both ways but a prepared team could toss a few pigmen/creepers at the enemy to not only annoy but distract. I like the Pokemon idea someone else suggested here, you have to make/craft the egg however you need the mob to catch in order to spawn elsewhere.