Archived New Chats

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The great and powerful
Mar 27, 2013
Reaction score
lets keep flame out of general. We need an enemy chat to talk to enemies and taunt raids rather than cramming taunts into the already booming general chat.

World chat would be good, a chat for just the world that you are in, helpful to discuss if anyone would like to accompany on a raid or help in builds. It will make massive even more social than it already is.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Let's break these two chats down real quick.

  • Enemy Chat: If it's anything like ally chat, it will have all of your enemies. This will lead to a crammed chat. What does that lead to? People leaving the chat and not using it. (Plus, you could always use local to taunt raiders.)

  • World Chat: Do you /really/ want to announce that you're going to raid someone? If you're in the same world as one of their members, they'll be ready for the raid. If there is an ally of theirs in the world you are in, they could be warned. Helping with builds.. I suppose that's a possibility. I just don't see a reason for someone to help you build. They could build something for themselves, or build something with/for you. Unless they're your friend or are getting paid, they'll probably work on their own builds.
I love having people help me build.. 2 minds is better than 1. And I think enemy chat would definitely be used, I'd use it very often XD
Plus, enemy chat could be a convenient way to really provoke your enemies, and raids would probably happen more
Enemy chat sounds like the perfect place for flame. There's already flaming rules, and we don't need a chat dedicated to talking with enemies. What are you going to tell them? "Oh, hey (insert enemy faction here) I like your godaxes!" You really aren't meant to compliment enemies or give them information, and flaming is bannable in some cases. World chat sounds completely pointless to me. If you're doing a build, talk with the builders, not the world! I just can't see the practicality, or even remote purpose, of these new chats.
Enemy chat scenario1: Player Derp enemies half the server and spams them. Result the chat will not be used.
Enemy chat scenario2: Enemy chat is used for flame (probably more than general is). Result people don't want to hear other flame at each other and leave + some mutes.

World chat, really? So you want to speak to just some people on the server but not all, while you still can't control it.
I don't see the point as your example would be better for for ally chat I believe. But well maybe it is useful in some cases.
I say world chat sounds ok and i will give my support on only world chat for 1 reason.
  1. it would be nice to be able to talk to people of only that world.
maybe you will get more supporters if you give better examples on the world chat.

enemy chat is out of the question.
Well if I had enemy chat I would use it very often. almost every day I think that I could be using enemy chat right now and it would be helpful.
I fear if you had an enemy chat people would resort to harrasment or flame and stuff. Say if you died in PvP by your enemy their most likely would be a mass argument in enemy chat. But I like the world chat Idea
Enemy Chat: Can not and will not ever be implimented because being enemied to someone is a 1 way agreement and therefore a faction would be unable to remove enemies that enemied them from their enemy chat (IF that made sense).

World Chat: This is a phenominal idea. And here is why:
1. You're being raided by (faction1). They run away to repot, and you can then ask in w: chat where they ran off to.
2. You're looking for local factions in your world to become allies and defend you. You can simply ask in world chat then.
3. You're looking for some livestock donations. Although this can be done in trade, you can also discuss this in World Chat.

Honestly world chat would create a more tight-knit community because right now if you talk in general then it better be something pretty important or else you'll get punished for it, however world chat can be more relaxed like other servers who have 1 main chat channel where you can talk about topics that maybe dont need a 300 person audience, but only 30 or so like politics, pvp tips, farming mechanics, cool locations to visit, etc, etc. World chat is a must. If this doesn't get added then I'm going to make a banner that people can put on their signatures to promote this.