Archived New Chat

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Jan 30, 2016
Reaction score
So I was thinking we should have a new chat something similar to PVP chat.A chat for politics,religion,and roasting.Now I know what your thinking "What if I don't want to put up with it and what if new players are warded off by this chat".So when people first get on they will not be in that chat we will inform them "Hey yo this is the untame place beware".Then if they wish they may join the chat.I really enjoyed the PVP chat and I wish for a chat where I can discuss controversial topics with other people.
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I know it would be offensive to some people but some people shouldn't be such a big bitch about things.But it would be closed off and when you go there you would know hey I will be offended.
I feel like religion would be a big no. It's something that's very personal to people, I think it could make people actual enemies with each other if things got out of hand.
All the chats that we have, while they are intended to serve a specific function (IE: Trade, Faction, Alliance), also tend to allow a broader discussion and use. You can both sell items for a set amount and auction within trade chat. You can talk about whatever you like in faction chat, along with things about your faction specifically.

What you're proposing are chats that are a bit too specific. They won't serve any other purpose except to offend people, which like you say, they can opt out of the chat, but why create it in the first place. Talking about religion and politics is sure to rustle some major jimmies.

Maybe an Off-topic chat that wouldn't be as heavily moderated, but still had some guidelines that would prevent insulting just for the sake of insult.
Yeah the religion one is a definite fuck no but I don't understand why people wouldn't want politics.
Same reason as religion. People have literally killed each other over politics. Same as religion. Both topics have resulted in too many conflicts in the world, and gone are the days where people could speak freely without getting butthurt about it.
I'm afraid that, even when PvP chat existed, these topics were never allowed. People can become extremely offensive on controversial topics such as these and the rules clearly state that we don't allow these topics. Such a chat would, in the end, only be used as a route to insult and flame others and generate negativity and toxicity in the community. For these reasons this chat will not be implemented.
All the chats that we have, while they are intended to serve a specific function (IE: Trade, Faction, Alliance), also tend to allow a broader discussion and use. You can both sell items for a set amount and auction within trade chat. You can talk about whatever you like in faction chat, along with things about your faction specifically.

What you're proposing are chats that are a bit too specific. They won't serve any other purpose except to offend people, which like you say, they can opt out of the chat, but why create it in the first place. Talking about religion and politics is sure to rustle some major jimmies.

Maybe an Off-topic chat that wouldn't be as heavily moderated, but still had some guidelines that would prevent insulting just for the sake of insult.
Yeah, I like this.
It would ruin my time on the server, as I'd spend every moment logged in spreading the glorious word of the mighty flying spaghetti monster.

Praise the spaghetti.