Archived New Chat Radius - Small Emote

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The oldest of all shrubberies
Jul 7, 2016
Reaction score
Victoria, Australia
Hello people of MassiveCraft! Just a really quick idea I have wanted to suggest for a while. Currently, we have an emote system. Emotes are great. They have only one problem. They're huge, and loud, and can be somewhat obnoxious in crowded areas. According to the website emotes have a radius of 22 blocks they can be heard. And this is good for some things. If my character is waving to another character who is a distance away, I want them to be able to see it.

However, the problem occurs in crowded areas such as the tavern and certain event spaces in roleplay (I'm going to be talking about Regalia here as I have no experience with factions). Generally in these environments players group up. We all know the pain and suffering of needing to scroll through a long list of emotes to try and spot any messages directed at your character. In some really bad cases, for etiquette, I've seen players ditch emotes entirely and end their messages with a +* to indicate an emote but only have it reach whisper distance.

Thus, I have a simple solution that will hopefully require little effort on the programing side, and should cut back on chat clutter. Small Emotes. This new chat radius could be indicated by a minus sign (-) or possibly an equals sign (=). It would serve the same function as an emote, with the same style and features, but only have the radius of 5 or so blocks. The same as the maximum radius of a whisper. Using this, more players can roleplay comfortably in a confined or small area without disrupting each other.

What do you think? Are there any downsides to this new chat radius? Is it needed? Let me know.
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The odd thing is, I was speaking about this during the last assembly.

I think this would be a good thing, as well as possibly a loud emote fit for a yell, however the smaller emote would be of more use in my opinion.
The only issue I see with this is power and meta gaming problems. If something could be seen in a room by most people and instead the person small emotes it to go unnoticed by something that should be noticed, that could be an issue and most of us wouldn't even know.

How would you suggest combating that?
The only issue I see with this is power and meta gaming problems. If something could be seen in a room by most people and instead the person small emotes it to go unnoticed by something that should be noticed, that could be an issue and most of us wouldn't even know.

How would you suggest combating that?
That's the same issue with whispering right now even if they could hear you. Or yelling to disturb rp. Yes it is a legitimate issue however we have issues like that already and we can deal with those. Why not this?
I'd go and counter-suggest the opposite. It's very, very rare that I want to emote something and only want to see specific people see it. However, there's over and over a case where I want to emote in an announce or yell radius.

Suggestion 1: make + stand for local emote, *+ for whisper range emote, $+ for mutter range emote and so on.

Suggestion 2: implement a short & long range one with specific chat marks
I'd go and counter-suggest the opposite. It's very, very rare that I want to emote something and only want to see specific people see it. However, there's over and over a case where I want to emote in an announce or yell radius.

Suggestion 1: make + stand for local emote, *+ for whisper range emote, $+ for mutter range emote and so on.

Suggestion 2: implement a short & long range one with specific chat marks
This for environmental emotes as well - This would be a nice little thing especially during events so we don't have to announce emotes that would otherwise go unheard.

Because let's be real here, it's not aesthetically pleasing to see emotes screamed like
"*All would feel the ground rumble beneath their feet!*!!!"
The only issue I see with this is power and meta gaming problems. If something could be seen in a room by most people and instead the person small emotes it to go unnoticed by something that should be noticed, that could be an issue and most of us wouldn't even know.

How would you suggest combating that?
i'd say the current system also suffers with this for the same reason only flipped, perhaps? It's unlikely someone focusing on something different across the room would notice a subtle touch of the ear or scratch of the nose (or a reach for a weapon), but the loud emotes draw a lot of attention to it and suddenly it's a bigger thing than maybe someone wanted? someone could CONVENIENTLY look round just after that emote and notice, if you see the problem.
The only issue I see with this is power and meta gaming problems. If something could be seen in a room by most people and instead the person small emotes it to go unnoticed by something that should be noticed, that could be an issue and most of us wouldn't even know.

How would you suggest combating that?
Sadly countering this problem would require a vast amount more resources and time than this particular suggestion needs. The only really effective way to counter this is an honour system. However, this I do not believe would be a huge issue. As @aprader1 and @Erzly pointed out similar problems currently exist. If someone is incorrectly using the current system they are usually corrected and I would hope this would be no different.

I'd go and counter-suggest the opposite. It's very, very rare that I want to emote something and only want to see specific people see it. However, there's over and over a case where I want to emote in an announce or yell radius.

Suggestion 1: make + stand for local emote, *+ for whisper range emote, $+ for mutter range emote and so on.

Suggestion 2: implement a short & long range one with specific chat marks
Not much to say here other than both these ideas have merit. I don't know how Massive does its chat range detection system, however if it's regex then this shouldn't be too difficult to implement. Correct me if I'm wrong.