Archived New Chat Feature

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Shady Narcotics Dealer
Jun 9, 2013
Reaction score
Right behind you
I'm sure you've had that moment were your in a public RP event and cant keep track of who you are talking to because it gets lost in the "Wall of Text".
So I'm suggesting a new chat feature were to you can /focus {Player Name} to one or more people and the text coming from them will be "high lighted" and every one else will sort of become translucent.
So this way you can "Focus" on someones words but still be able to see what others are saying around you if you wish. Let me know what you think
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I thought of something like this, you could use /highlight name colour and that persons text will stand out, this will let you highlight multiple people. I support your idea.
Something like this was suggested before but was shot down sadly. Despite that I still think this is a wonderful idea seeing as I often times miss what others are saying, especially when I am waiting for them to reply and I'm looking on other tabs out of boredom of waiting. In an RP aspect it makes perfect sense as well, seeing as when I'm talking to someone in a crowded loud place (Lets say a restaurant) I can still tune others out and listen to one specific person, as our interpretation of what others are saying isn't just completely reliant on hearing but also through body language, eye contact, and lip movement. So it makes sense that you would be able to tune in on one person.
I support this idea
I completley agree to this even though it may have a big risk to get turned down. But it would be really good to see highlighted messages instead of missing it meanwhile everyone is spamming the chat. I see another solution though wich would be to turn off most of the chats, at least those who you really don't need at that moment for example global or trade chat.
I completley agree to this even though it may have a big risk to get turned down. But it would be really good to see highlighted messages instead of missing it meanwhile everyone is spamming the chat. I see another solution though wich would be to turn off most of the chats, at least those who you really don't need at that moment for example global or trade chat.

I already do this; when I'm roleplaying all of my chats except faction and alliance are off. Even then if you try roleplaying in the Tavern around noon (on the west coast of America) its nearly impossible to keep track of who you are rping with do to the amount of conversations going on. Sometimes it gets so bad that there are two messages popping up every second. The spam is immense and its very hard to keep track of people you are trying to pay attention too.
I would like this idea. As game staff I keep every chat open for moderation, and I find it really hard to keep track of role-play because of it. This would be great to help with that.
I disagree with idea. If people focus only on those they're currently roleplaying with, the people trying to join won't be noticed or replied to, therefore getting shunned. New roleplayers would be unable to find a place in our roleplay society and cliques would form that would make roleplays completely separated from one another. If you think about it too, in reality you'd have to hear your friend over the commotion of the tavern, so having all that white noise from others is somewhat realistic. If you don't want to lose your friends' message as easily, just /ch leave all other chats :) That's just my two-bits on the subject.
I disagree with idea. If people focus only on those they're currently roleplaying with, the people trying to join won't be noticed or replied to, therefore getting shunned. New roleplayers would be unable to find a place in our roleplay society and cliques would form that would make roleplays completely separated from one another. If you think about it too, in reality you'd have to hear your friend over the commotion of the tavern, so having all that white noise from others is somewhat realistic. If you don't want to lose your friends' message as easily, just /ch leave all other chats :) That's just my two-bits on the subject.

Raven, it's not like it's a complete /ignore of those who you aren't currently focused on, it would just make it easier to see those you are. As well, even just being in l: can really spam the hell out of you, and the "white noise" really doesn't work as well in practice as in theory, unfortunately. Perhaps though, bolding the text, instead of highlighting it?
I disagree with idea. If people focus only on those they're currently roleplaying with, the people trying to join won't be noticed or replied to, therefore getting shunned. New roleplayers would be unable to find a place in our roleplay society and cliques would form that would make roleplays completely separated from one another. If you think about it too, in reality you'd have to hear your friend over the commotion of the tavern, so having all that white noise from others is somewhat realistic. If you don't want to lose your friends' message as easily, just /ch leave all other chats :) That's just my two-bits on the subject.

๖ۣۜI will honestly say, this has come up as something helpful for my new character, mainly because Richard would not have even been seen if people avoided the grey chat. Plus, it is realistic to hear other's conversations or have someone hope into yours. Although, I do see how it can help avoid with spam.
Not gonna disagree with the idea, but not gonna support it either.
+1 Not Caring
I already do this; when I'm roleplaying all of my chats except faction and alliance are off. Even then if you try roleplaying in the Tavern around noon (on the west coast of America) its nearly impossible to keep track of who you are rping with do to the amount of conversations going on. Sometimes it gets so bad that there are two messages popping up every second. The spam is immense and its very hard to keep track of people you are trying to pay attention too.
That's very true.
Something like this was suggested before but was shot down sadly. Despite that I still think this is a wonderful idea seeing as I often times miss what others are saying, especially when I am waiting for them to reply and I'm looking on other tabs out of boredom of waiting. In an RP aspect it makes perfect sense as well, seeing as when I'm talking to someone in a crowded loud place (Lets say a restaurant) I can still tune others out and listen to one specific person, as our interpretation of what others are saying isn't just completely reliant on hearing but also through body language, eye contact, and lip movement. So it makes sense that you would be able to tune in on one person.
I support this idea

oi! it wasnt shot down, the thread just died DX On the contrary, it was stated that something like this was already planned, just had some other projects first.
every one else will sort of become translucent

This is to what I was referring when I stated that others would be ignored when you highlight people. I know full well that I, personally would end up being guilty of ignoring those that are not highlighted in roleplay because I'd just be too lazy to read it all. I understand that not everyone would be this way, but I'm only being honest as to what I fear would happen. All in all, it is an optimistic idea and one that would be useful, but I feel that the people utilizing such a tool - including myself - would abuse it to ignore others. Many roleplayers are already viewed as very exclusive in forming groups and I fear that having this sort of a thing would give them excuse to close their walls tighter around their little cliques.
This is to what I was referring when I stated that others would be ignored when you highlight people. I know full well that I, personally would end up being guilty of ignoring those that are not highlighted in roleplay because I'd just be too lazy to read it all. I understand that not everyone would be this way, but I'm only being honest as to what I fear would happen. All in all, it is an optimistic idea and one that would be useful, but I feel that the people utilizing such a tool - including myself - would abuse it to ignore others. Many roleplayers are already viewed as very exclusive in forming groups and I fear that having this sort of a thing would give them excuse to close their walls tighter around their little cliques.

but the current problem is people try so hard to focus on those they are currently RPing with, they miss the newer players talking to them directly. Resulting in the newer players being ignored anyway.
I completley agree to this even though it may have a big risk to get turned down. But it would be really good to see highlighted messages instead of missing it meanwhile everyone is spamming the chat. I see another solution though wich would be to turn off most of the chats, at least those who you really don't need at that moment for example global or trade chat.

I would support some kind of command that focuses on one channel and exits all others, and of course another command to join all channels. Whenever I go RPing, I have to manually exit through the multiple non-local ones to stop the wall of text. Then I have to rejoin each one after I'm done.
O.O Whoa, I didn't think this many people would take interest, Thank you all for posting your opinions.
I would support some kind of command that focuses on one channel and exits all others, and of course another command to join all channels. Whenever I go RPing, I have to manually exit through the multiple non-local ones to stop the wall of text. Then I have to rejoin each one after I'm done.
There could also be a command where you just simply enter all chats in the same time, instead of joining them one by one after you're done. But as ravenwolfthorn said you need to be careful when you are rp-ing. You could risk that somebody wishes to join the rp, or somebody trying to join but gets ignored because of the highlighted chats. However, it would be great if this could be done and then all we have to do (those who are rp-ing) is to watch out for new people joining in. i personally sometimes exit the global chat because i barely use it, and trade sometimes.
I like this idea. However, I will say, in most situations, you can avoid chat clutter by taking your roleplay elsewhere. There's nothing weird about walking with a stranger to the Stone Ale, or the Abusement Park, or any other interesting landmarks in Regalia.

That said, that only covers most situations, and some would still slip through the cracks.
Ryciera ravenwolfthorn
I think what the person who made this thread meant is that it would color your roleplay partners name a different color than the others as to make it more noticeable. Therefore others are still visible but you can still keep track of who you are talking too. You should also be able to do this with multiple people, just like in real life if you are talking in a crowded place you can still hear who you are focusing on over the noise and chatter of others.
It is real life and roleplay compatible for many reasons if executed in this fashion. For one you don't just interpret what people say by hearing but also by body language, eye contact, and lip and tongue movement. If you are talking to only a few specific people in real life, in a crowded, loud place, you can still distinguish what they are saying over others do to these things. Not to mention the noise of the Tavern shouldn't be any louder than the chatter of a crowded restaurant so focusing on people would be realistic in that way as well. Now leaving the other chats does not work 100% of the time. In fact it rarely works seeing as the Tavern is only empty enough a few select hours of the day. I personally always leave the other chats before I go rp but even then it is very difficult to keep track of who you are trying to roleplay with (Specially during events). And private msg roleplay? Well that isn't any use when you are trying to roleplay with a group of people but keep on missing what they say over the clutter of local chat.
As for roleplaying in other areas? Well the Tavern has many other aspects that the Stone ale and other places don't have. It has many more resources and unique aspects that can't be found in other locations. Sure they can be found spread out over Regalia but yet again not all in the same place like the Tavern. The Tavern is supposed to be a popular hangout for friendly (Or not so friendly) chats and negotiations after all. Not to mention it's where nearly every event happens.
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