Archived Nether Colonies!

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Killed a man using judgemental comments.
Dec 25, 2014
Reaction score
United Provinces
Arthas Kingdom
Yeah; I just dropped the bomb. And since you probably read the title, you know I just dropped "the bomb". My request to the server is simple; I want to fight people with the ever-lingering fear that I might lose everything I own to lava.

Well, first of all; life's tight. I dare you to play a game in dynmap; zoom in as close as possible and randomly land somewhere. Almost all the time, some semi-deconstructed ruin will be there, already looted for the rare and almost conceptual diamonds (for, if you can effort diamonds, you can effort to not have a looted base). This can simply be fixed by having all unclaimed land reloaded, by having more and larger worlds, or... going to the nethhheeeeeerrrrr (unexpected rock music). Now, now, I know that the mods are probably thinking: "Oh god, he is a nut-job, he can't stay on topic." - don't worry I will make well supported arguments, like, right now:

  1. What does the rift even do? Like… has anyone even checked if it's working? Honestly, like… Wutever… Sure; you might have gone there once or twice to check to get some quartz or to see how it was like, but that is kind of like going to South Park; you just go there to see whats up and what all the fuss is about, but by the end of your trip you agree that there was nothing there and you will probably never go there unless forced…
  2. We need some diversity; we have fought on grass planes, we have fought on sand, we have fought of rushingly made cobblestone bases, but have we ever fought… in the nethhheeeeeerrrrr (unexpected rock music). Think about it; the possibilities are endless. Are you afraid you will get raided? Build your base on a a single block of Netherack and play spleef with your raiders, want to sabotage an enemy colony? burn 'dem wit' fiery death! Yes you heard me; fiery death.
  3. Make it special. How about this; claiming a chunk in The Rift costs x5 times as much. That would mean that new factions that are not that PvP based can begin to grow in normal, non-fiery worlds without having to be raided by the testosterone filled factions, whilst the biggy factions can send their warriors and builders to carry their banner in the Rift. This is the possibility to do just that. How about; lava is allowed to be used as a weapon? It makes sense, that you may place lava, with the exemption of in their "/f home", and to combat it, you must place water everywhere and mine out the cobblestone. Make The Rift PvP hell, where being perm or not does not matter, you won't survive anyway. Make it mayhem, make it chaos! Some other interesting stuff that could be added to The Rift.
      1. Damage from everything increased?
      2. TNT allowed?!!
      3. Griefing allowed!!!!! (actually no that's a bad idea; I'm a builder)
      4. No taxation of lands in the Nether, so factions won't shy away?
      5. Allow factions to over-claim land from other factions. I know this might sound like a bad idea, but it's not. If factions were to construct a "headquarters", that can't be over-claimed, you could then create outposts throughout the Rift, and you could fight to maintain these Outposts. (Obviously this is a process under work; I was hoping I could inspire the Staff)

Now I know what you are saying: "Why would I want to go the worst place ever? There is, as you said, nothing there?", are you even listening to me?! It's for honour! It's for glory! It's also fun to watch people die >:D . But… some of you greedy bastards are still unhappy. But… you know me… always with solutions:

  1. Secret resource: The staff can sketch something out that is very expensive that can only be farmed in the nether, sort of like sugar-cane during the Age of Exploration. So for example, nether warts. We can disable growth outside the Rift, and only allow Wart to grow within claimed land, so there will be this struggle for Nether Farms. In the meantime, price-jack the nether warts so that they are worth a lot, and that way factions see the Nether (I have given up on calling it The Rift) as a possibility to make the big bucks.
  2. Tax Decrease: So, even though a Nether plot costs 5 times the price of a normal plot, it decreases your overall tax in all the worlds. This will actively give a reason for factions to expand and take over other factions' land, as it gives you an economic advantage, however, the other factions want the same, so that is where you have conflict, and where you have conflict; you have PvP, and where you have PvP; you have fun!!!

Here! Happy staff?! I used supported arguments and did my best not to ramble. To anyone who wants to see this exist, can I have an aye!!!
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I thought the nether was temporary and advised against building in?

-and yes, we've fought a lot in The Nether. The day this new Rift was opened; fully god geared premiums stood a block from the safe-zone spawn camping noobs and normal players alike.
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The day this new Rift was opened...
. Of course it was very active the first weeks; that's with everything. When there's a new champion out in League, no matter how bad it is, it becomes a one of the most played champions, and when a new map is released in CoD, people flock to it. The thing is... it does not serve any more of a purpose anymore, other than just attacking people and farming quartz. But now if you were to do the same, I doubt any people would come for you to ambush. What I am saying is that there is potential to make The Rift something really fun, with making nether quarts expensive and having people fighting over it, or something like it.

(Edit: I am on vacation without Wi-Fi, so I can't respond for quite some time.)
I thought massive had a capitalistic economy? Wouldn't price jacking the warts be a bit illegal?
The Rift is designed to be a resource world only.
I thought massive had a capitalistic economy? Wouldn't price jacking the warts be a bit illegal?

Shhhh, we all know it's a communism, secretly.

But seriously... possibly make nether-warts very useful for something, or something like that could be nice, possibly farming nether warts gives you a 2% diamond chance, or 9 nether warts combined are worth one diamond.
Yeah; I just dropped the bomb. And since you probably read the title, you know I just dropped "the bomb". My request to the server is simple; I want to fight people with the ever-lingering fear that I might lose everything I own to lava.

Well, first of all; life's tight. I dare you to play a game in dynmap; zoom in as close as possible and randomly land somewhere. Almost all the time, some semi-deconstructed ruin will be there, already looted for the rare and almost conceptual diamonds (for, if you can effort diamonds, you can effort to not have a looted base). This can simply be fixed by having all unclaimed land reloaded, by having more and larger worlds, or... going to the nethhheeeeeerrrrr (unexpected rock music). Now, now, I know that the mods are probably thinking: "Oh god, he is a nut-job, he can't stay on topic." - don't worry I will make well supported arguments, like, right now:

  1. What does the rift even do? Like… has anyone even checked if it's working? Honestly, like… Wutever… Sure; you might have gone there once or twice to check to get some quartz or to see how it was like, but that is kind of like going to South Park; you just go there to see whats up and what all the fuss is about, but by the end of your trip you agree that there was nothing there and you will probably never go there unless forced…
  2. We need some diversity; we have fought on grass planes, we have fought on sand, we have fought of rushingly made cobblestone bases, but have we ever fought… in the nethhheeeeeerrrrr (unexpected rock music). Think about it; the possibilities are endless. Are you afraid you will get raided? Build your base on a a single block of Netherack and play spleef with your raiders, want to sabotage an enemy colony? burn 'dem wit' fiery death! Yes you heard me; fiery death.
  3. Make it special. How about this; claiming a chunk in The Rift costs x5 times as much. That would mean that new factions that are not that PvP based can begin to grow in normal, non-fiery worlds without having to be raided by the testosterone filled factions, whilst the biggy factions can send their warriors and builders to carry their banner in the Rift. This is the possibility to do just that. How about; lava is allowed to be used as a weapon? It makes sense, that you may place lava, with the exemption of in their "/f home", and to combat it, you must place water everywhere and mine out the cobblestone. Make The Rift PvP hell, where being perm or not does not matter, you won't survive anyway. Make it mayhem, make it chaos! Some other interesting stuff that could be added to The Rift.
      1. Damage from everything increased?
      2. TNT allowed?!!
      3. Griefing allowed!!!!! (actually no that's a bad idea; I'm a builder)
      4. No taxation of lands in the Nether, so factions won't shy away?
      5. Allow factions to over-claim land from other factions. I know this might sound like a bad idea, but it's not. If factions were to construct a "headquarters", that can't be over-claimed, you could then create outposts throughout the Rift, and you could fight to maintain these Outposts. (Obviously this is a process under work; I was hoping I could inspire the Staff)

Now I know what you are saying: "Why would I want to go the worst place ever? There is, as you said, nothing there?", are you even listening to me?! It's for honour! It's for glory! It's also fun to watch people die >:D . But… some of you greedy bastards are still unhappy. But… you know me… always with solutions:

  1. Secret resource: The staff can sketch something out that is very expensive that can only be farmed in the nether, sort of like sugar-cane during the Age of Exploration. So for example, nether warts. We can disable growth outside the Rift, and only allow Wart to grow within claimed land, so there will be this struggle for Nether Farms. In the meantime, price-jack the nether warts so that they are worth a lot, and that way factions see the Nether (I have given up on calling it The Rift) as a possibility to make the big bucks.
  2. Tax Decrease: So, even though a Nether plot costs 5 times the price of a normal plot, it decreases your overall tax in all the worlds. This will actively give a reason for factions to expand and take over other factions' land, as it gives you an economic advantage, however, the other factions want the same, so that is where you have conflict, and where you have conflict; you have PvP, and where you have PvP; you have fun!!!

Here! Happy staff?! I used supported arguments and did my best not to ramble. To anyone who wants to see this exist, can I have an aye!!!

Yeah, the Rift is just a placeholder until they eventually make a new Gana-Isha. In my opinion, they don't allow claims because everything is interconnected. If you want to get across the map, there are really only a few ways to do it without digging through chunks of netherrack which is very labor-intensive; because of this, if you made a claim in a perfect area, you could restrict movement in the Rift.

Furthermore, as the owner of Château Moreau winery, I find your idea of restricting netherwart to the Rift very, very, very harmful to business. Just, no.

On top of that, tax incentives? Too easy.

Finally, people will just get FireImmune to make all the fun of fighting near lava disappear; who cares if a FireImmune falls into lava?
Shhhh, we all know it's a communism, secretly.

But seriously... possibly make nether-warts very useful for something, or something like that could be nice, possibly farming nether warts gives you a 2% diamond chance, or 9 nether warts combined are worth one diamond.
this would completly ruin the price for diamonds if it ever hapend
i do totaly not posses a large nethward farm, so if i move that to the nether and i would 2% chance for a diamond for every nether ward i farmed, i would have enough to make a house out of beacons in no-time