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Needs Help/Review Nessi Sir’goth

This sheet needs additional review by staff or community members. Please respond to the thread with tips!


Jun 11, 2024
Reaction score
  • Full Name: Nessi Sir'Goth

  • Heritage / Culture: Mystech (Unbound Spirit)

  • Age: 23-ish

  • Gender / Pronouns: fluid / any

  • Occult: Mystech (Unbound Spirit), void
Core Concept

Void Monster goes to Clown College to follow their dreams of making themselves and others happy.

Appearance Information

A multi-colored Jester outfit with a dark shadowy body appearance with bright white eyes that glow slightly, and is roughly 5'5.

Attack and Defense Stat

Attack: Magic

Defense: Magic

Hobbies and Talents (Optional)

Magical Talent


  • Strength: 1
    • Building Scale
  • Constitution: 1
    • Thick Hide
  • Intelligence: 1
    • Mimicry Pack

    • Magical Variant

    • Shapeshifter Pack

    • Mind Control Pack
  • Wisdom: 0

  • Dexterity: 3
    • Soft Landing

    • Escape Artist

    • Fleet Footed
  • Faith: 0

  • Magic: 9
    • Magic Snare

    • Magic Warp

    • Magic Distort

    • Magic Bolt

    • Magic Curse

    • Magic Smog

    • Magic Resist

    • Magic Revenge

    • Magic Bolster




Life Story / Plot Hooks

  • A traveling entertainer so they can show up in random towns to put on shows and can be hired for events and such.

  • Always looks for ways to help people no matter their origin.

  • Is a bit of a dum-dum and often gets into trouble because of it.

  • Works odd jobs for cash and board.

  • Loves gossip

Fun Facts
  • Plays the accordion
  • Loves to host small Magic Shows
  • Has a Degree in Clowning
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Hello! Here I come with a peer review:

Attack and Defense Stat

Please specify how you are splitting your 9 points in Magic down Defense and Attack. Remember, your limit is 7 for either, but that would leave you 2 for the other. Examples:
  • Attack 5 (/roll 15), Defense 4 (/roll 14)
  • Attack 2 (/roll 12), Defense 7 (/roll 17)

can be hired for events and such.

Just keep in mind that being an Unbound Spirit (a Demon!) in Regalia is very, super, highly illegal and Nessi is most likely going to struggle finding characters in the main city (outside of Crookback or the sewer) who tolerate (aren't terrified of), let alone invite them to parties. Make plenty of use out of that free Shapeshift Pack in order to disguise their nature, but keep in mind Disguise Credibility: Essentially, people are allowed to be suspicious of the disguise IC (in-character) if your character is being too weird/otherwordly.
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