Archived Nerfing Vanilla Debuffs

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Leader of SunKiss
Nov 16, 2013
Reaction score
The Holy SunKiss Empire
So lately, debuffs have been making a "comeback," specifically used by a few people. However, the way it currently stands, the vanilla debuffs are, well just overpowered. Currently, the most used debuffs are slowness and poison. An extended splash slowness potion lasts a total of 3 minutes, if hit properly. An extended splash poison potion lasts 1 minute and 30 seconds. This is really just way too long. Slowness alone is enough to screw you over, as you can't run particularly effectively, and also makes it harder significantly harder to strafe. However, combined with 1:30 of poison, it just gets pretty much impossible to fight in general. Sure, you can use milk buckets, but honestly carrying 4 buckets of milk on you to pvp gets kinda ridiculous. And sure, you can use debuffs as well, but honestly debuffed pvp is quite a bit less fun. It's like fighting with harmwater during the rain while also using only a speed 1 potion.

A lot of other servers (particularly HCF servers) have debuffs nerfed or disabled completely, and most people like it this way. I think Massive should take a step in this direction, by at least nerfing them to 30-45 seconds each.
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I'm not really a PVP guy, so you guys would know better than me, but aren't there traits that can negate these potion effects?
I'm not really a PVP guy, so you guys would know better than me, but aren't there traits that can negate these potion effects?
Yes, but when you're pvping you don't generally have the traits to spare to use the immune traits. It would put you at almost as much of a disadvantage to use the immune traits for poison and slowness as just being debuffed.
Extended debuffs (or anything that lasts over 2/3 minutes) should be removed in my opinion.

Yes, but when you're pvping you don't generally have the traits to spare to use the immune traits. It would put you at almost as much of a disadvantage to use the immune traits for poison and slowness as just being debuffed.
Honey I am banned now so the debuffs should go away :)
Yes, but when you're pvping you don't generally have the traits to spare to use the immune traits. It would put you at almost as much of a disadvantage to use the immune traits for poison and slowness as just being debuffed.

But here lies the answer
Massivecraft allows you to set custom traits, you can choose which ones you want yeah? If you are so annoyed to pvp against debuffs use traits that cancel them out instead of asking for the entire server to be changed.
I completely agree debuffs are annoying and last a long time, but that is what they are for. Using them as intended is just a part of the game, massive gives you an escape. You just have to make the choice to sacrifice other traits to use them.
But here lies the answer
Massivecraft allows you to set custom traits, you can choose which ones you want yeah? If you are so annoyed to pvp against debuffs use traits that cancel them out instead of asking for the entire server to be changed.
I completely agree debuffs are annoying and last a long time, but that is what they are for. Using them as intended is just a part of the game, massive gives you an escape. You just have to make the choice to sacrifice other traits to use them.
That doesn't really make sense... They're overpowered, most pvpers don't really want them here, at least with their current durations. So basically, you have to use debuffs in order for it to be a fair fight, unless the pvp community decides to ban them, like we did with vamp. Honestly, up until recently debuffs were taboo, and almost never used. It shouldn't be a "I'm screwed either way" situation.

And it's not really changing the entire server... It's a pretty common-place edit on servers, especially pot pvp servers like massive is, for the reasons that I stated above.
Thats the point of debuffs, to cause you a significant disadvantage, just like using strength II or resistance II or regen II puts you at a huge advantage. People sacrifice room in their inventory for things like debuffs, so they themselves bring a risk in using them. It's really no different than using bowspam with stunstrike and debuff strikes
Thats the point of debuffs, to cause you a significant disadvantage, just like using strength II or resistance II or regen II puts you at a huge advantage. People sacrifice room in their inventory for things like debuffs, so they themselves bring a risk in using them. It's really no different than using bowspam with stunstrike and debuff strikes
This is true. And also these people throwing debuffs are risking a lot. They might get hit with their own pots. They might get killed while throwing debuff pots since that's their attack. I understand the reason behind the want for debuffs to be nerfed. But we can't just nerf everything that's a pain in the butt.
This is true. And also these people throwing debuffs are risking a lot. They might get hit with their own pots. They might get killed while throwing debuff pots since that's their attack. I understand the reason behind the want for debuffs to be nerfed. But we can't just nerf everything that's a pain in the butt.
Exactly, as it has been pointed out @65jes89 if you find it /that/ annoying, instead of promoting its removal you can easily counter it with traits. You are not so special in the fact that you don't deserve to waste trait slots and points. Instead, it should really be applauded someone found a much more tactical way of fighting in the much more bland pvp scene
Ok, so... gonna hit the potions mentioned:

Poison Extended Splash
-Honestly go ahead and nerf this one; to practically anyone that gets nailed with this it gets annoying after the first 30 seconds of it's duration. Just give it like a 45 second duration; it doesn't do any REAL damage to someone using health traits alongside god armor, it mainly effects when they try to run, the same way fire would if players didn't have the sense to use Fire Resistance potions.

Slowness Splash

-Nope, no need to nerf it, keep the duration etc. 'Cause guys, let's take a look at the debuff potions(vanilla), slowness is one of the only potions that doesn't have a tier 2(Currently only slowness and weakness don't have second tiers). Basically, we don't have to deal with a Splash Slowness II potion, so there is no need to nerf it further; It's nerfed already. In regards to how it affects someone with Speed I trait or potion, it's just +20% - 15% = +5%, so technically: you're still faster than someone who's not using speed. But in reality, I don't know a pvp'er that actually using Speed I over Speed II, so here ya go: +40% - 15% = +25%. Sure it's annoying, but it only affects your speed, not hindering a sprint just the speed that sprinting gives you.

I would ramble on about how weakness pots need a buff, but I wouldn't be considered "on topic" at that point.