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Played Character Nelli Lǐ

This character is actively played.

Character Information

Full Name: Nelli Lǐ
Heritage / Culture: Ailor[Krainivaya]/Sihai
Age: 18
Gender / Pronouns: Female | she/her
Religion: non-practicing
Occult: Mage-born [Void aligned]
Character Occupation: Employed at Avinicci Brewing Co. Pub

Appearance Information

Eye Color: Dull brown
Skin Color: Pale
Hair: Dark brown, medium length, usually tied back into a ponytail
Height: 5'3 or 160.02 cm
Body Type: Lean with a triangular body shape
Additional Features: Lavender hair-tie, almost never seen without her bag

    • Incredibly active magic talent
    • "Aimlessly" wandering around
    • Stargazing
    • Reading
    • Climbing
    • Collecting small containers
    • If someone insults an Ailor, even in a language they do not speak, the Ailor would know, as they know most curse words or words by which to speak ill of others in all languages.
    • Sihai can read the position of the stars anywhere telepathically, allowing them to know exactly where in the world they are at any time, even during daylight.
    • Sihai can enter a trance-sleep, enveloping themselves in a hard shell of jade in a tranquil state, unable to be acted upon or to act, only freed with the touch of a friend.
    • Sihai can telekinetically move, reshape, recolor, and restructure Jade with their mind. They can also turn any crystal-like substance or noble metal into Jade.
    • Common
    • Wai-Lan
    • Kriv
  • Nelli is a mage who particularly uses blood magic. She learned to hide her magic from a very young age due to her father commonly expressing ill will towards mages/magic around the house. This led to her hiding from everyone around out of fear that her parents would find out. Despite hiding her magic Nelli found great enjoyment in practicing with her magic doing it as often as possible.

    Currently, Nelli is secretive still with her magic out of habit but may reveal herself if backed into a corner or if she trusts someone enough.
  • This is just a bunch of ideas and stuff I have about Nelli's character. Barely organized, but they can give you a bit more of an in depth look about Nelli. (some things in here might end up being repeated in her backstory)

    Nelli due to growing up constantly using magic while growing up from a young age, considers magic as another body function. Using her magic feels as if she's just moving another limb like an arm or leg. Depending on the action she's preforming with her magic it may manifest as an faux limb made of blood. This leads to Nelli's magic also manifesting in different ways based on her emotions. If Nelli is calm the blood she manipulates tends to be smoother and more liquid. On the other spectrum, if she's angry the blood will be more solid and sharper. There gets to a point where if Nelli is angry enough spikes will jut out from her body in random (non vital) places.

    In stressful situations, Nelli unconsciously uses magic to sustain herself. This leads her to unconsciously heal self inflicted wounds and (very) slowly heal wounds from other sources. This lasts while adrenaline is being released through her body and as soon as she is out of the flight or flight response she feels everything her magic dulled or healed, like a tsunami of pain crashing down. (mostly just flavor to allow Nelli to cast magic while she's in combat situations without harming herself while actively fighting) (very slowly healing wounds means that she isn't healing attacks during combat but it does hide her fatigue a bit if she's experiencing a lot of long term stress.)

    Nelli typically uses radiant magic after learning about the consequences of using magic through her father and books. Despite mainly using radiant magic Nelli wouldn't fret much if she's "forced" to use sinistral magic due to a situation out of her control. Though situations like this are unlikely to occur as Nelli is generally unwilling to use her magic in front of most beings. Currently Nelli has only used sinistral magic twice, both to in response to genuinely fearing for her life.

    Nelli is very passive as a result of being forced to hide her magic from her parents for practically all of her life. Her father being a Krainivayan Ailor was very anti magic led her to keep her magic hidden from everyone around her. She was scared that if she told anyone ever her father would eventually find out and horrible consequences would befall her. Due to constantly hiding her magic when she was younger, Nelli over-corrected becoming quite blunt and not prone to lying. She would often telling the truth even if it would harm her or others around her leading to her being known as a "snitch". Currently, Nelli finds it really hard to lie only if she is lying about or hiding something that will be barely consequential. She is also significantly less fearful about telling people about her magic however still keeps up the habit of being secretive.

    Through constantly listening to her father talk ill about magic/mages Nelli has developed a bit of an inferiority complex.

Combat Proficiencies and Abilities

Attack Stat: Magic (7)
Defense Stat: Magic (5)
[15/15 points spent]
Proficiency Points:

Strength: 1

Bruiser Unsheathe
Dexterity: 2
Fleet Footed [Roguery]
Disguise Pack [Roguery]

Magic: 12

Arcane Blade [Stance]
Arcane Healing
Arcane Counter
Arcane Aura
Arcane Portent
Arcane Snare
Arcane Distortion
Arcane Warp
Arcane Shove
Arcane Echostrike
Arcane Eruption
Wardrobe Pack [Magical]
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Update Log:
- New years!!! added "Optional Reading" tab and changed some text in "Backstory
[11/1/25] - Changed Proficiencies for the update :3 (Also gave her more than 6 lol)
- Changed Close save to Disguise Pack
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