Preserved Sheet Nehemiah Strain

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Walt Whitman's third degree great nephew at Heart
Apr 2, 2016
Reaction score
Basic Information

  • Full Name: Nehemiah Strain

  • Age: 67 (appears late 20s)

  • Gender: Male

  • Race: West Ailor

  • Sexuality: Heterosexual
Skill Information

  • 60 Culture Points; 50 Proficiency Points
    • +5 Dagger (+5 Proficiency Points)

    • +15 Sneaking (+15 from Proficiency Points)

    • +5 Short Sword (+10 from Proficiency Points)

    • +5 Medicine (+5 from Proficiency Points)
    • +10 Alchemy (+10 from Proficiency Points)

    • +5 Diplomacy (+5 from Proficiency Points)
  • Body Shape
    • +15 Blades Combat
  • Years spent as a Vampire: 38
    • Zikiel Bloodline

    • Mind Wall

    • Bending Arcana

    • Grand Vampirica

    • Mutating Birth (Ageless Delight)

    • Arcana Vampirica

  • [ Culture Points:
    • +10 Singing (+10 from Points)

    • +20 Stage Performance (+20 from Points)

    • +10 Instrumental Music

    • +10 Dance

    • +10 Literature

  • Common,

  • Alt-Regalian

  • Daendroque

  • Dressolini

  • Ithanian

Basic Information (Expansion)

  • Nehemiah belongs to a coven that functions in Regalia, and came from the western coast of the Archipelago to aid them in any and every way that he can. He lives and sleeps with them, but time that he spends outside of their company is time spent wandering, pursuing easy pleasures in the city.

  • Born to a busy Middle Class Doctor and his Herbalist of a wife, Nehemiah was the youngest and most estranged amongst his siblings, the only son among 2 daughters. He was generally liked by people outside his home, which he returned with a feigned empathy. He has no relationship with any of these people today.

  • Get Drunk, Get Laid, usually both at once. Enjoy the easy emotions outside of the coven and the deeper ones within the confidence of his allies. That's his public lifestyle. ]

Visual Information

  • Eye Color: Hazel

  • Hair Color: Sleek Black

  • Hair Style: Short Spiked

  • Skin Color: Ashy Beige (Caucasian)

  • Clothing: Boldly colored Cloak dragging to ankles, typically Black, Blue, or Red, alongside White or Black Trousers to match atop Leather Boots.

  • Height: 6 ft

  • Body Build: Athletic Body Shape


[ Visual Information
  • Typically one short blade at a time, either a simple sword or a longer dagger. He doesn't hold any particularly close to him, often interchanging them.

  • Nehemiah speaks with a scratchy shallow voice, with odd inflections and pauses across his sentences. Generally he doesn't speak with any powerful emotions in his voice, more of a sound that walks a strange line between annoyance and foreign wisdom. ]
Personality and Abilities

  • First Paragraph: Nehemiah's charm and physical attraction tend to pull people towards him, though he does not take any great joy in the attentions of humans. People who know who he is are few in number, but would know to fear him and his associating coven. He would more than likely accentuate his social skills amongst other vampires, seeking their compassions far more than those of humans, in particular the vampires of his coven. People who meet the Jack of All Trades humming and drinking in the tavern would be amused by his company. People who meet the stealthy shape shifting stalker of the night would feel otherwise.

  • Second Paragraph: Nehemiah is a conditional sociopath, taking no value in relationships with humans, but still feigning them in an unmotivated pursuit of bodily pleasures. An overdeveloped superiority complex is kept muffled around humans, but his anxieties and true emotions are revealed when in the presence of his coven, whom he holds responsible for bringing meaning to his life, and therefore values above all else. For this reason he also presents himself more wholeheartedly amongst other vampires, but nothing at all close to his interactions with the older members of his coven. He doesn't so much hold himself in high regard as much as he does discreetly disregard people around him. He takes his pride in his Vampirism, and values other vampires as equals to him, but he happily and humbly bends his knee to his older brothers and sisters of his coven.

  • Third Paragraph: Nehemiah's family is dead, but he considers his coven as the perfect family, whom he treats with all the love he can afford, placing them above all else. His loyalty is almost obsessive, though he does respect his coven's boundaries and is careful to aid them more than he may seek their attention. Alternatively, Nehemiah acts very neutrally amongst normal people, as they fail to arouse complex or interesting emotions in him, nothing more than minimal respect or short impulses of lust, and more often than not annoyance, all of which he tends to keep discreet regardless. Observant people will note his disinterest in them, and take it as a sign to leave. Others remain and are either ignored or are lured in as a New thrall for the coven to feast upon, however they deem fit. The human women whom Nehemiah sleeps with are nothing more than playthings to keep him satiated, with whom he avoids forging any attachment beyond the physical. Vampiric women are a much more valuable presence to him however, whom he would court with great respect and dignity, seeking a much deeper connection rather than a solely sexual one. His coven gave him what he considers as a new life, as they taught him how to live and feel emotion: something he never felt as a mortal man. He perceives (thinks he this passion with the living dead whom he meets each day, leading him to This This is roughly the same as the first paragraph, but you'd have to get more specific about how your character acts around friends and family and lovers, people they are naturally more comfortable with. Detail how this differs from how they are perceived by strangers.

  • Fourth Paragraph: Nehemiah understands morals and ethics but does not follow them amongst humans, choosing to be a scandalous, cheating, inappropriate and seductive icon. At most he wouldn't act impolite in a more professional setting.? Nehemiah is an evil person who does evil things each passing day, but still holds extreme sentiment towards the security and desires of the coven. The coven is inherently evil and his infatuation with it and desire to serve it makes him just as evil, and more often than not worse. He Doesn't criticize or call out the good or evil in people, unless they are people who act for or against the coven and its members, to which he acts to extremes, whether they be gratitude, or Hellish vengeance.

  • Nehemiah has only one emotional attachment, making him nearly emotionally invincible, but that one vulnerability may lead to be his downfall. Nehemiah will do anything to preserve the honor and security of the Coven. He would act emotionally or foolishly in reaction to any people who offend the coven in front of him, humans above other vampires. He would start fights, commit murder, and all else.
Personality and Abilities

  • Nehemiah tends to change his gaze when in conversation, his eyes shifting around the other person's face, from eyes, to nose, to cheeks, to forehead, to alternative cheek, repeating.

  • Nehemiah is a skilled fighter in close quarters and outdoors, being able to follow enemies for long periods of time without detection and remaining effective with a dagger.

  • Nehemiah is taught in alchemy, particularly in the production of poisons and medicines, alongside their applications.

  • Nehemiah can harness mild charisma in conversation to get what he wants, though it is nothing remarkable.

  • Describe three different activities, things or items that your character loves to see, do, taste or smell. Generally speaking these are things that make your character happy and in a good mood when they are near them/doing them. Go into detail why they love these things and then also explain how it makes them feel.

  • Nehemiah despises people who find their value in the material world such as the overly wealthy

  • Victoria Strain
Player: NPC

Relationship: Former Broodmother

  • Severyn Strain
Player: Deetrip

Relationship: Current Broodfather

  • Karl Strain
Player: word6

Relationship: Coven Brother]

Life Story

Nehemiah Grain was a sociopath born to a well off middle class family, a charming Doctor and his educated herbalist wife, who's conjoined efforts set them on financial stability. Rather than socializing as a child before joining the school of Darkmark, Nehemiah spent his childhood shadowing his family's work, observing his father's ability to charm patients and other people skills, alongside learning from his mother's medicine skills. He spent his entire youth absorbing all of this information until he joined the school of Darkmark.

Darkmark was kind to Nehemiah so long as he kept to his own. Nehemiah went out of his way to become an effective practitioner with shorter blades, discreet weapons that he could use practically and discreetly, thinking from a self-defense perspective. Time passed however, and as the appeal of people and social life faded, Nehemiah began to train in more aggressive and murderous styles of combat, sneaking and chasing enemies, feeling a faint rush when he thought of killing. He continued degrading the value of human life progressively more and more as he grew older, becoming colder and more distant until he grew up. Upon graduating from the School of Darkmark, Nehemiah found himself giving up on attempting to forge relationships, failing to see the emotional value in them, his only fulfillment coming from drinking, sex, and killing, the latter more than the others.

Nehemiah returned home to collect a large inheritance, which he lived off of for 10 years. A decade of roaming from village to village, drinking heavily and sleeping lightly, taking advantage of whatever women he could before moving on, and taking progressively more and more lives as he traveled, all in a search for some form of pleasure or motivation. He left an entire inns' occupants dead in their drinks when he filled the mead supply with his own conconcted Jinyu du, and walked away, which turned the eyes of Victoria Strain, the broodmother of a young Vampire coven. She appeared before him, seeing his lack of attachments as a possible weapon, eventually turning him into a vampire one drunken night they spent together. He woke up the next day to a new life with a newly found passion for Victoria, a passion he had not yet experienced, passions and emotions that he shared with the rest of the members of the young coven, spending the next 20 years as their brother, a twisted family unified under a seductive mother. At this time Nehemiah changed his surname into Strain, in recognition of his new family with the coven.

Despite her desperate efforts, Victoria Strain lost the loyalty of the coven when a set of events rendered her mortal. She was slain soon after and replaced by Severyn Strain, the eldest of the Coven and most respected. Victoria's death had a surprisingly minimal effect on Nehemiah, finding himself more enamored with serving the desires and needs of the Coven and its core members rather than an inherent "leader." Nehemiah now lives as a faithful servant to the Coven's desires, spending any separate hours playing with people as he did before, a passtime compared to the life that he loves with the coven.
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You there god? It's me Dudi. We haven't talked in a while. Can you approve this for me? I'll come to church more.
Specify race. Alorian is not a race, Ailor is the generic human. If you choose Ailor, you will also need to pick a culture.

Your proficiencies and vampirism traits are outdated. Both of these systems have been updated, see the wiki.

Vampirism does not give an increased age cap now unless certain traits are taken, that said. I will hold off on any further review until you overlook the changes made to these systems and update your application in accordance.

Awful long wait... could you take another look at this for me please?
Hey, are you still planning to look at this for me? I've been waiting on you for a bit and I don't know whether or not you're gonna come through . . .
You need to include body shape calculation in skill information.