Need Some Advice.


Jun 2, 2013
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America > Europe
I'm wanting to buy a new computer but not sure if a certain build is what I'm wanting. I don't know much about computers so that's why I need help.

This is a cheap build that I found and all I'm really wanting is to play minecraft or some other games at about 50-60+ fps. If someone who knows a lot about computers could help me, that would be great.

I have a pretty small budget since I want to be able to get this as soon as possible.

Thanks! <3
What other games do you want to play? Because if you want to play stuff like Battlefield etc, then I can tell you, that this wont be enough. Im not even sure if minecraft will run on that decent. And I highly doubt it will run on about 60 fps.
Yeah dude you might wanna do a little better than this, a Mac could probably get more fps than this build would.
I have a pretty small budget since I want to be able to get this as soon as possible.
I highly suggest waiting then and saving up more money. If you end up getting this build, and realize that it falls considerably low of expectations, you just pissed away all the money you could have used for a much nicer component on another PC. I suggest waiting, and getting these at a minimum:
  • Intel I5 (CPU)
  • Geforce GTX 760
I know @Joshy54100 did a really nice build awhile back, although it was in the 1,000+ range. Maybe he could help build you with something better suited for your budget. To get a decent PC that will play Minecraft and other games at fair, you're probably looking at the $600-800 range.
I use a 2 year old 500 dollar non gaming laptop and using a custom high res texture pack I still get a good consistent 40ish fps. Minecraft isn't really hardware intensive.

To put it in perspective my laptop has issues playing games like Fallout 3 and NV at even the lowest settings.
If your just playing minecraft then it is best to get a good CPU as the game is more demanding on the CPU than the graphics card
My lad uses the same graphics card and he gets around 30+ fps when I alter the settings he gets more.

If you want to get a good cheap system you could build with older parts from ebay that are still really good. I'm using a system I built 6+ years ago and it's never faulted and I can run most if not all game titles atm
I'm wanting to buy a new computer but not sure if a certain build is what I'm wanting. I don't know much about computers so that's why I need help.

This is a cheap build that I found and all I'm really wanting is to play minecraft or some other games at about 50-60+ fps. If someone who knows a lot about computers could help me, that would be great.

I have a pretty small budget since I want to be able to get this as soon as possible.

Thanks! <3
I would take @Alj23's advice and wait a bit to buy this. As someone who has built their own gaming PC, I would say you at least want mid range components in your computer that you can upgrade later.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Core i5-4440 3.1GHz Quad-Core Processor ($173.95 @ SuperBiiz)
Motherboard: MSI Z97 PC MATE ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($82.99 @ Newegg)
Memory: Corsair Vengeance 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory ($49.99 @ Newegg)
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 500GB 3.5&quot; 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($47.69 @ OutletPC)
Video Card: MSI GeForce GTX 960 2GB Video Card ($179.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Case: Corsair 200R ATX Mid Tower Case ($47.99 @ Micro Center)
Power Supply: Corsair CX 500W 80+ Bronze Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply ($34.00 @ Newegg)
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 8.1 OEM (64-bit) ($87.98 @ OutletPC)
Total: $704.58
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-05-30 18:49 EDT-0400

This is a good example of a midrange build. I know that this is almost 7 times the price of the "PC" you put in the original post, but that thing is a disgrace and would barely get playable framerates even in Minecraft. You could probably downgrade a few of these, specifically the RAM to 4GB, and the CPU to an i3, and still be a decent computer. Here is an example of a lower tier build I found on /r/buildapc:

You could probably go lower, but then it's going to start getting tough to cut costs while not sacrificing large amounts of performance as well.

Helpful links for building a PC: (I know you already know about this, putting it here for others) (Some good builds here at different price points. Start at the Next Gen Crusher, everything below that isn't for gaming and will do very badly for that)
Too be honest, the fact that you were going to choose 2x 1gb sticks of ram, I felt like I had to say something. I play on a lovely brand new(Ish) laptop which is at this link ( except I have 8gb ram ), its way out of your price range but its an example. I use this more than my other laptops and I often have Windows 8 Skype (App) and Skype (Downloadable) up, Minecraft, steam and Origin and I rarely exceed 6gb's of Ram, I play with Shaders and a high-res texture pack and normally get around 20-30 fps on standard settings.

Minecraft is one tricky game, this is the most hardest game I have run on my computer - Battlefield runs better than it .-.

Basically, get a Duel core processor, dedicated graphics card and 6gb ram. That works alot.
Honestly there's no point buying a PC like that. It's not going to perform at all good, and it's better to just save up for a while and by a PC at around $500. That's as cheap as you want to buy.

@WU_Walrus I'm sorry man, but that's not true. Minecraft isn't a CPU dependant game. I ran a Intel i7 CPU for almost 3 months before I bought the GTX 780 ti graphics card to complete my build. Only then did it perform this well.
Minecraft is more highly optimised for high-end GPU's then many games, so it doesn't and wouldn't rely solely on CPU's which would take longer to process.
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I'm sorry man, but that's not true. Minecraft isn't a CPU dependant game. I ran a Intel i7 CPU for almost 3 months before I bought the GTX 780 ti graphics card to complete my build. Only then did it perform this well.
Minecraft is more highly optimised for high-end GPU's then many games, so it doesn't and wouldn't rely on CPU's which would take longer to process.[/USER]
Do you have a source that Minecraft is not CPU intensive? I've never heard that it was anything but CPU intensive. Especially looking at it from a coding perspective, it would make sense that it is CPU intensive, since the graphics is only rendering the world after the CPU has to worry about mobs, chunks, and a lot of other stuff in the background. While a GPU is what will launch your PC into the really high FPS ranges (I have a GTX 970 so I get like 500 fps), but the CPU is the foundation for the GPU to really go to work and deliver high frames.
Do you have a source that Minecraft is not CPU intensive? I've never heard that it was anything but CPU intensive. Especially looking at it from a coding perspective, it would make sense that it is CPU intensive, since the graphics is only rendering the world after the CPU has to worry about mobs, chunks, and a lot of other stuff in the background. While a GPU is what will launch your PC into the really high FPS ranges (I have a GTX 970 so I get like 500 fps), but the CPU is the foundation for the GPU to really go to work and deliver high frames.
I personally thinks it's evidence enough, at least for me, seeing the where the difference in performance came from when I built my new PC. Performance in my game improved to do my GPU, not my CPU.
Probably didn't explain my statement that well though.
What I'm meaning is, you can't simply spend lots of money on the CPU and forget about the GPU and expect minecraft to run well.
Minecraft's performance isn't solely reliant on how great your CPU is.
@NoMatter_ Of course if you buy a $400 graphic card minecraft will run better, minecraft draws from CPU and GPU. But unless your running shaders or other visual mods you really dont need a good graphics card but a decent cpu and ram.
Links @Joshy54100
He's looking to get higher numbers in fps, whilst CPU will help render things faster. I would not solely recommend him spend good money on a CPU and RAM if he's trying to achieve high FPS.
A Balance between the two is what he needs.
Maybe a Fx-6300 CPU with a GTX 750 ti is a good combo.
Obviously it's crucial he has 8 GB of RAM though, otherwise his game will crash a lot more.
This is a decent mid-range build ($580) with a video guide of how to build it, made by PCPartPicker:

Here is another higher end build ($760) that will yield much, much better performance:
@NoMatter_ You twisted my words man i merely said not to cop out on the CPU as it is often overlooked of course a graphics card is needed. Never mentioned only buying a cpu
@NoMatter_ You twisted my words man i merely said not to cop out on the CPU as it is often overlooked of course a graphics card is needed. Never mentioned only buying a cpu
Whoo man, relax with the talk, I did no such thing.
"If your just playing minecraft then it is best to get a good CPU as the game is more demanding on the CPU than the graphics card".
That, at least to me, sounds like you're prioritising buying a CPU over a GPU.
My reply, I think you need to prioritise them equally.
I wouldn't recommend him put more money into the CPU than the GPU.