Need A City Builder!!! 500s+ For Payment


Nogrom GreyGold
Jun 18, 2013
Reaction score
I am looking for a city builder someone on the level of Saintsdemon to build a creative city in the new world. I will pay upwards of 500s and try to consistently supply what is needed. I want it to have an undead feel but still look good and stand out from any city that is made have a bit of a wizardy lich feel. please post screen shots of any buildings you have made. I will also want this done in a timely manner nto sayign ti has to be done super fast but i dont want it to take 3 or 4 months lol also i will need it built where the building perfectly encompass a 1 or 2 chunks as long as the house or tavern or what ever fits into a chunk or 2 it will be perfect.
As an undead/lich place, I would think such a city should be located underground, such as in a natural crevice. If so you would need to hire some people to help clear out room, aside from just the builder.
I am looking for a city builder someone on the level of Saintsdemon to build a creative city in the new world. I will pay upwards of 500s and try to consistently supply what is needed. I want it to have an undead feel but still look good and stand out from any city that is made have a bit of a wizardy lich feel. please post screen shots of any buildings you have made. I will also want this done in a timely manner nto sayign ti has to be done super fast but i dont want it to take 3 or 4 months lol also i will need it built where the building perfectly encompass a 1 or 2 chunks as long as the house or tavern or what ever fits into a chunk or 2 it will be perfect.

A city of these requirements and this much effort, as well as I'm assuming we use our matierals, wouldb both more then 500 Silver payment.
Try 1000.