Art Auction Need 2 Buy Textbooks

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guinea pig gremlin
Staff member
World 2
Aug 14, 2018
Reaction score

With fall courses starting, I've found myself in need of textbooks for my social psych and humanities courses. The auction is the same as the last one, just with updated + more examples of work I've completed recently. I have two skins to finish before I crack open these ones, but I'll do my best to get them done in a timely manner.


Starting Bid On All Slots : 5 USD.
Minimum Increase : 1 USD.
Maximum Increase : 4 USD.
Buyout on any of the slots : 25 USD.

I reserve the right to cancel the auction at any time. I also reserve the right to deny bids based on the person bidding. If you win, I will communicate to you my ability to skin what you're asking for. If it's too difficult, I may ask you to choose different references. No all black clothing references.
I am best at skinning humanoids. I will not be skinning Url, Allar, or Sihai shifts. I also have a preference for women, but men are fine too. Just realized that's a funny sexuality joke. Keeping that in there.


Desired Slot (1-5):
Tag Last Bidder:

The auction expires after 24 hours, or after buyout. Again, I do have two skins to complete before I take on these ones, but those should be completed shortly.








Examples of my skins.

By purchasing a skin from me, you agree to the following rules:

You will not resell the skin, period. Regardless of edits you make.
You will only edit the skin for personal use.
You understand buying a skin is buying the rights to use the skin, and not the actual skin itself. I will always maintain ownership of a skin.
You will communicate any major edits to me - I'd prefer to do them myself, than to see a botched job from someone else.

slot 1 - lizmun
slot 2 - kirishark
slot 3 - brodie LOL
slot 4 - vivamente
slot 5 - nari
Last edited:
Username: Messtro
Desired Slot (1-5): 1
Bid: SB
Tag Last Bidder: N/A
Username: F0llower
Desired Slot (1-5): 2
Bid: SB ($5)
Tag Last Bidder: N/a
Username: Aurelian30k
Desired Slot (1-5): 3
Bid: 20
Tag Last Bidder N/A
Good luck with your social science studies, I know what the grind is like.
Username: Arhbi
Desired Slot (1-5): 4
Bid: SB
Tag Last Bidder: N/A

(I realised I was bad at skinning and want you to shade the base I just bought)
Username: SorryNari
Desired Slot (1-5): 5
Bid: AB
Tag Last Bidder: na
Username: AtticCat
Desired Slot (1-5): 5
Bid: 6
Tag Last Bidder: @SorryNari
Username: kirishark
Slot: 2
Bid: Buyout
Last bidder @Lizmun (I'm sorry)
Username: Lizmun
Slot: 1
Bid: $20 (changed from buyout because I misread the buyout as being 20, I hope that's ok)
Previous Bidder: @Gwyndo
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