Nebulae's Writing Desk (facs+rp)


The Everwatcher :powerful:
May 14, 2019
Reaction score
Somewhere in the Canadian Wilderness
Why hello there. No, this isn't a skin or art shop. (You can tell from the lack of pretty pictures.) This service is primarily for people who want someone to make them some faction lore, but I won't shy away from doing some char sheet consulting too.

Here's what I can do for you in regards to faction lore:
-Write a faction's origin story.
-Write an event that took place in your factions' past.
-Create your faction's system of government.
-Write a legal code, make public holidays/festivals (and more)
-Check if your faction lore is Aloria lore-compliant.
-General consulting work on how to improve what you have written, or give you some ideas on where to start.
-Want something not on this list? Ask!

If you're looking for some help with roleplay:
-Give you ideas on how to start a new char
-Help you with your developing char sheet (I'm not making it for you, tho)
-Want something not on this list? Ask!

The Rules:
So obviously if you're not an officer or leader of your fac, I'm not doing any business with you on behalf of your fac.
There's no set price, each client will negotiate their own. And I'm not taking real money, so you can either pay me in regals (or by gifting me a server rank if it's a big project.)
I reserve the right to refuse your application or stop working on your commission at any time. However, if I give up, you get all the work I have and your money back plus some more as an apology fee from me.

My Work:
This list will be updated as I complete projects. Take a look at my char sheets in my signature.
-The Constitution of Tanith is my greatest and most involved work as of now. An excellent example of the larger projects I can undertake for you.
-Jerusalem, MyCatBubbles: Completed

Your Application: (Reply to me like this)
What you want from me:
Your price range:
Your Discord info:
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