Preserved Sheet Nebrahc | Ransokh

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Amateur Artist
Dec 19, 2022
Reaction score
The Great Masterpiece

......Nebrahc | Ransokh......
۞ Light-bringer ۞

" Survived as a Katharic street rat of Parthanaar "
" until his cleansing by the Justice Arken to live off of Exist. "

Fled from Parthanaar and traversed Allorn despite intense ostracism
" before finally landing in Regalia where he hopes to find peace. "

Aspires to become a powerful enforcer of true Justice at any cost,
" even if it means overstepping Metropolitan Law. "

Character Information
..Full Name: Nebrahc Ravat Ceartiirn Dar-Ornn Raz-Parthanaar
..Cahalic Alias: Ransokh
..Race: Cult of Light Kathar [*] + Highborn Cahal []
..Age: 20
..Gender: Male
..Eye Color: Blue Irises​

..Strength: 5
..Constitution: 7
..Wisdom: 0
..Dexterity: 0
..Exist Magic: 0
..Charisma [Invaded Spirit]: 2


..Native Pannarokh

Appearance Information
..Grey skin tone
..Glowing blue hair
..Blue irises
..Mutated sclera, pupils, and blood shift shades and hues based on mood
..Luminescent silver lines across body
..Back bears the hidden imprint of fiery crossed swords
..Stunted Nelfin height [5'3"]
..Wears various plain clothes although typically with white​
..Black-purple obsidian body
..Four faces sanctioned from Drulailmon
..Dark cyan glowing hair
..Eyes of cyan fire
..Luminescent silver lines across body
..Back bears the imprint of fiery crossed swords
..Stunted Nelfin height [5'3"]
..Wears blue trimmed with gold​

Life Story
..Abandoned at a Future House in Parthanaar soon after birth (0)​
..Ran away from the Future House to become a sewer rat (9)​
..Early Adulthood
..Joined Cult of Shadows as a lover of stealth (~18)
..Cleansed by Justice during his first mission as an assassin (~19)​
..Searches Regalia for acceptance and meaning (present)​
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@ChapterDeath I've decided on necessary substantial adjustments to Nebrahc/Ransokh's ability set:
  • Removed Heavy Pack (Knockback Sweep), Coward Pack (Crocodile Tears), Ironheart Pack, Medical Pack (Healing Hands), Trickery Pack (Dirty Fighter), and Breaking (Break Enchant).
  • Added Unyielding Pack (Steady Body), Demolisher Pack (Force Smash), Earthenware Craft Pack, Blessings (Healing Hands), Trailing Pack (Bloody Shot) and Regeneration Pack (Limb Recovery).
  • Replaced semi-redundant Accursed Vision curses special with Accursed Fall.
  • Added 3 new curses specials (came with Regeneration Pack): Accursed Heartbeat, Dueling Brand, and Wallwalking.
IC Reasoning: Nebrahc/Ransokh fully commits now to the speed-fighter brawling style of combat. No more tricks, rather he aims to end encounters directly and quickly with style.
OOC Reasoning: I've finally begun to specialize my character rather than picking "the best" abilities. The latter looked great on paper but suffered in combat due to bloat and lack in certain areas. These changes better reflect the nature of Ransokh's Cahalic form and work more cohesively as an overall kit.
  • Knockback Sweep was usually countered easily with Steady Body, proving absolutely futile since he has no further displacing abilities.
  • Crocodile Tears represented Nebrahc's past as a weak sewer rat of Parthanaar, but contrasts Ransokh who emanates Cahalic resolution to struggle till the bitter end.
  • Ironheart Pack works primarily with HP counters so I'm removing this in advance of the upcoming update.
  • Healing Hands was swapped from Artificer to Exist-Magic to keep the Spell-based Abilities lost from removing Breaking. They never used the Artificer's Biotic or Hacking patents, both of which were also contrary to their overall character.
  • Dirty Fighter was interesting, but never quite fit Ransokh's vibe since I only picked it up because it was powerful. He also has too many reaction abilities.
  • Break Enchant will be revamped soon and thus I shall preemptively remove it.
  • Steady Body makes sense for a dense, obsidian form.
  • Force Smash represents the muscular force Ransokh now possesses from his frequent training sessions.
  • Earthenware Craft Pack lets my character craft obsidian items while being made of obsidian themselves, which sounds based.
  • Bloody Shot looks bloody cool when Ransokh shoots one of his own serrated claws using Arcane Ranged.
  • Limb Recovery and Accursed Fall further demonstrate their resiliency.
  • Accursed Heartbeat and Wallwalking justify being creepy.
  • Dueling Brand is a quality of life special to aid Ransokh in their insatiable desire for training.
I realize this is a major change and that I've been updating my character rather frequently ever since I joined. Thoughtful examination combined with experience contributes to every part. Hopefully it'll be the last request for a very long while. I'm quite satisfied with their coherent build now.
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